Roboquant couldn’t have been developed without the use of free and open source third party software. This document list some great open software libraries and other artefacts used in roboquant.
Kotlin: modern, concise and safe programming language that makes writing code a joy.
TA-Lib: an extensive and fast library of technical indicators.
Ta-4j: another great library for technical analysis.
ECharts-Java: a Java library that makes it very easy to create ECharts visualizations.
Avro: data serialization system for fast and efficient storage of large amounts of data.
Commons Math: a library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components.
Jupyter: the standard for interactive development and perhaps best known in combination with Python and R. But it also works like a charm with Kotlin.
FastCSV: an ultra-fast and easy to use CSV parser.
font created by Johan Aakerlund. I really like how roboquant looks like usingComfortaa
font. -
Modified robot image from Free Vector Characters, as also seen on the README page and website.