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Drupal 9 Readiness

Joseph D. Purcell edited this page Mar 25, 2019 · 17 revisions

Drupal 9 is planned to be released June 3, 2020. This document is to help explain how drupal-check can help you get ready!

I'm a contributor

Great! Every contribution helps make Drupal awesome!

An easy place to get started is to look at issues tagged with Drupal 9 compatibility and Novice, see

Follow the Novice code contribution guide for more details.

I'm a module maintainer

During MidCamp 2019, contributors helped generate reports on over 300 of the most popular modules! You can see a list here:

If you're looking for tips on how to resolve some of the issues, see:

Want to help enable contributors?

You can break out the drupal-check issues created during MidCamp into smaller tasks and tag them with Drupal 9 compatibility and Novice.

How can you run the report yourself?

  1. Go to an environment that has PHP 7.1 or higher

  2. Download the drupal-check executable: curl -O -L

  3. Move it to a directory in your path:

    mv drupal-check.phar /usr/local/bin/drupal-check
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/drupal-check
  4. Create a clean Drupal directory:

    composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev clean-drupal --no-interaction --stability=dev
  5. Ensure only dev versions are cloned for modules in this dir:

    cd clean-drupal
    composer config prefer-stable false
  6. Install your module into the directory:

    cd midcamp2019-drupal
    composer require drupal/your-module-name
  7. Run the analysis:

    drupal-check web/modules/contrib/your-module-name

If you run into an issue, please submit it to:

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