In general, the required nrepl middleware depends on the used editor, so if possible, it is best to not include it in the repo. Or else you might have to add all the different configuration combinations to the repo.
(OK, including the iced nrepl middleware shouldn't affect Cider and others so one nrepl alias with all the middleware might work?)
TODO: Does this work always? Are there cases where it would be better to include the config in the repo?
LSP configuration is included in the repo. It is shared for all editors that use LSP (Vim, Emacs, VS Code).
Start the nREPL process and the app in a separate terminal (or in a terminal buffer Neovim if you want to).
iced repl A:backend:dev:repl
This command will start a nREPL server with the required middleware (cider, iced)
and using the clj aliases specified in the command. Iced will then connect
to this nREPL using .nrepl-port
TODO: Cider
TODO: Calva
TODO: Cursive