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Filesystem Keystore

Andreas Auernhammer edited this page Aug 19, 2021 · 25 revisions

This guide shows how to setup a KES server that uses the filesystem as persistent key store. A plain filesystem does not provide any protection for the stored keys. It should only be used for testing purposes.

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│ KES Client ├───────────╫──┤ KES Server ├──────────┤ Filesystem │  ║
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KES Server setup

First, we need to generate a TLS private key and certificate for our KES server. A KES server can only be run with TLS - since secure-by-default. Here we use self-signed certificates for simplicity. For a production setup we highly recommend to use a certificate signed by CA (e.g. your internal CA or a public CA like Let's Encrypt)

  1. Generate a TLS private key and certificate for the KES server.
    The following command will generate a new TLS private key server.key and a X.509 certificate server.cert that is self-signed and issued for the IP and DNS name localhost (as SAN). You may want to customize the command to match your setup.

    kes tool identity new --server --key server.key --cert server.cert --ip "" --dns localhost

    Any other tooling for X.509 certificate generation works as well. For example, you could use openssl:

    $ openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 | openssl ec -out server.key
    $ openssl req -new -x509 -days 30 -key server.key -out server.cert \
       -subj "/C=/ST=/L=/O=/CN=localhost" -addext "subjectAltName = IP:"
  2. Then, create private key and certificate for your application:

    kes tool identity new --key=app.key --cert=app.cert app

    You can compute the app identity via:

    kes tool identity of app.cert
  3. Now we have defined all entities in our demo setup. Let's wire everything together by creating the config file server-config.yml:

    root:   disabled  # We disable the root identity since we don't need it in this guide 
      key:  server.key
      cert: server.cert
        - /v1/key/create/app-key*
        - /v1/key/generate/app-key*
        - /v1/key/decrypt/app-key*
        - ${APP_IDENTITY}
        path: ./keys # Choose a directory for the secret keys
  4. Finally we can start a KES server in a new window/tab:

    export APP_IDENTITY=$(kes tool identity of app.cert)
    kes server --config=server-config.yml --auth=off

    --auth=off is required since our root.cert and app.cert certificates are self-signed

  5. In the previous window/tab we now can connect to the server by:

    export KES_CLIENT_CERT=app.cert
    export KES_CLIENT_KEY=app.key
    kes key create -k app-key

    -k is required because we use self-signed certificates

    Now, you should see a secret key inside the ./keys directory.

  6. Finally, we can derive and decrypt data keys from the previously created app-key:

    kes key derive -k app-key
      plaintext : ...
      ciphertext: ...
    kes key decrypt -k app-key <base64-ciphertext>
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