diff --git a/lib/skate/detours/db/detour.ex b/lib/skate/detours/db/detour.ex
index 626d5f743..152776548 100644
--- a/lib/skate/detours/db/detour.ex
+++ b/lib/skate/detours/db/detour.ex
@@ -106,11 +106,10 @@ defmodule Skate.Detours.Db.Detour do
       order_by(query, desc: :updated_at)
-    def with_author(query \\ base(), key \\ :author) do
+    def with_author(query \\ base()) do
       from([detour: d] in query,
         join: a in assoc(d, :author),
-        as: :author,
-        select_merge: %{^key => a}
+        preload: [author: a]
diff --git a/lib/skate/detours/detours.ex b/lib/skate/detours/detours.ex
index edff3b356..6be0f0acb 100644
--- a/lib/skate/detours/detours.ex
+++ b/lib/skate/detours/detours.ex
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ defmodule Skate.Detours.Detours do
   def list_detours(fields) do
-    |> preload([:author])
+    |> Skate.Detours.Db.Detour.Queries.with_author()
     |> Skate.Detours.Db.Detour.Queries.sorted_by_last_updated()
     |> Repo.all()
diff --git a/lib/skate_web/controllers/detours_admin_controller.ex b/lib/skate_web/controllers/detours_admin_controller.ex
index c115dcf5a..df726ade3 100644
--- a/lib/skate_web/controllers/detours_admin_controller.ex
+++ b/lib/skate_web/controllers/detours_admin_controller.ex
@@ -24,9 +24,14 @@ defmodule SkateWeb.DetoursAdminController do
         # Status column; Required for categorizing the detour
-        # For some reason, without the id explicitly present, we're not able to preload the association
-        :author_id,
-        author: [:email]
+        # For some reason, without the primary keys explicitly present in the
+        # query, we're not able to preload the association. So we need the
+        # `User.id` and `Detour.id` explicitly in the query.
+        :id,
+        author: [
+          :email,
+          :id
+        ],
       |> Detours.list_detours()
       |> Enum.map(fn detour ->