- Please push your assignment to your fork (your GitHub repository of the course) and submit a link to it via the form shared in Slack.
In this project, you will perform a logistic regression on the admissions data we've been working with in projects 1 and 2.
Objective: Completed Jupyter notebook that includes basic modeling using logistic regression.
- Requirements:
- Create one-hot encoding using binary variables.
- Calculate odds ratios by hand.
- Complete a logistic regression using
and interpret your findings. - Calculate predicted probabilities.
- Do a similar analysis using
The dataset is available here.
Review the questions in the starter code notebook provided.
- Review logistic regression, odds ratios and probabilities from prior lessons.
- Read the documenation for
. Most of the time, there is a tutorial that you can follow; learning to read documentation is crucial to your success as a data scientist.
The rubric is available here.