The client consists of an Ionic application which holds one of the best stacks of Single Page Applications (SPA) you can get: Angular with TypeScript.
- download and install nodejs
- install ionic with
npm i -g ionic
- create skeleton
ionic start client sidemenu
- install and setup Apollo GraphQL
- execute
npm i -g apollo
- download schema
apollo schema:download --endpoint=http://localhost:8080/graphql schema.json
- place queries inside *.graphl files
- generate TypeScript objects
apollo codegen:generate --schema=schema.json --target=typescript --addTypename
- call
npm run start
to start the client
- After registration of GraphQL in app.module.ts.
- #1 - fixed it: apollographql/graphql-subscriptions#83 --> Add "lib": ["esnext.asynciterable"] in tsconfig.json
- #2 - fixed it: graphql-hive/graphql-yoga#310 --> Update TypeScript to [email protected]