24056370 - SpringBoardCrash
24087514 - chinese text input
24169057 - CollectionViewTintColor
24607701 - PageViewControllerCrash
24654192 - TintColorWithAlertViewBroken
25166556 - TernaryOperatorNullableWarning
25235459 - CollectionViewMovementSizing
25337014 - AnimationCompletionAndRotation
25550491 - OverridingNavigationItemStoryboardFails
25873296 - EmptyCollectionViewLayoutCrashes
26621519 - SelfSizingCells
27245771 - AirPlayScreenMirror
27966674 - ExtensibleStringEnums
28771678 - PasteboardNotification dont fire for other processes
29000276 - CellForItemAtIndexPath doesnt contain all cells
29389856 - UserInteractionInNavBar
29918507 - MessagesImageSharing
29924023 - SafariImageSharing
29924331 - LivePhotoImageSharing
29924679 - MessagesLivePhotoImageSharing
30011840 - SearchContentInset
30043880 - SimpleCollectionViewLayout
30135752 - DateComponentsFormatterWithNegativeInterval
30141950 - HostAppTintColorInterfereWithExtensions
30574627 - TextViewInScrollView
30574703 - TextViewInScrollView
32971926 - UIBezierPath-clamps-radius
33107667 - QuickHelpForDeprecatedMethods
33316167 - ZoomingCollectionViewSample
33404326 - CoreGraphicsGrayscaleImage
33587026 - RefactorWithPlaceholder
33844993 - ScrollViewTouchForwarding
View raw (Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
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