Accessibility: MenuItem without label must have an accessible and visual label: aria-labelledby (@microsoft/fluentui-jsx-a11y/menu-item-needs-labelling
💼 This rule is enabled in the ✅ recommended
Accessibility: MenuItem must have a visual label and it needs to be linked via aria-labelledby
- Add a label with an id, add the aria-labelledby having same value as id to MenuItem.
This rule aims to make MenuItem accessible
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
<MenuItem />
<MenuItem icon={<SettingsIcon />} onClick={handleClick}></MenuItem>
<MenuItem aria-labelledby="menu-item-id"></MenuItem>
Examples of correct code for this rule:
<label id="my-label">Settings</label>
<MenuItem aria-labelledby="my-label" icon={<SettingsIcon />} onClick={handleClick}></MenuItem>