Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) often involve complex networks of interconnected software and hardware components that are logically combined to achieve a common goal or mission, for example, keeping a plane on the air or providing energy to a city. Failures on these components may jeopardise the mission of the system. Therefore, identifying the minimal set of critical CPS components that is most likely to fail and prevent the global system from delivering its mission becomes essential to ensure reliability.
LDA4CPS is a Java-based tool, built on top of META4ICS, that has been designed to identify the most likely mission-critical component set (MLMCS) using AND/OR dependency graphs enriched with independent failure probabilities. We address the problem from a logical satisfiability perspective, more specifically, as a Weighted Partial MaxSAT problem. Probabilities are translated into a negative logarithmic space in order to linearise the problem within MaxSAT.
The identification of MLMCS in cyber-physical systems provides support to reason about the strength of a system’s design. Therefore, LDA4CPS can be used to help automate the evaluation of potential designs over a space of different system configurations. We study the robustness of a mission design from a dependency analysis point of view. The tool includes examples of aircraft dependency models using AND/OR graphs and failure probabilities. While the examples are mostly focused on complex aircraft systems, LDA4CPS is abstract enough to deal with AND/OR graph-based models representing other kinds of mission-critical cyber-physical systems.
- Java 8
- Python 2/3
- Optional: Python 3, PuLP, and Gurobi to enable second MaxSAT solver
java -jar lda4cps.jar inputFile.json [-c configFile]
This command executes LDA4CPS with an input JSON file that describes the dependency network under analysis. -
This command launches the webviewer (Python-based HTTP server) that displays the AND/OR graph as well as the most likely critical set. By default, the webviewer reads the file view/sol.json and displays it at http://localhost:8000/viz.html
$> java -jar lda4cps.jar examples/aircraft-case1.json
== LDA4CPS v0.62.5 ==
== Started at 2020-05-25 18:55:26.237 ==
=> Loading problem specification... done in 261 ms (0 seconds).
Problem source: _s_
Problem target: PitchMACC
=> Performing Tseitin transformation... done in 137 ms (0 seconds).
|+| Solvers: [MaxSAT]
=> BEST solution found by MAX-SAT-SOLVER for:
Source: _s_
Target: PitchMACC
=== Security Metric ===
Joint probability of failure: 0.0016
[+] Failed nodes: none
Total critical nodes: 2
[+] Most likely mission-critical set (MLMCS): (LH,0.04); (RH,0.04);
[*] Metric computation time: 86 ms (0 seconds).
Solution saved in: ./view/sol.json
== LDA4CPS ended at 2020-05-25 18:55:26.753 ==
$> ./
Running in Python 2...
('Started HTTP server on port ', 8000)
In the browser, go to http://localhost:8000/viz.html
You should see the following AND/OR graph along with the MLMCS (LH, RH) marked with red dashed circles:
A natural use of the proposed metric is to make decisions based on the identified critical components. This scenario (case 2) shows an hypothetical case where both elevator surfaces LH and LR have been upgraded and now have a lower failure probability (0.001).
$> java -jar lda4cps.jar examples/aircraft-case2.json
== LDA4CPS v0.62.5 ==
== Started at 2020-05-25 18:56:03.069 ==
=> Loading problem specification... done in 266 ms (0 seconds).
Problem source: _s_
Problem target: PitchMACC
=> Performing Tseitin transformation... done in 130 ms (0 seconds).
|+| Solvers: [MaxSAT]
=> BEST solution found by MAX-SAT-SOLVER for:
Source: _s_
Target: PitchMACC
=== Security Metric ===
Joint probability of failure: 6.3E-6
[+] Failed nodes: none
Total critical nodes: 4
[+] Most likely mission-critical set (MLMCS): (SP1,0.05); (SP2,0.05); (SP3,0.05); (SP4,0.05);
[*] Metric computation time: 86 ms (0 seconds).
Solution saved in: ./view/sol.json
== LDA4CPS ended at 2020-05-25 18:56:03.584 ==
Go to http://localhost:8000/viz.html
You should see the following AND/OR graph along with the MLMCS (SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4):
Understanding whether the mission can still be fulfilled under the presence of failures is vital during design stages. Our approach can easily model failed components v by simply considering p(v) = 1.0. This scenario (case 3) involves a what-if situation where two different actuators (PA3 and PA4) have failed due to freezing conditions.
$> java -jar lda4cps.jar examples/aircraft-case3.json
== LDA4CPS v0.62.5 ==
== Started at 2020-05-25 18:56:36.305 ==
=> Loading problem specification... done in 265 ms (0 seconds).
Problem source: _s_
Problem target: PitchMACC
=> Performing Tseitin transformation... done in 135 ms (0 seconds).
|+| Solvers: [MaxSAT]
=> BEST solution found by MAX-SAT-SOLVER for:
Source: _s_
Target: PitchMACC
=== Security Metric ===
Joint probability of failure: 0.0025
[+] Failed nodes: (PA3,1.0); (PA4,1.0);
Total critical nodes: 2
[+] Most likely mission-critical set (MLMCS): (SP1,0.05); (SP2,0.05);
[*] Metric computation time: 83 ms (0 seconds).
Solution saved in: ./view/sol.json
== LDA4CPS ended at 2020-05-25 18:56:36.823 ==
Go to http://localhost:8000/viz.html
You should see the following AND/OR graph along with the MLMCS (SP1, SP2) and failed components (PA3, PA4) marked with red dashed squares:
The configuration parameters are stored in the file lda4cps.conf
The tool also accepts a different configuration file as argument [-c configFile] to override the configuration in lda4cps.conf. If the file lda4cps.conf
is not present, LDA4CPS uses the default configuration values (see below).
solvers.sat4j = true
Enables/disables default MaxSAT solver (default=true)solvers.optim = false
Enables/disables second Gurobi-based MaxSAT solver (default=false)
python.path = /usr/local/bin/python3
Specifies the path to the Python 3 binary (only used with the second [optional] Gurobi-based solver).python.solver.path = python/
Specifies the path to the Gurobi-based solver.
output.sol = true
Indicates LDA4CPS to output the JSON solution with the critical nodes.output.wcnf = false
Enables/disables the specification of the problem in WCNF (DIMACS-like) format (default=false). The WCNF file can be used to experiment with other MaxSAT solvers.output.txt = false
Enables/disables the specification of the problem in a simple list-based representation file (default=false).
folders.output = output
Specifies the default output folder for .wcnf and .txt files.folders.view = view
Specifies the default view folder where the solution (sol.json) is stored.
tool.debug = false
Enables light debugging.tool.fulldebug = false
Enables full (heavy) debugging.
Apache License 2.0