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purchase schema


# Table Name Owner Tablespace Description
1 item_cost_prices frapid_db_user DEFAULT
2 order_details frapid_db_user DEFAULT
3 orders frapid_db_user DEFAULT
4 price_types frapid_db_user DEFAULT
5 purchase_returns frapid_db_user DEFAULT
6 purchases frapid_db_user DEFAULT
7 quotation_details frapid_db_user DEFAULT
8 quotations frapid_db_user DEFAULT


# Sequence Name Owner Data Type Start Value Increment Description
1 item_cost_prices_item_cost_price_id_seq frapid_db_user bigint 1 1
2 order_details_order_detail_id_seq frapid_db_user bigint 1 1
3 orders_order_id_seq frapid_db_user bigint 1 1
4 price_types_price_type_id_seq frapid_db_user bigint 1 1
5 purchase_returns_purchase_return_id_seq frapid_db_user bigint 1 1
6 purchases_purchase_id_seq frapid_db_user bigint 1 1
7 quotation_details_quotation_detail_id_seq frapid_db_user bigint 1 1
8 quotations_quotation_id_seq frapid_db_user bigint 1 1


# View Name Owner Tablespace Description
1 item_cost_price_scrud_view frapid_db_user DEFAULT
2 item_view frapid_db_user DEFAULT

Materialized Views

# Matview Name Owner Tablespace Description


# Function Owner Description
1 get_account_payables_report(_office_id integer, _from date)RETURNS TABLE(office_id integer, office_name character varying, account_id integer, account_number character varying, account_name character varying, previous_period numeric, current_period numeric, total_amount numeric) frapid_db_user
2 get_item_cost_price(_item_id integer, _supplier_id bigint, _unit_id integer)RETURNS money_strict2 frapid_db_user
3 get_order_view(_user_id integer, _office_id integer, _supplier character varying, _from date, _to date, _expected_from date, _expected_to date, _id bigint, _reference_number character varying, _internal_memo character varying, _terms character varying, _posted_by character varying, _office character varying)RETURNS TABLE(id bigint, supplier character varying, value_date date, expected_date date, reference_number character varying, terms character varying, internal_memo character varying, posted_by character varying, office character varying, transaction_ts timestamp with time zone) frapid_db_user
4 get_price_type_id_by_price_type_code(_price_type_code character varying)RETURNS integer frapid_db_user
5 get_price_type_id_by_price_type_name(_price_type_name character varying)RETURNS integer frapid_db_user
6 get_quotation_view(_user_id integer, _office_id integer, _supplier character varying, _from date, _to date, _expected_from date, _expected_to date, _id bigint, _reference_number character varying, _internal_memo character varying, _terms character varying, _posted_by character varying, _office character varying)RETURNS TABLE(id bigint, supplier character varying, value_date date, expected_date date, reference_number character varying, terms character varying, internal_memo character varying, posted_by character varying, office character varying, transaction_ts timestamp with time zone) frapid_db_user
7 get_supplier_id_by_supplier_code(text)RETURNS bigint frapid_db_user
8 post_purchase(_office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _book_date date, _cost_center_id integer, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _supplier_id integer, _price_type_id integer, _shipper_id integer, _details purchase.purchase_detail_type[])RETURNS bigint frapid_db_user
9 post_return(_transaction_master_id bigint, _office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _book_date date, _cost_center_id integer, _supplier_id integer, _price_type_id integer, _shipper_id integer, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _details purchase.purchase_detail_type[])RETURNS bigint frapid_db_user


# Trigger Owner Description


# Type Base Type Owner Collation Default Type StoreType NotNull Description
1 purchase_detail_type - frapid_db_user Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary False

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