Accessibility: Prefer text content or aria over a tooltip for these components MenuItem, SpinButton (@microsoft/fluentui-jsx-a11y/tooltip-not-recommended
💼 This rule is enabled in the ✅ recommended
All interactive elements must have an accessible name.
Tooltip not recommended for these components: MenuItem, SpinButton, etc.
Prefer text content or aria over a tooltip for these components.
This rule aims to prevent the usage of Tooltip.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
<Tooltip content="menu item" relationship="label">
<MenuItem />
<Tooltip content="menu item" relationship="label">
<SpinButton />
Examples of correct code for this rule:
<label id="my-label">More option<label>
<MenuItem aria-labelledby="my-label"/>
<label id="my-label">More option<label>
<SpinButton aria-labelledby="my-label"/>