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Behringer Extension Library

Christian edited this page Feb 10, 2025 · 2 revisions

This document explains the Behringer Extension Library which is provided under controllers/behringer-extension-scripts.js. Main target audience is the group of mapping creators.


The library is an extension to Components JS. It contains

  1. A framework to declare a controller mapping in JavaScript
  2. Additional Components

Initial purpose of this library was to simplify the mapping of two Behringer controllers. Despite its name, it doesn't require anything Behringer-specific. It is a generic library that may be used for any controller mapping.


This library was not developed by the core developer team. It might be that its underlying concepts do not match the long-term direction of controller mapping development. Therefore, it might be required to introduce incompatible changes in future if mainline development requires so. The name Behringer was kept as part of the name to prevent general use by accident. Keep this in mind before using it.

Controller Mapping Framework

The framework allows to define the input and output bindings of a controller mapping in JavaScript by declaring a GenericMidiController object.


      hideEmptyMembersBox: true
class GenericMidiController {
  + GenericMidiController(options: object)
  + init(controllerId: string, debug: boolean)
  + shutdown()
  + input(channel, control, value, status, group)

A ComponentContainer representing a generic, configurable MIDI controller. It consists of custom decks, effect units and additional component containers, where custom means:

  • Decks may be composed of arbitrary components.
  • Effect units have support for sending output values for encoders.
  • All components are managed by a LayerManager so that they may be put on either the Default or the Shift layer by configuration.

The mapping definitions are defined by a Configuration object. It is read on controller initialization by calling configurationProvider() on the constructor options object.

The input() function dispatches incoming messages to the component with matching MIDI address and layer. It may be referenced from XML, although this is usually not required: since Mixxx 2.6, both input and output bindings are managed via JavaScript. This means that input will work even if the XML element <controls> is omitted.

This example illustrates how to do declare a minmal GenericMidiController:

  • File controllers/Demo.midi.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <MixxxControllerPreset schemaVersion="1" mixxxVersion="2.6+">
        <description>Demo Controller</description>
      <controller id="Demo">
          <file filename="midi-components-0.0.js"/>
          <file filename="Behringer-Extension-scripts.js" />
          <file filename="Demo-scripts.js" functionprefix="Demo" />
  • File controllers/Demo-scripts.js:
    var Demo = new behringer.extension.GenericMidiController({
      configurationProvider: function() {
        return {
          init: function() { print("Initializing DemoController"); },
          decks: [ /* deck definitions */ ],
          effectUnits: [ /* effect unit definitions */ ]

The GenericMidiController was designed for general purpose controllers (such as AKAI APC, AKAI Fire, AKAI midimix, Behringer BCR2000, Behringer X-Touch, DJ Techtools Midi Fighter, Faderfox, Icon Platform M+, Korg nanoKONTROL, Midiplus SmartPAD, Nektar Aura, Novation Launchpad & Studiologic SL Mixface). For real world examples, see Behringer DDM4000 and BCR2000 mappings.


An object that contains all mapping definitions for a controller.

class Configuration {
  decks: DeckDefinition[]
  effectUnits: EffectUnitDefinition[]
  containers: ComponentContainerDefinition[]
  throttleDelay: int

All members are optional.

  • decks: An array of deck definitions.
  • effectUnits: An array of effect unit definitions.
  • containers: An array of component container definitions.
  • throttleDelay: A positive number (in ms) that is used to slow down the initialization of the controller; this option is useful if the hardware is limited to process a certain number of MIDI messages per time.
  • init(): A function that is called when the mapping is loaded, e.g. when Mixxx is started.
  • shutdown(): A function that is called when the mapping is unloaded, e.g. when Mixxx is shutting down.


  throttleDelay: 40,
  init: function() {
    components.Button.prototype.shiftChannel = true;
    components.Button.prototype.shiftOffset = 0x20;
  decks: [{
    deckNumbers: [1],
    components: [
      {type: components.Button, options: {midi: [0x90, 0x01], inKey: "reverseroll"}},
      {type: components.Button, shift: true, options: {midi: [0x90, 0x01], inKey: "reverse", type: c.Button.prototype.types.toggle}},
      // ... more components


Mapping definition for a single Component, e.g. a button or an encoder.

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class ComponentDefinition {
  options: object
  shift: boolean
  • type: Component type (constructor function, required).
  • options: Additional options for the component (object, required).
  • shift: Active only when a Shift button is pressed? (boolean, optional).


{type: components.Button, options: {midi: [0x90, 0x01], inKey: "reverseroll"}}

{type: components.Button, shift: true, options: {midi: [0x90, 0x01], inKey: "reverse", type: c.Button.prototype.types.toggle}}


Mapping definition for a deck (channel) containing components for e.g. play or loop as well as an equalizer and a quick effect unit.

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class DeckDefinition {
  deckNumbers: number[]
  components: ComponentDefinition[]
  equalizerUnit: SimpleEffectUnitDefinition
  quickEffectUnit: SimpleEffectUnitDefinition

class SimpleEffectUnitDefinition {
  midi: object
  feedback: boolean
  output: object


  deckNumbers: [1],
  components: [
    {type: components.Button, options: {midi: [0x90, 0x01], inKey: "reverseroll"}},
    {type: components.Button, shift: true, options: {midi: [0x90, 0x01], inKey: "reverse", type: toggle}},
    // ... more components
  equalizerUnit: {
    midi: {
      parameterKnobs:   {1: [0xB0, 0x06], 2: [0xB0, 0x05], 3: [0xB0, 0x04]},
      parameterButtons: {1: [0x90, 0x02], 2: [0x90, 0x01], 3: [0x90, 0x00]},
    output: {
      parameterButtons: {1: [0xB0, 0x3D], 2: [0xB0, 0x3B], 3: [0xB0, 0x39]},
  quickEffectUnit: {
    midi: {enabled: [0x90, 0x02], super1: [0xB0, 0x06]},
    output: { enabled: [0xB0, 0x3D]},
  • deckNumbers: As defined by components.Deck
  • components (optional): An array of component definitions for the deck
  • equalizerUnit (optional): Equalizer unit definition
  • quickEffectUnit (optional): Quick effect unit definition

This definition is used for both equalizer and quick effect unit of a deck.

  • midi: An object of component definitions for the unit. Each definition is a key-value pair for a component of EqualizerUnit or components.QuickEffectUnit where key is the name of the component and value is the MIDI address.
  • feedback: Enable controller feedback (boolean, optional). When set to true, values of the components in this unit are sent to the hardware controller on changes. The address of the MIDI message is taken from the midi property of the affected component.
  • output: Additional output definitions (optional). The structure of this object is the same as the structure of midi. Every value change of a component contained in output causes a MIDI message to be sent to the hardware controller, using the configured address instead of the component's midi property. This option is independent of the feedback option.


Mapping definition for an effect unit.

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class EffectUnitDefinition {
  unitNumbers: number[]
  midi: object
  feedback: boolean
  output: object
  • unitNumbers: As defined by components.EffectUnit.
  • midi, feedback, output: same as for SimpleEffectUnitDefinition.
  • sendShiftedFor: Type of components that send shifted MIDI messages (optional). When set, all components of this type within this effect unit are configured to send shifted MIDI messages (sendShifted: true).


  unitNumbers: [1, 2],
  midi: {
    dryWetKnob: [0xB0, 0x03],
    effectFocusButton: [0x90, 0x34],
    enableButtons: {1: [0x90, 0x31], 2: [0x90, 0x32], 3: [0x90, 0x33]},
    knobs: {1: [0xB0, 0x00], 2: [0xB0, 0x01], 3: [0xB0, 0x02]},
  sendShiftedFor: components.Button,


Mapping definition for a custom component container. May be used to group components that are not part of a deck or effect unit, e.g. for a sampler, crossfader or microphone.

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class ComponentContainerDefinition {
  components: ComponentDefinition[]
  options: object
  defaultDefinition: object
  • components: An object of component definitions for the component container.
  • options: (object, optional) Constructor argument for the container
  • defaultDefinition: (object, optional) Default definition for components in the container
  • type: (constructor function, optional); default: components.ComponentContainer
  • init: (function, optional) A function that is called after component creation and before first use

The defaultDefinition may be used to avoid repeated declarations of settings for multiple components. It is deep-merged with each component definition before the component is created. If both default and component definition are given, the component definition is preferred.


{ // Crossfader
  defaultDefinition: {options: {group: "[Mixer Profile]"}},
  components: [
    {type: behringer.extension.CrossfaderCurvePot, options: {midi: [0xB0, 0x14]}},
    {type: components.Button, options: {midi: [0x90, 0x29], key: "xFaderReverse", type: toggle, sendShifted: true}},

Framework Architecture

This section gives some insight into implementation details of the framework. Despite the rest of this document, it is targeted at developers, not mapping creators.

title: Framework Overview
  direction LR

  namespace components {
    class Component {
      # options: object
      + shift() # optional
      + unshift() # optional
      + input(channel, control, value, status, group)
    class ComponentContainer {
      # options: object
      + shift()
      + unshift()
      + applyLayer(newLayer, reconnectComponents)

  namespace behringer.extension {
    class GenericMidiController {
      - config: Configuration
      - componentContainers: ComponentContainer[]
      + init(controllerId: string, debug: boolean)
      + shutdown()
      + input(channel, control, value, status, group)

    class LayerManager {
      - activeLayer: ComponentContainer
      - inputConnections: MidiInputHandlerController[]
      - findComponent(status: int, control: int) Component
      + init()
      + destroy(disconnect: boolean)
      + register(component: Component, shift: boolean)
      + unregister(component: Component, shift: boolean)
      + shift()
      + unshift()
      + input(channel, control, value, status, group)

    class ComponentRegistry {
      + register(component: Component, containerName: string)
      + unregister(component: Component, containerName: string)

  GenericMidiController --|> ComponentContainer
  GenericMidiController o-- LayerManager
  LayerManager --|> Component
  LayerManager o-- ComponentRegistry
  LayerManager o-- ComponentContainer: defaultLayer
  LayerManager o-- ComponentContainer: shiftLayer
  • The root object GenericMidiController creates and stores all components and component containers given by the definitions of the Configuration object. All components are registered in a LayerManager on initialization.
  • The LayerManager associates each component to either the Default or the Shift layer.
    • A ComponentRegistry is used internally to manage layers.
    • Only one layer is active at a time. The LayerManager is derived from Component and thus knows shift() and unshift() functions. These are used to switch the active layer.
    • When a component is registered, connections for both input and output are created; input is bound to LayerManager.input() which dispatches MIDI messages to the component matching MIDI address and layer.
    • If an input-only component is configured for feedback, a Publisher is created providing output for that component.
  • The ComponentRegistry simplifies association of a component to a named container.


A Component that helps working with layered components.

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class LayerManager {
  - activeLayer: ComponentContainer
  - inputConnections: MidiInputHandlerController[]
  - findComponent(status: int, control: int) Component
  + init()
  + destroy(disconnect: boolean)
  + register(component: Component, shift: boolean)
  + unregister(component: Component, shift: boolean)
  + shift()
  + unshift()
  + input(channel, control, value, status, group)

The wiki article MIDI Scripting describes two approaches to implement a shift layer: either working with a condition within a component or switching components in a container. The LayerManager is a generic component that implements the second approach.

Internally, it uses a component registry for the two layers Default and Shift. JS Components may be added to either layer. The shift() and unshift() functions toggle between the these layers, whereas the LayerManager is the only component that knows about shifting. When toggled, all affected components on the corresponding layer are registered / unregistered. Components that are not shiftable stay untouched. Additionally, the LayerManager offers input(), a facade to be called from the outside that delegates to the component on the currently active layer.


An object (no Component) that manages Components in named ComponentContainers. Within a container, components are identified by their MIDI address.

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class ComponentRegistry {
  containers: ComponentContainer
  createContainer(name: string)
  getContainer(name: string)
  disconnectContainer(container: ComponentContainer)
  destroyContainer(name: string, disconnect: boolean)
  destroy(disconnect: boolean)
  register(component: Component, containerName: string)
  unregister(component: Component, containerName: string)


A component that sends the values of a source component to a MIDI controller even if the source component uses its outKey property for other purposes.

Useful if an input-only component in Mixxx (e.g. a Pot) is bound to an output-aware physical control (e.g. an encoder with LEDs).

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class Publisher {
  - source: Component
  - sync()
  + bind()
  • options.source Source component whose values are sent to the controller

Most components send output properly out of the box so that no Publisher is required. It was designed to add functionality to some special components, e.g. effect unit controls, and offers a bind() function that allows for re-binding to the source component when its internal state changes.

Additional Components

All components are derived from type Component unless specified otherwise.


A button that toggles a beatloop ending at the current play position, so the beat jump occurs immediately on button press and not after the first loop.


A button that blinks when on.

  • options.blinkDuration: Blink duration in ms; optional, default: 500


A pot for the crossfader curve.

  • options.mode: Crossfader mode; optional, default: 0. (0: additive, 1: constant)


A button with configurable Mixxx control values for on and off.

  • options.onValue: Value for on; optional, default: 1
  • options.offValue: Value for off; optional, default: opposite of onValue


An encoder for directions. Turning the encoder to the right means "forwards" and returns 1; turning it to the left means "backwards" and returns -1.

This component supports an optional relative mode as an alternative to dealing with soft takeover. To use it, set the relative property to true in the options object for the constructor. In this mode, moving the Pot will adjust the Mixxx Control relative to its current value. Holding shift and moving the encoder will not affect the Mixxx Control. This allows the user to continue adjusting the Mixxx Control after the encoder has reached the end of its physical range.


An encoder for enumeration values.

  • options.values: an array containing the enumeration values
  • options.softTakeover: (optional) Enable soft-takeover; default: true


A button to cycle through the values of an enumeration.

The enumeration values may be defined either explicitly by an array or implicitly by a maxValue so that the values are [0..maxValue].

  • options.values An array of enumeration values
  • options.maxValue A positive integer defining the maximum enumeration value


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class LongPressButton {

A button that supports different actions on short and long press.


An EnumEncoder for a loop control that uses beat sizes as enumeration.

Example use: Encoder for beatloop_size and beatjump_size


An encoder that moves the current loop. Turning the encoder to the right will move the loop forwards; turning it to the left will move it backwards. The amount of movement may be given by either size or sizeControl, sizeControl being preferred.

  • options.size (optional) Size given in number of beats; default: 0.5
  • options.sizeControl (optional) Name of a control that contains size


A component that uses the parameter instead of the value as output.


An encoder for a value range of [-bound..0..+bound].

  • options.bound: A positive integer defining the range bound

Example use: encoder to change key (pitch)


An pot for a value range of [-bound..0..+bound].

  • options.bound: A positive integer defining the range bound


A button that triggers shift() and unshift() on a target component.

  • Target component


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class Timer {
  + Timer(options: TimerOptions)
  + start(action: function)
  + reset()
  + setState(active: boolean)
class TimerOptions {
  timeout: number
  oneShot: boolean
  owner: object

An object (no Component) that simplifies using a timer safely. See Script Timers for details.

  • timeout: Duration between start and action (in ms)
  • oneShot: If true, the action is run once; otherwise, it is run periodically until the timer is reset.
  • action Function that is executed whenever the timer expires
  • owner Owner object of the action function (assigned to this)


A component that is triggered on every input, regardless of the value. Example use: Button to reset key (pitch_set_zero).

DDM4000 Components

The DDM4000 mapping contains a few more Components internally; they are specific to the device but might be interesting anyway:

  • Blinker
  • OnTrackLoadButton
  • KeyButton
  • EffectAssignmentToggleButton
  • EffectAssignmentLongPressButton
  • EchoOutButton
  • CrossfaderUnit (with Crossfader, CrossfaderToggleButton)
  • CrossfaderReverseTapButton
  • CrossfaderAssignLED
  • SamplerBank (with PlayButton, PlayIndicatorLED, ReverseMode, LoopMode, ModeButton)


Related Wiki pages

Usage of the extension library

Development history

  • PR #3342: Mapping for MIDI Controller Behringer BCR2000
  • PR #4262: Update controller mapping for Behringer DDM4000 mixer
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