- Version 1.8.0: Added Ambermoon Advanced Ep II, many bugfixes
- Version 1.6.8: First working Mac M1 version, added patcher under the hood (no Mac support)
- Version 1.6.7: Added monster advancing, fixed world map load bug, window position is now memorized
- Version 1.6.6: Battle freeze fix, fixed broken input after right clicks
- Version 1.6.5: Fixed music stopping, added resting on rafts, added kill cheat
- Version 1.6.4: Crash fixes
- Version 1.6.3: Crash fixes
- Version 1.6.2: Reworked music streaming, bugfixes
- Version 1.6.1: Fixed crash in version selector, enabled external music on Mac and Linux
- Version 1.6.0: Music streaming, added most recent original game data, bugfixes
- Version 1.5.1: Some important fixes
- Version 1.5.0: Graphic filters, overlays and effects, custom music interface, quickload, battle speed option
- Version 1.4.1: Hotfix for 1.4.0 release (fixes missing item rewards in conversations)
- Version 1.4.0: Includes first Ambermoon Advanced release, huge amount of bugfixes
- Version 1.3.0: Screenshot function, quicksaves, noclip cheat, usability and bugfixes
- Version 1.2.2: Quick fix for 1.2.0 release
- Version 1.2.1: Quick fix for 1.2.0 release
- Version 1.2.0: Thalion logo, more savegame slots, more tooltips, bugfixes
- Version 1.1.0: Pyrdacor logo, added swamp poison, easteregg, bugfixes
- Version 1.0.0: Remake outro, credits, bugfixing, graphic filter, auto de-rune
- Version 0.9.5 RC2: Tutorial, button tooltips, more options, bugfixing
- Version 0.9.4 RC1: Outro, vsync, built-in OpenAL, bugfixing
- Version 0.9.3 beta: Lots of bugfixing, also fixed much in original data
- Version 0.9.2 beta: Lots of bugfixing, also fixed much in original data
- Version 0.9.1 beta: Lots of bugfixing
- Version 0.9.0 beta: Added poison effect, bugfixing
- Version 0.8.3 beta: Added elf harp (music list), bugfixing
- Version 0.8.2 beta: Mac version and bugfixing
- Version 0.8.1 beta: Bugfixing
- Version 0.8.0 beta: Added music
- Version 0.7.2 beta: Added skies and stars, fixed 3D lighting, added drug effects
- Version 0.7.1 beta: Bugfixes
- Version 0.7.0 beta: Added fog of war (2D), blind effects and lighting (3D)
- Version 0.6.2 beta: Added gameover screen, riddlemouth graphic and overweight effects
- Version 0.6.1 beta: Hotfix for save/load game issues
- Version 0.6.0 beta: Fully implemented conversations, added UI palette switching, bugfixing
- Version 0.5.2 beta: Added spinners and traps, falling, climbing and remaing map spells
- Version 0.5.1 beta: Added most mystic map spells, minimap, improved battle logic and improved render performance
- Version 0.5.0 beta: Added automap with legend and all features, added 3D map exploration
- Version 0.4.1 beta: Added level up window/logic, added using many items, usability improvements
- Version 0.4.0 beta: Added screen for opening locks (doors/chests)
- Version 0.3.3 beta: Added all remaining places (sage, horse/ship seller, enchanter and blacksmith)
- Version 0.3.2 beta: Added inns, camp fire, sleeping, aging, spell learning and all item-targeted spells
- Version 0.3.1 beta: Added trainers, healers and food merchants
- Version 0.3.0 beta: Added merchants and libraries
- Version 0.2.3 beta: Added cheats / console commands, bugfixing
- Version 0.2.2 beta: Added main menu, character creator, bugfixing
- Version 0.2.1 beta: Added save menu and option menu, resolution etc can now be changed ingame
- Version 0.2.0 beta: Added builtin game versions and version selector, improved configuration, bugfixing
- Version 0.1.8 beta: Fixed combat backgrounds, added waiting functionality, bugfixing
- Version 0.1.7 beta: Added 2D monster interaction, bugfixing
- Version 0.1.6 beta: Added crosshair cursor functionality, 3D corner right-click functionality, bugfixing
- Version 0.1.5 beta: Added battle position window, battle loot window, spell blocking animation and spell items
- Version 0.1.4 beta: Added all remaining battle spells, bug fixing
- Version 0.1.3 beta: Added more spells, bug fixing
- Version 0.1.2 beta: Added more spells, added damage display on battle field, added critical hits
- Version 0.1.1 beta: Fixed end battle crash, fixed monster death animation, added firepillar spell
- Version 0.1.0 beta: Many improvements to battles and UI, some spells do damage or have effects now
- Version 1.1.21: Added spell list, many additions and fixed regarding chests, inventory and battles, bugfixing
- Version 1.1.20: Improved battle animations, added first test spell, fix flee logic
- Version 1.1.19: Improvements, additions and fixes for battles
- Version 1.1.18: First battle implementation (no spells yet, beta status)
- Version 1.1.17: Bugfixing
- Version 1.1.16: Added 3D NPCs interaction, turn toward monsters, active spells and items, bugfixing
- Version 1.1.15: Added 3D NPCs/monsters with movement (still WIP), bugfixing
- Version 1.1.14: Added 2D NPCs and rudimentary conversation window, bugfixing
- Version 1.1.13: One-time events now working, UI improvements, bugfixing
- Version 1.1.12: Added many inventory features, bugfixing
- Version 1.1.11: Added player stat window, improved fading
- Version 1.1.10: Travel improvements, equipment window additions, bugfixes
- Version 1.1.9: Added 3D animations, bugfixes
- Version 1.1.8: Added display of OUCH when movement is blocked, bugfixes
- Version 1.1.7: Added swimming, fixed tile blocking (also with transports)
- Version 1.1.6: Added dice100 event, added trigger condition for text popups, numpad arrows in 3D now work as in original game
- Version 1.1.5: Added text inputs (e.g. for riddlemouth), improved transport handling
- Version 1.1.4: Added 3D map interaction, riddlemouths and transports, bugfixing
- Version 1.1.3: Added text, decision and event popups, bugfixing
- Version 1.1.2: Bugfixing
- Version 1.1.1: Game will now use chest locked states and map changes from savegames, bugfixing
- Version 1.1.0: Added option and load game menu, added savegame loading, fixed 3D textures, bugfixing
- Version 1.0.19: Added portrait borders and character bars, added buttons for 2D/3D maps and inventory
- Version 1.0.18: Map names, empty portrait slots, dead character portrait, bugfixes
- Version 1.0.17: Character info, names at portraits, active member logic, fade effects
- Version 1.0.16: Better window handling, disabled scrollbars and item slots, bugfixes
- Version 1.0.15: Added equipment, scrollbars, improved item dragging, many bugfixes
- Version 1.0.14: Added inventory and item drag&drop
- Version 1.0.13: Moving with mouse, map transition fading effect, chest items, change tile events, portraits, initial savegame used
- Version 1.0.12: Added cursors, added first version of chest map events
- Version 1.0.11: Fixed map changes, world map now uses a smaller sprite (not the correct yet)
- Version 1.0.10: Fixed 3D map crash, improved map event handling
- Version 1.0.9: Added floor billboards like holes/lava, fixed billboards
- Version 1.0.8: Lots of 3D improvements.
- Version 1.0.7: Smoother 3D movement (thanks to Metibor), new flag "LegacyMode" in config to use lower 3D fps
- Version 1.0.6: Now uses the updated executable loader for item loading
- Version 1.0.5: All ADF files can now be used (OFS, FFS, INTL, DIRC)
- Version 1.0.4: Config now allows to specify if to use an external data path or the application folder (default)
- Version 1.0.3: Fixed startup exceptions related to wrong data path
- Version 1.0.2: Improved 2D movement and rendering
- Version 1.0.1: Added 3D map events and collision detection
- Version 1.0.0: First release (2D and 3D map movement, 2D map events and collision detection)