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If you're just looking for client side validation to and from the API, zod and others are much better tools. If you're looking for a way to generate a state store from the swagger API, you could use the volatile state within a MST model, or just a regular mobx observable depending on your needs. MST is opinionated and likes to have its structure known from the start. Mobx observable/auto observables work well with DTO's and plain JS objects, maps, arrays, etc. and you can create a more generic set of actions to update the state. Where I think MST shines is in the middleware so even if you wrap your state store inside MST models, you can still use MST actions to interact with that state. Then you have all kinds of options with the dependency injection examples, logging, validation, etc. So if you think through your needs a bit, you could create a library of generic actions that can be composed and added to any model. Middleware is basically a pipe function that receives not just the state on the node it was called, but of the entire tree. It's both fun and dangerous. The parts you'll lose from MST are the JSON patches and some snapshotting capabilities and other events because the state for the app is not in the MST model itself. You could probably get tricky with frozen types and just have them hydrate your app state without necessarily making any API calls. The problem with frozen types is that the entire value updates, so if you have a client component watching that frozen type you will probably render more than you want to. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that MST is an opinionated structure for storing observable state data. It works best when you define your data structures. While it is typed and you can do some transforms to and from snapshots, I lean towards zod for this type of functionality, or just write my own mappers/validators. You can get somewhat creative by creating functions to generate models at runtime, but you'll lose much of the developer experience this way and probably run into some funky typescript challenges as well. I may have misunderstood your thoughts entirely and if I did let me know and maybe I have some other thoughts. Everything I just mentioned may be overkill for most things, but maybe you'll find some value and come up with basic patterns that are useful to you. hth Here's a very sloppy example of some of what I was talking about: import {
type IAnyModelType,
type IAnyStateTreeNode,
} from 'mobx-state-tree';
import { type IObservable, observable, type ObservableMap } from 'mobx';
type DtoGeneratedFromSwagger<A = any> = A;
export const SomeClientSideState = t.model('SomeClientSideState', {
clientSideProps: t.string,
(s) => {
const appState: Record<string, DtoGeneratedFromSwagger> =;
const someFunctionToGetApiData = async () => await {};
const someFunctionToUpdateApiData = async (params: any) => await {};
return {
actions: {
setCurrentState(key: string, value: any) {
s.currentState.set(key, value);
fromApi: flow(function* fromApi() {
// do some async stuff
const data = yield someFunctionToGetApiData();
// or using dependency injection
// const data = yield getEnv<ApiAdapter>(s).fromApi();
appState.set('someKey', data);
toApi: flow(function* toApi(key: string, value: any) {
// do some async stuff
yield someFunctionToUpdateApiData({ key, value }).then(() => {
appState.set(key, value);
}).catch((error) => {
// handle error
views: {
get someViewImportantToYourClient() {
return appState.get('data');
state: {
* You can return all or part of the state here. Be sure not to mutate it without using actions.
* Maps get a little complicated as well since they return references. If you do something like const item = appState.get('item') you can mutate item directly like item['prop'] = 'value'. Be responsible!! :)
* You could use autorun and other mobx utilities with this object as needed.
const someMiddleware = (
state: IAnyStateTreeNode,
validators?: (args: any) => boolean,
) =>
addMiddleware(state, (call, next) => { === 'toApi' && console.log('toApi called');
validators && validators(call.args)
? console.log('valid')
: console.log('invalid');
return next(call);
// API Adapter
const someApiAdapter = () => {
return {
toApi: (key: string, value: any) => {},
fromApi: () => {},
type ApiAdapter = ReturnType<typeof someApiAdapter>;
// Setup
const createStateNode = (apiAdapter: ApiAdapter) =>
clientSideProps: 'some value',
}, { apiAdapter });
// Usage
const clientState = createStateNode(someApiAdapter());
clientState.toApi('key', { key: 'data', value: 'some value' });
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@OnkelTem - I want to really commend you for jumping in with this. I think it's an interesting idea, and I get where you're coming from. I still need to digest the actual proposal here before I can respond to the technical parts of it. But I can provide some project-level guidance to you. This is a pretty different use case than our typical users ask for, and we already have an informal initiative to reduce our API surface area. At the same time, we have some high priority items to take care of in the library, and limited time to do it in (this is how it goes in open source, haha). That said, I always prioritize community contributions, either to the repo, or when people produce projects that are complementary to MST. My recommendation for you, if you really want to see this in MST, is to write a separate tool to do this kind of Swagger/OpenAPI to MST codegen. It doesn't need to be production ready. Just a POC. Then drop a link to it in this discussion so we can dig in. You certainly don't have to go it alone. I would love to help with something like that, although I can only commit to providing guidance, not actual hands-on-keyboard time. But if you wanted to get started, I could give you a tour of the MST codebase, a rundown on the design philosophy, and details about our roadmap, along with feedback on your code. If you (and/or others) did something like that, I would do everything in my power to make sure you have what you need to complete it. I also can't guarantee we will merge it into MST proper, since that has far reaching implications for our users. But I can certainly at least make sure it ends up in the official documentation, and that we collaborate across the codebases to maintain compatibility. If you needed a small code change to hook into MST somewhere, we'd be quite amenable to that. And if things go really well with the separate project, it's very likely we could find a path forward to merge it. This is the process I'm taking for my own project, to make MST compatible with the React compiler. My plan is to develop it separately from MST, and find natural integration points where they make sense. I'll continue to think about this proposal, and I encourage people to discuss it further. But nothing beats a working prototype! |
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Let me describe a pretty common situation in a regular JS project with a REST-like API:
One of simplest tools for that is swagger-typescript-api
It generates API types and methods. The only
realJavaScript part is methods.Other people use more sophisticated generators from OpenAPITools set, e.g.:

In addition to types these generators usually produce some JS for data format conversions.
Now back to types.
MST models cannot use TypeScript DTOs as generics.1
So we cannot create a model for an existing type. We can only create an "unattended" model and then claim its type to be the right one (still - not without tricks, e.g.: #2238)
But here is another approach: we can make a step backwards at the generator level and generate not the TS defs, but instead - MST JS models and get typings with
typeof <model>.infer
.Yeah, I know, I am a great dreamer haha. Seriously, did you folks run across something like this?
After some investigation I can add: as well as Zod, Yup and presumably many other validators, in fact I found only one exception - ArkType 1:1 validator and that part is still a matter of future changes ↩
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