- the scheduler - contains and coordinates all the services that make up a flor "unit"
- ganger - receives tasks from the scheduler and hands them to the right tasker
- hooker - sees any message passing and may alter them, mostly triggers
- loader - used by other services to load start variables, taskers, libraries, definitions
- runner - used by hooker and ganger to run/invoke taskers and hooks
- storage - the service between flor and Sequel
- spooler - watches a "spool" dir for incoming flor messages (launch requests, answers from taskers, ...)
- logger - currently bicephalous, the hooker hands it all messages for logging (will do nothing unless in debug mode) and receives log/info/warn/error calls and logs them
(I should proably split this logger in two)
- wait list - a small service only relevant in spec/tests, lets Ruby code wait until an message is seen in flor
- executors
- taskers