A list of officially verified datasets and statistics on a federal and state level for the United States. Data is available in a variety of formats (eg: Excel, CSV, APIs, PDFs, GIS Shapefiles, etc).
USA.gov (https://www.usa.gov/statistics)
Official guide to government information and services.
Census.gov (https://www.census.gov)
Official website for US census data.
- Data available: https://www.census.gov/data.html
- All Available APIs: https://www.census.gov/data/developers/data-sets.html
- 🔑 You must register for a free key to use the API: http://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html 🔑
- Census Fact Finder: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml
- 2010 Census Data: https://www.census.gov/2010census/
- All Survey Data: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/are-you-in-a-survey/survey-list.html
Data.gov (https://www.data.gov)
Data.gov is the home of the U.S. Government's open data. Find Federal, state, and local data, tools, and resources to conduct research, build apps, design data visualizations, and more.
- 🔑 You must register for a free key to use the API: https://api.data.gov/signup 🔑
- All Available Datasets: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset
- This is a complete list of datasets across all participating Federal and State organizations, publishers, and bureaus. Many of the below listed links can be found in this catalog.
Code.gov (https://code.gov)
Code.gov is a beta platform to display all of the government's open source projects
FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) (https://ucr.fbi.gov/)
The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program has been the starting place for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation.
CDC WONDER Online Database (https://wonder.cdc.gov)
The CDC offers an online tool called WONDER (Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research) that allows the public to query all of the information resources that the CDC offers.
Bureau of Economic Analysis (https://www.bea.gov)
The Bureau of Economic Analysis collects information on economic indicators, national and international trade, accounts, and industry.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (https://www.bjs.gov)
The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports on justice systems, crime, criminal offenders, and victims of crime.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (https://www.bls.gov)
The Bureau of Labor Statistics measures labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the U.S. economy.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (https://www.bts.gov)
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics provides data on airline on-time performance, pirates at sea, transportation safety and availability, motorcycle trends, and more.
DAP Public Dashboard (https://analytics.usa.gov)
The DAP Public Dashboard provides a window into how people are interacting with the government online.
Department of Commerce (https://www.commerce.gov)
The Department of Commerce is the Cabinent department of the government dedicated to promoting economic growth.
- Three APIs are available: /api/blogs, /api/news, and /api/image
- Full developer documentation: https://www.commerce.gov/page/api-documentation-commercegov
- 🔑 You must register for a free key to use the API 🔑
Department of Education APIs (https://usedgov.github.io)
As a work of the United States Government, source code for this developer hub is in the public domain.
Economic Research Service (https://www.ers.usda.gov)
The Economic Research Service informs public and private decision making on economic and policy issues related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural development.
Energy Information Administration (https://www.eia.gov)
The Energy Information Administration provides data on U.S. use of coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and more.
National Agricultural Statistical Service (https://www.nass.usda.gov)
The National Agricultural Statistical Service researches data on food production and supply, organic sales, chemical use, demographics of U.S. producers, and more. Every five years it conducts the Census of Agriculture that provides agricultural data for every county in the United States.
National Center for Education Statistics (https://nces.ed.gov)
The National Center for Education Statistics researches education in the United States. It publishes the Digest of Education Statistics, which includes international comparisons of students, and the annual report to Congress, The Condition of Education, which reports the progress of American education.
National Center for Health Statistics (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs)
The National Center for Health Statistics is the principal health statistics agency for improving the health of the American people.
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (https://www.nsf.gov/statistics)
The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics publishes data on the American science and engineering workforce and the progress of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the United States.
Office of Personnel Management (https://www.opm.gov)
The Office of Personnel Management provides statistics on the Federal civilian workforce through data sources such as FedScope.
Small Business Association (https://www.sba.gov)
The Small Business Association exists to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns.
- All Open Data Sources: https://www.sba.gov/about-sba/sba-performance/open-government/digital-sba/open-data/open-data-sources
- API Overview: http://api.sba.gov/doc
- U.S. City & County Web Data API: http://api.sba.gov/doc/geodata.html
- Business Licenses & Permits API: http://api.sba.gov/doc/license_permit.html
- Loans & Grants Search API: http://api.sba.gov/doc/loans_grants.html
- Recommended Sites API: http://api.sba.gov/doc/rec_sites.html
SSA Office of Research Evaluation and Statistics (https://www.ssa.gov/policy/about/ORES.html)
The Social Security Administration Office of Research Evaluation and Statistics offers data on social security program benefits, payments, covered workers, and more.
IRS Statistics of Income (https://www.irs.gov/uac/soi-tax-stats-about-soi)
The Internal Revenue Service Statistics of Income examines tax returns to report on such things as sources of income, exemptions, use of medical savings accounts, migration and geographic data, tax information on foreign corporations controlled by U.S. parent corporations, exports, international boycotts, and investments and activities in the U.S. by foreign persons.
USDA Developer Resources (https://www.usda.gov/media/digital/developer-resources)
On USDA's Developer Resource page you can find and access featured data or web services from the Department's agencies and mission areas. This page will be updated as agencies make available new developer tools and data resources, so be sure to check back often.
- Maryland Open Data (https://data.maryland.gov)
- Baltimore Open Data (https://data.baltimorecity.gov)
- Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance - Jacob France Institute (http://bniajfi.org)
- New York Open Data (https://data.ny.gov)
Please feel free to contribute links or improvements. This is an on-going project to help facilitate the public's access to available information! :)