As mentioned in we use use Pylint to check for style violations. Pylint attempts to enforce styles in PEP 8. To see which lint checks we enforce, see the dev_tools/conf/.pylintrc file.
Here we include some extra style guidelines.
We follow the import standards of PEP 8, with the following guidance.
In Cirq's main implementation code (not testing code), we prefer importing the full module. This aids in mocking during tests. Thus we prefer
from cirq import ops
qubit = ops.NamedQubit('a')
in contrast to
from cirq.ops import NamedQubit
qubit = NamedQubit('a')
or (the one we would prefer, but doing this causes cyclic dependencies)
import cirq
qubit = cirq.NamedQubit('a')
The one exception to this is for the typing code, where we prefer the direct import
from typing import List
This exception allows typing hints to be more compact.
In tests, however, we prefer that we use Cirq as you would use cirq externally. For code that is in the Cirq core framework this is
import cirq
qubit = cirq.NamedQubit('a')
For Cirq code that is outside of the core and does not appear at the cirq
module level,
for example work in contrib
, one should use the highest level possible for test code
import cirq
from cirq import contrib
Of course, if this import style fundamentally cannot be used, do not let this block submitting a pull request for the code as we will definitely grant exceptions.
Cirq makes extensive use of type annotations as defined by PEP 484. All new code should use type annotations where possible, especially on public classes and functions to serve as documentation, but also on internal code so that the mypy typechecker can help catch coding errors.
For documentation purposes in particular, type annotations should match the way
classes and functions are accessed by cirq users, which is typically on the
top-level cirq
namespace (for example, users use cirq.Sampler
even though
the sampler class is defined in
). Code in cirq-core
typically cannot import and use cirq.Sampler
directly because this could
create an import cycle where modules import each other (perhaps indirectly).
Instead, the import of the top-level cirq
library can be guarded by the
constant provided by typing
, and the type annotation can be
quoted so that it is not evaluated when the module is imported but rather during
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import cirq
def accepts_sampler(sampler: 'cirq.Sampler') -> None:
Use top-level cirq.*
annotations like this when annotating new public types
and classes. Older code may not adhere to this style and should be updated.
Note that type annotations may need to be quoted like this in other situations as well, such as when an annotation is a "forward reference" to a class defined later in the same file.
Using consistent wording across Cirq is important for lowering users cognitive load. For rule governing naming, see the nomenclature guidelines.
Prefer using timezone-aware datetime
import datetime
dt =
Public components of Protobuf APIs will return "aware" datetime
JSON de-serialization will promote values to "aware" datetime
objects upon deserialization.
Comparing (or testing equality) between "naive" and "aware" datetime
objects throws
an exception.
If you are implementing a class that has datetime
member variables, delegate equality
and comparison operators to the built-in datetime
equality and comparison operators.
If you're writing a function that compares datetime
objects, you can defensively promote
them to "aware" objects or use their .timestamp()
properties for a comparison that will
never throw an exception.
Absolutely do not use datetime.utcnow()
as explained in the warnings in the
Python documentation.