clang-format --style=file ucc.h > ucc.formatted.h
clang-format tool formats the C source. Though the .clang-format style captures the preferred style by the UCC project, there are some edge cases where it fails. The examples below captures the scenarios:
typedef void(*ucc_reduction_dtype_mapper_t)(void *invec, void *inoutvec,
ucc_count_t *count, ucc_datatype_t dtype);
clang-format generated
typedef void (*ucc_reduction_dtype_mapper_t)(void *invec, void *inoutvec,
ucc_count_t * count,
ucc_datatype_t dtype);
typedef struct ucc_context_oob_coll {
int (*allgather)(void *src_buf, void *recv_buf, size_t size,
void *allgather_info, void **request);
ucc_status_t (*req_test)(void *request);
ucc_status_t (*req_free)(void *request);
uint32_t participants;
void *coll_info;
} ucc_context_oob_coll_t;
clang-format generated
typedef struct ucc_context_oob_coll {
int (*allgather)(void *src_buf, void *recv_buf, size_t size,
void *allgather_info, void **request);
ucc_status_t (*req_test)(void *request);
ucc_status_t (*req_free)(void *request);
uint32_t participants;
void * coll_info;
} ucc_context_oob_coll_t;