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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[Unreleased] - YYYY-MM-DD


  • iso15008 extra (#21). To run the iso15008 profile it's now necessary to install openbakery like so:

      python -m pip install -U 'openbakery[iso15008]'
  • shaping subcommand and extra (#36).

  • fontwerk extra (#37).

  • notofonts extra (#37).

  • com.thetypefounders/check/features_default_languagesystem: Checks if a default languagesystem statement is present in feature files and warns if the compiler will not insert one automatically (fonttools/fontbakery#4011).

  • com.adobe.fonts/check/cff_ascii_strings: Checks if all strings in a font's CFF table top dict fit in the range of ASCII values (#128)


  • Removed the check- prefix from most subcommands (#35). As an example, now the command for running the Universal profile checks is,

      openbakery universal font.ttf

    instead of openbakery check-universal font.ttf.

  • The shaping checks are no longer invoked by the Universal profile. To run them use the new shaping subcommand (#36).

  • The check emitted an ERROR if FontValidator isn't installed. It now emits a FAIL (#30).

  • The check now takes into account that OpenType-CFF2 fonts with post table format 3 contain no glyph names, and will yield SKIP (#38).

  • The check now takes into account that OpenType-CFF2 fonts with post table format 3 contain no glyph names, and will yield SKIP (#38).

  • The check now skips fonts that do not have a STAT table (#38).

  • Two validations of PostScript name were moved out of this check and into separate new checks com.adobe.fonts/check/postscript_name_characters and com.adobe.fonts/postscript_name_hyphens which yield FAIL (#62).

  • This check is now only run when a font has CJK codepages or ranges declared in the OS/2 table. Other CJK-related checks are run on fonts with a minimum of 150 CJK glyphs (fonttools/fontbakery#3846).

  • and Failures have been downgraded to warnings (fonttools/fontbakery#4192).

  • com.adobe.fonts/check/postscript_name_characters: Added underscore (_ U+005F) to the set of characters allowed in PostScript name strings (#90).

  • Removed the fontval profile (#141).

  • com.adobe.fonts/check/unsupported_tables: Added COLR and CPAL tables to SUPPORTED_TABLES, added extra check to fail for COLRv1 (and pass for COLRv0). (#205)


  • The check ERRORed when ran on CFF2 variable fonts. The check is now SKIPped for such fonts because it depends on the presence of the gvar table, which only apply to TrueType variable fonts (#28).
  • ERROR caused by attempting to run FontValidator before checking if it's installed (#30).
  • Improved the check's resilience to edge cases that could result in ERRORs (#38).
  • -L/--list-checks option that can be used with subcommands. Previously this option only worked if a path to an input file was also provided in the command line (#35).
  • Summary statistics on HTML reporter (fonttools/fontbakery#3997).
  • Updated the check to allow valid private-use feature tags (#101)

[0.1.0] - 2023-06-11

First release. This version is functionally equivalent to Font Bakery version 0.8.13, with two notable differences:

  1. The freetype-py library is installed by default. Consequently, the freetype extra was removed since it's no longer necessary. A warning message will be displayed if the removed freetype extra is invoked during the installation of openbakery. This warning message can be safely disregarded.
  2. To run check-googlefonts or check-ufo-sources checks it's necessary to install openbakery with the new extras named googlefonts or ufo-sources, respectively. Alternatively, you can use another new extra named all; this will install all the Python libraries required by all the checks.