Documenting the resources that exist on self built TEM cells and the various possible geometries.
- The blog post that this repo came from
- original paper by Crawford for the TEM cell. Includes detail of the calculations for dimensions of a standard TEM cell .
- Self built standard TEM cell using FR4
- Another DIY open TEM cell, with detailed photographs of the connectors.
- Very detailed description of the theory of TEM cells and the calculation of geometry. The cells produce as part of this work were initial constructed from 3d printed parts covered in aluminium foil. Both symmetric and asymmetric are presented. Section 3 (pp110)
- Archive of a paper detailing a self built asymmetric open TEM cell, using FR4 material.
- Closed cell TEM cell built in sheet alluminium
- Alternative geometries for GTEM, WTEM and EUROTEM
- Very detailed paper describing the theory and construction of a DIY GTEM cell. (I've not been able to find a company selling the pyramidal rf absorbers who are prepared to publish prices)