diff --git a/tests/test_install.py b/tests/test_install.py
index ecc5a824..ecc7fd46 100644
--- a/tests/test_install.py
+++ b/tests/test_install.py
@@ -95,18 +95,36 @@ class MockArchive:
version: str = ""
arch_dir: str = ""
should_install: bool = True
+ extract_target: Optional[str] = None
date: datetime = datetime.now()
def xml_package_update(self) -> str:
- return textwrap.dedent(
- f"""\
- {self.update_xml_name}
- {self.version}-0-{self.date.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")}
- none
- {self.filename_7z}
- """
- )
+ if self.extract_target:
+ return textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ {self.update_xml_name}
+ {self.version}-0-{self.date.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")}
+ none
+ {self.filename_7z}
+ {self.extract_target}
+ {self.filename_7z}
+ """
+ )
+ else:
+ return textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ {self.update_xml_name}
+ {self.version}-0-{self.date.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")}
+ none
+ {self.filename_7z}
+ """
+ )
def write_compressed_archive(self, dest: Path) -> None:
def open_writable_archive():
@@ -128,19 +146,26 @@ def write_to_archive(arc, src, arcname):
# shutil.make_archive(str(dest / self.filename_7z), "zip", src)
with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir, open_writable_archive() as archive:
+ # if the Updates.xml file uses Operations/Operation[@name='Extract'] elements then the names
+ # of archive members do not include the version and arch_dir path segments, instead they are
+ # supplied by an Argument element which is used when the archive is extracted.
temp_path = Path(temp_dir)
+ arch_dir = self.arch_dir if not self.extract_target else ""
for folder in ("bin", "lib", "mkspecs"):
- (temp_path / self.arch_dir / folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ (temp_path / arch_dir / folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Use `self.contents` to write qmake binary, qmake script, QtCore binaries, etc
for patched_file in self.contents:
- full_path = temp_path / self.arch_dir / patched_file.filename
+ full_path = temp_path / arch_dir / patched_file.filename
if not full_path.parent.exists():
full_path.write_text(patched_file.unpatched_content, "utf_8")
- archive_name = "5.9" if self.version == "5.9.0" else self.version
+ if self.extract_target:
+ archive_name = "."
+ else:
+ archive_name = "5.9" if self.version == "5.9.0" else self.version
write_to_archive(archive, temp_path, arcname=archive_name)
@@ -148,15 +173,23 @@ def make_mock_geturl_download_archive(
standard_archives: List[MockArchive],
desktop_archives: Optional[List[MockArchive]] = None,
+ extpdf_archives: Optional[List[MockArchive]] = None,
+ extweb_archives: Optional[List[MockArchive]] = None,
standard_updates_url: str,
desktop_updates_url: str = "",
+ extpdf_updates_url: str = "",
+ extweb_updates_url: str = "",
Returns a mock 'getUrl' and a mock 'downloadArchive' function.
if desktop_archives is None:
desktop_archives = []
- for _archive in [*standard_archives, *desktop_archives]:
+ if extpdf_archives is None:
+ extpdf_archives = []
+ if extweb_archives is None:
+ extweb_archives = []
+ for _archive in [*standard_archives, *desktop_archives, *extpdf_archives, *extweb_archives]:
assert re.match(r".*\.(7z|tar\.xz)$", _archive.filename_7z), "Unsupported file type"
standard_xml = "\n{}\n".format(
@@ -165,6 +198,8 @@ def make_mock_geturl_download_archive(
desktop_xml = "\n{}\n".format(
"\n".join([archive.xml_package_update() for archive in desktop_archives])
+ extpdf_xml = "\n{}\n".format("\n".join([archive.xml_package_update() for archive in extpdf_archives]))
+ extweb_xml = "\n{}\n".format("\n".join([archive.xml_package_update() for archive in extweb_archives]))
merged_xml = "\n{}{}\n".format(
"\n".join([archive.xml_package_update() for archive in standard_archives]),
"\n".join([archive.xml_package_update() for archive in desktop_archives]),
@@ -177,6 +212,8 @@ def mock_getUrl(url: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
for xml, updates_url in (
(standard_xml, standard_updates_url),
(desktop_xml, desktop_updates_url),
+ (extpdf_xml, extpdf_updates_url),
+ (extweb_xml, extweb_updates_url),
basename = posixpath.dirname(updates_url)
if not updates_url:
@@ -186,13 +223,18 @@ def mock_getUrl(url: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
elif basename in url and url.endswith(".sha256"):
filename = url.split("/")[-1][: -len(".sha256")]
return f"{hashlib.sha256(bytes(xml, 'utf-8')).hexdigest()} {filename}"
+ """
+ extensions urls may or may not exist.
+ """
+ if "/extensions/" in url:
+ raise ArchiveDownloadError(f"Failed to retrieve file at {url}\nServer response code: 404, reason: Not Found")
assert False, f"No mocked url available for '{url}'"
def mock_download_archive(url: str, out: str, *args):
"""Make a mocked 7z archive at out_filename"""
def locate_archive() -> MockArchive:
- for archive in [*standard_archives, *desktop_archives]:
+ for archive in [*standard_archives, *desktop_archives, *extpdf_archives, *extweb_archives]:
if Path(out).name == archive.filename_7z:
return archive
assert False, "Requested an archive that was not mocked"
@@ -1121,6 +1163,102 @@ def tool_archive(host: str, tool_name: str, variant: str, date: datetime = datet
r"INFO : Time elapsed: .* second"
+ ( # extensions availability: qtpdf and qtwebengine
+ "install-qt windows desktop 6.8.1 win64_msvc2022_64 -m qtwebengine".split(),
+ "windows",
+ "desktop",
+ "6.8.1",
+ {"std": "win64_msvc2022_64", "extpdf": "win64_msvc2022_64", "extweb": "win64_msvc2022_64"},
+ {"std": "msvc2022_64", "extpdf": "msvc2022_64", "extweb": "msvc2022_64"},
+ {
+ "std": "windows_x86/desktop/qt6_681/qt6_681/Updates.xml",
+ "extpdf": "windows_x86/extensions/qtpdf/681/msvc2022_64/Updates.xml",
+ "extweb": "windows_x86/extensions/qtwebengine/681/msvc2022_64/Updates.xml",
+ },
+ {
+ "std": [
+ plain_qtbase_archive(
+ "qt.qt6.681.win64_msvc2022_64",
+ "Windows-Windows_11_23H2-X86_64",
+ host="Windows-Windows_11_23H2-MSVC2022",
+ )
+ ],
+ "extpdf": [
+ MockArchive(
+ filename_7z="qtpdf-Windows-Windows_11_23H2-MSVC2022-Windows-Windows_11_23H2-X86_64.7z",
+ update_xml_name="extensions.qtpdf.681.win64_msvc2022_64",
+ contents=(),
+ should_install=False,
+ extract_target="@TargetDir@/6.8.1/msvc2022_64",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "extweb": [
+ MockArchive(
+ filename_7z="qtwebengine-Windows-Windows_11_23H2-MSVC2022-Windows-Windows_11_23H2-X86_64.7z",
+ update_xml_name="extensions.qtwebengine.681.win64_msvc2022_64",
+ contents=(
+ PatchedFile(filename="lib/Qt6WebEngineCore.prl", unpatched_content="... qtwebengine ...\n"),
+ ),
+ should_install=False,
+ extract_target="@TargetDir@/6.8.1/msvc2022_64",
+ ),
+ ],
+ },
+ re.compile(
+ r"^INFO : aqtinstall\(aqt\) v.* on Python 3.*\n"
+ r"INFO : Found extension qtwebengine\n"
+ r"INFO : Found extension qtpdf\n"
+ r"INFO : Downloading qtbase...\n"
+ r"Finished installation of "
+ r"qtbase-Windows-Windows_11_23H2-MSVC2022-Windows-Windows_11_23H2-X86_64.7z in .*\n"
+ r"INFO : Downloading qtwebengine...\n"
+ r"Finished installation of "
+ r"qtwebengine-Windows-Windows_11_23H2-MSVC2022-Windows-Windows_11_23H2-X86_64.7z in .*\n"
+ r"INFO : Patching .*/6.8.1/msvc2022_64/lib/Qt6WebEngineCore.prl\n"
+ r"INFO : Finished installation\n"
+ r"INFO : Time elapsed: .* second"
+ ),
+ ),
+ ( # extension availability: qtpdf only
+ "install-qt windows desktop 6.8.1 win64_mingw -m qtpdf".split(),
+ "windows",
+ "desktop",
+ "6.8.1",
+ {"std": "win64_mingw", "extpdf": "win64_mingw"},
+ {"std": "mingw_64", "extpdf": "mingw_64"},
+ {
+ "std": "windows_x86/desktop/qt6_681/qt6_681/Updates.xml",
+ "extpdf": "windows_x86/extensions/qtpdf/681/mingw/Updates.xml",
+ },
+ {
+ "std": [
+ plain_qtbase_archive(
+ "qt.qt6.681.win64_mingw",
+ "Windows-Windows_10_22H2-X86_64",
+ host="Windows-Windows_10_22H2-Mingw",
+ )
+ ],
+ "extpdf": [
+ MockArchive(
+ filename_7z="qtpdf-Windows-Windows_10_22H2-Mingw-Windows-Windows_10_22H2-X86_64.7z",
+ update_xml_name="extensions.qtpdf.681.win64_mingw",
+ contents=(),
+ should_install=False,
+ extract_target="@TargetDir@/6.8.1/mingw_64",
+ ),
+ ],
+ },
+ re.compile(
+ r"^INFO : aqtinstall\(aqt\) v.* on Python 3.*\n"
+ r"INFO : Found extension qtpdf\n"
+ r"INFO : Downloading qtbase...\n"
+ r"Finished installation of qtbase-Windows-Windows_10_22H2-Mingw-Windows-Windows_10_22H2-X86_64.7z in .*\n"
+ r"INFO : Downloading qtpdf...\n"
+ r"Finished installation of qtpdf-Windows-Windows_10_22H2-Mingw-Windows-Windows_10_22H2-X86_64.7z in .*\n"
+ r"INFO : Finished installation\n"
+ r"INFO : Time elapsed: .* second"
+ ),
+ ),
def test_install(
@@ -1145,12 +1283,24 @@ def test_install(
for i in range(len(desktop_archives)):
desktop_archives[i].version = version
desktop_archives[i].arch_dir = arch_dir["desk"]
+ extpdf_archives = archives.get("extpdf", [])
+ for i in range(len(extpdf_archives)):
+ extpdf_archives[i].version = version
+ extpdf_archives[i].arch_dir = arch_dir["extpdf"]
+ extweb_archives = archives.get("extweb", [])
+ for i in range(len(extweb_archives)):
+ extweb_archives[i].version = version
+ extweb_archives[i].arch_dir = arch_dir["extweb"]
mock_get_url, mock_download_archive = make_mock_geturl_download_archive(
+ extpdf_archives=extpdf_archives,
+ extweb_archives=extweb_archives,
standard_updates_url=updates_url.get("std", ""),
desktop_updates_url=updates_url.get("desk", ""),
+ extpdf_updates_url=updates_url.get("extpdf", ""),
+ extweb_updates_url=updates_url.get("extweb", ""),
monkeypatch.setattr("aqt.archives.getUrl", mock_get_url)
monkeypatch.setattr("aqt.helper.getUrl", mock_get_url)