bibliography |
[Topic] ([abbreviation if it has one]) is an algorithm/model/idea that [whatever is most important to know / how is it different from similar ideas]. In your summary here, aim to answer the following questions:
- Why is this important?
- When might somebody need to use this?
- What prerequisites should someone look at first?
Write this so that an mlabber can skim it and quickly see why it's interesting. If you need citations, point to an appropriate bibliography file above.
This section is for going a little deeper. Try to analyze (break apart) how the method or idea works. What's the key equation or theory that makes this work? Or what was the primary insight of the paper?
Think of this section as expert-level. The reader knows the high-level idea as well as the fundamental building blocks. Synthesize (put it together) for them. Don't be afraid to present a complicated proof if you deem it relevant.