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mescal: coupling energy system models with life-cycle assessment |
13 January 2025 |
paper.bib |
Energy System Models (ESM) are widely used to design and assess energy transition scenarios. They help decision-makers
to project their policies and understand their impact on strongly interconnected energy systems. However, ESM typically
lack environmental indicators, which are essential to assess the sustainability of energy transition scenarios.
is a Python package that integrates Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) indicators in ESM. It allows energy modellers
to include a wider set of environmental indicators within their models in a transparent and reproducible way.
As a result, energy modellers and decision-makers can identify transition scenarios trade-offs and hot spots, thus
enabling a more holistic sustainability assessment.
ESM aims to support decision-makers in designing and assessing energy transition scenarios. In this work, we focus on bottom-up models, which describe energy technologies with a high level of technical details [@herbst2012]. Most ESM integrate direct carbon emissions in their modelling framework to propose and assess climate change mitigation scenarios. However, the environmental assessment of energy transition scenarios should not be limited to the operation phase and to direct carbon emissions [@hellweg2023]. For instance, the United Nations highlighted three major environmental challenges that humanity is currently facing: climate change, biodiversity loss, and air pollution [@unfccc2022]. Sustainability assessment methods are needed to integrate a broader set of environmental impact categories, including water use, land use, human toxicity, mineral resource use, etc. It is essential to enlarge the environmental assessment of energy transition scenarios while keeping comparable, robust and transparent methods [@hellweg2023].
LCA is a methodology that assesses the environmental impacts of products and services throughout their life-cycle. LCA aims to be a comprehensive environmental assessment as it considers complete value chains and a wide set of environmental impact categories.
ESM can be coupled to LCA with varying integration levels. Ex-post analyses are the most common approach, where
energy transition scenarios generated by ESM are assessed with LCA as a post-processing step
[@fernandezastudillo2019; @blanco2020; @junne2020]. Soft-linking approaches further use LCA results to adjust
ESM projections, thus leading to iterative feedback loops between the ESM and the LCA model.
For instance, @xu2020 computed environmental impacts of the energy mix obtained from an ESM, and then adjusted energy
transition pathways when policy targets were violated.
For LCA indicators to be used actively in ESM, and thus in the design of transition scenarios, hard-linked
coupling is required. This denotes the endogenous integration of LCA indicators in ESM.
Several studies have endogenously integrated LCA indicators in ESM [@rauner2017; @vandepaer2020; @algunaibet2019; @reinert2022], thus
paving the way for multi-objective optimization. @vandepaer2020 compared the use of the
However, these studies combining LCA and ESM remain specific to a single ESM in practice, which makes them difficult to reproduce with another ESM. This complicates the re-application and comparability of these approaches.
Recently, @sacchi2024 presented pathways
, a Python package based on the brightway
framework [@mutel2017] that
performs ex-post assessments of energy transition scenarios with LCA. pathways
requires an energy transition
scenario generated by an ESM or Integrated Assessment
Model (IAM), prospective Life-Cycle Inventory (LCI) databases (which are typically generated using premise
a Python package that generates prospective versions of ecoinvent using IAM projections) and a mapping
between ESM/IAM scenario variables and LCI datasets. As an output, pathways
computes the environmental impacts of transition
scenarios and provides insights about their trade-offs and hot spots. pathways
allows a transparent and reproducible
assessment of energy transition scenarios. ESM/IAM results can be further included in a prospective LCI database using premise
custom scenarios [@sacchi2022], thus making soft-linked coupling possible.
However, this framework is limited to ex-post analyses and does not allow for the endogenous integration of LCA
indicators within ESM or IAM, thus significantly limiting energy modellers' ability to shape transition scenarios
with LCA results.
aims to address this limitation, by enhancing the reproducibility and transparency of hard-linked coupling
between LCA and ESM, thus allowing a better comparability among energy modellers envisioning to enlarge their set of
sustainability metrics.
Starting from a mapping between ESM technologies/resources and LCI datasets from a LCI database, mescal
the LCI and Life-Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) steps of LCA to pre-compute LCA impact scores that are then integrated in the ESM (\autoref{fig:workflow}).
Pre-computed LCA impact scores are used to compute the total environmental impact of the modelled energy system
Before the LCI and LCIA steps, mescal
modifies the intermediary and elementary flows of the LCI datasets to regionalize,
prevent double-counting, and adjust LCI datasets efficiencies (\autoref{fig:workflow}).
After the LCA impact scores computation, mescal
accounts for differences between the ESM and LCI database (i.e.,
lifetime, physical units) and normalizes the impact scores (\autoref{fig:workflow}).
performs these systematic transformations and computations based on the brightway
framework [@mutel2017] and the wurst
Python package, which are tools to perform LCA modelling and calculation
within a Python environment.
requires four mandatory CSV files:
: the mapping between ESM technologies/resources and LCI datasets from a LCI database, e.g., ecoinvent [@wernet2016]. -
: the input and output energy vectors of ESM technologies, e.g., a gas boiler with 90% efficiency has an input of 1.11 kWh of natural gas and produces 1 kWh of heat. -
Conversion factors.csv
: the set of unit conversion factors between ESM technologies/resources and their mapped LCI datasets, e.g., from GWh to MJ. -
: the mapping between ESM energy vectors (e.g., electricity, heat, natural gas) and Central Product Classification (CPC) categories [@unitednations2015].
In addition, mescal
can use several optional CSV files, including:
: the lifetime of the technologies in the ESM and in their respective infrastructure LCI dataset. -
: the list of ESM technologies and their input fuel types for which efficiency adjustment will be performed. -
Ranking locations.csv
: the ranking of preferred locations available in the LCI database with respect to the ESM geographical context.
The foreground system is defined as the set of energy technologies and resources that are specific to the energy system
under study, while the background system comprises the processes that are not under the system designer direct control
or decisive influence [@benini2014]. The mapping between ESM technologies/resources and LCI datasets is the first step
of the LCA integration in ESM. It is performed by associating each ESM technology/resource with one or several LCI
datasets (Mapping.csv
Technologies are typically mapped with two LCI datasets: 1) an operation LCI dataset, which encompasses
the use phase of the technology's life-cycle, and 2) an infrastructure LCI dataset, which encompasses the
construction and dismantling phases of the technology's life-cycle.
ESM resources (which can also be seen as energy imports) are energy technologies' inputs.
They are typically mapped with one operation LCI dataset, which encompasses the resource extraction,
processing, and transportation phases. Regarding LCI databases, mescal
is suited for any version of the
ecoinvent database [@wernet2016] and any prospective LCI database generated via premise
To make LCI datasets more specific and relevant to the ESM geographical scope, the inventory can
be regionalized. Inventory regionalization refers to the enhancement of the geographic representativeness of the
inventory data, which is achieved by adjusting the type and quantity of intermediary and elementary flows
[@patouillard2018]. mescal
regionalizes the foreground inventory by selecting LCI datasets with the most appropriate
geographical tag for a given infrastructure or operation requirement. This selection is supported by the ranking of most suitable
locations in the LCI database, with respect to the ESM geographical context, Ranking locations.csv
Foreground regionalization is performed for intermediary flows, and also for elementary flows if the LCI database
is spatialized, i.e., if a geographic location has been attributed to elementary flows [@patouillard2018].
The types and quantities of the flows remain unchanged. The LCI database can be spatialized and its background
inventory can be regionalized using the regioinvent
library [@maximeagez2025].
Double-counting refers to the multiple occurrence of energy flows within the energy system supply chain, thus leading
to an overestimation of environmental impacts.
For instance, the operation LCI dataset of a heat pump has an input intermediary flow of electricity, which results in
indirect environmental impacts for the heat pump due to the production of electricity. In the ESM, both the heat pump
and the electricity production technologies are modelled. Therefore, the impacts due to electricity production must only
be allocated to the electricity production technology, and not to the heat pump. Otherwise, the impacts of electricity
production would be counted twice.
@volkart2018 proposed a solution to the double-counting issue by setting to zero all flows in the foreground inventory
that were also modelled in the ESM. This approach is implemented in mescal
by identifying the flows to be nullified using their CPC
categories [@unitednations2015] (\autoref{fig:flowchart_double_counting}). In the previous example, the input electricity
flow of the heat pump operation LCI dataset would be set to zero.
In the case of market-type LCI datasets, the foreground inventory contains no direct exchanges and thus the flows to be
nullified are contained in the background inventory.
identifies the set of LCI datasets on which the double-counting removal process should be applied via a
recursive algorithm exploring the market-type datasets backgrounds (\autoref{fig:flowchart_background_search}).
adjusts LCI datasets and specific impact scores to account for differences between the ESM and LCI database.
Sets, parameters, and variables are defined in \autoref{tab:sets}, \autoref{tab:parameters}, and \autoref{tab:variables}.
Technologies lifetime: Infrastructure LCA indicators correspond to annual impacts, thus
adjusts the infrastructure specific impact scores to integrate the difference of lifetime between ESM technologies and their respective infrastructure LCI datasets.mescal
multiplies the infrastructure specific impact score ($lcia_{infra}$ ) with the ratio between the ESM lifetime ($n_{ESM}$ ) and the LCI dataset lifetime ($n_{LCI}$ ) (Lifetime.csv
) to ensure that the annual impact in the ESM is computed with the LCI dataset lifetime, thus resulting in the adjusted infrastructure specific impact score ($lcia_{infra}^{adj}$ in Eq. (1)).
Technologies efficiency: Efficiencies of technologies in the ESM and LCI database should be harmonized,
even if input fuel flows are set to zero in the operation LCI dataset to prevent double-counting, because a difference in
efficiency between a technology and its corresponding operation LCI dataset would result in an inconsistency regarding
the amount of direct emissions.
resolves this issue by adjusting the amount of direct emissions proportionally to the efficiency difference. Except land occupation, land transformation and energy elementary flows, the amounts ($q$ ) of all elementary flows in the operation LCI datasets foregrounds are adjusted using the ratio between the LCI dataset ($\eta_{LCI}$ ) and the ESM ($\eta_{ESM}$ ) efficiencies, thus resulting in adjusted direct emissions amounts ($q^{adj}$ in Eq. (2)). The efficiency of the operation LCI dataset ($\eta_{LCI}$ ) is computed using the quantity of fuel that was removed during the double-counting removal step, while the efficiency of the ESM technology ($\eta_{ESM}$ ) is computed fromESM.csv
applies this transformation to a list of relevant ESM technologies (Efficiency.csv
), e.g., technologies that involve a combustion process.
Physical units: The product flows may be expressed in different units in the ESM and the LCI database.
resolves this issue by multiplying specific impact scores with a conversion factor, which converts the specific impact scores physical unit from [impact category unit / LCI output unit] to [impact category unit / ESM output unit]. Conversion factors account for LCI datasets assumptions such as annual production, capacity factors or vehicle load factors (Conversion factors.csv
). -
Generation of new LCI datasets:
generates new LCI datasets by operating modifications on existing ones, to enhance their alignment with the corresponding ESM technology. For example, biodiesel-fuelled mobility LCI datasets are created by replacing direct fossil carbon emissions by biogenic carbon emissions in fossil diesel-fuelled mobility LCI datasets, while the fossil diesel input is set to zero during the double-counting removal step.
computes LCA impact scores using any set of impact assessment methods, e.g., IMPACT World+ [@bulle2019], ReCiPe
[@huijbregts2017] or Environmental Footprint (EF) [@europeancommission.jointresearchcentre.2018].
Alternatively, mescal
has a module computing only direct emissions that aims to ease the comparison between territorial
emissions and life-cycle emissions. This module sets all foreground intermediary flows to zero, thus only considering
direct emissions for the impact assessment. The results from the background search process
(\autoref{fig:flowchart_background_search}) obtained during the double-counting removal step are re-used to determine
direct emissions of market-type LCI datasets.
The equivalence between territorial emissions and direct emissions is based on the assumption that all modelled direct
emissions are located in the geography of interest.
Prior to integration into ESM, mescal
normalizes the specific impact scores. In the context of optimization,
normalization is beneficial in facilitating the solver's convergence, given that specific impact scores may exhibit
significant discrepancies in magnitude across impact categories and technologies. By aligning all metrics within a
comparable order of magnitude, numerical stability is improved in the solving process.
performs normalization using the maximum indicator (
can control the difference in order of magnitude between the highest and lowest specific impact scores of each impact
category, to eventually facilitate the solver convergence. To achieve this, mescal
sets to zero all normalized
specific impact scores (
Also, considerable discrepancies in magnitude may be observed between infrastructure and operation specific impact scores
within the same impact category, as these are not expressed with the same physical unit (e.g., kg CO$2$-eq/kW for
infrastructure and kg CO$2$-eq/kWh for operation). This might result in a significant fraction of specific impact scores
being set to zero after comparison with the threshold $\epsilon$.
To be able to address this issue, mescal
applies a scaling factor ($lcia{op,max}(k) / lcia{infra,max}(k)$ in Eq. (4))
to infrastructure specific impact scores, to ensure that both the maximum infrastructure and operation indicators are normalized to 1.
then applies the scaling factor inverse to normalized infrastructure indicators (Eq. (6)),
in order to keep the magnitude difference between operation and infrastructure specific impact scores in the ESM.
The following set of modelling equations is included in ESM.
The environmental objective
In order to update the LCI database with the ESM results, mescal
overwrites the relevant LCI datasets,
i.e., LCI datasets that are in the sectoral and geographical scope of the ESM, such as markets for electricity, heat or
transport. The processes composing the markets and their respective shares are determined using the ESM annual
operation results and the Mapping.csv
An example notebook is available to illustrate the use of mescal
offers a systematic methodology to hard-link ESM with LCA, thus enabling the integration of environmental
constraints and objectives in ESM, and the design and environmental assessment of energy transition scenarios
based on LCA indicators.
The use of mescal
ensures a transparent, reproducible, and thus comparable integration of LCA indicators in ESM.
The use of LCA makes sustainability assessments of energy modellers more holistic, thus highlighting the potential trade-offs,
benefits, and adverse side effects of energy transition pathways among the environmental and economic performance indicators.
is intended to be used by energy modellers who might not be LCA experts but want to enlarge the set of environmental
indicators in their model in a transparent and reproducible way.
Updating the LCI database with ESM results paves the way for using mescal
with both snapshot and myopic pathway ESM
within iterative procedures.
Snapshot ESM evaluate the energy system configuration and operation over a timespan, during which the energy system
remains unchanged [@codinagirones2015]. An iterative feedback loop can be established between ESM and mescal
to adjust LCA pre-computed impact scores with the latest ESM results. Convergence is reached when LCA impact scores are
stable between two consecutive iterations, thus providing a consistent environmental assessment of the energy system
(i.e., without relying on the LCI database assumptions regarding the energy system under study).
Myopic pathway ESM divide the transition period into a sequence of consecutive optimization problems [@prina2020].
can be used through a 3-step iterative procedure: 1) run the ESM at time-step
As an example, mescal
methodology has been applied by @schnidrig2024 with EnergyScope [@moret2017]
to analyse environmental-economic trade-offs in Swiss energy system transitions.
makes the integration of LCA indicators in ESM more transparent, reproducible, and comparable.
It aims to encourage energy modellers to consider a broader set of environmental indicators in their energy transition
scenarios, thus enabling a more holistic sustainability assessment.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et Technologies, the Institut de l’énergie Trottier de Polytechnique Montréal and the CREATE-SEED program.
Symbol | Description |
Set of ESM technologies | |
Set of ESM resources | |
Set of time periods | |
Set of environmental impact categories |
: List of sets \label{tab:sets}
Symbol | Description | Unit |
Time period |
hours | |
Lifetime of a technology |
years | |
Lifetime of a technology |
years | |
Infrastructure specific impact score of technology |
impact category unit / capacity unit | |
Operation specific impact score of technology |
impact category unit / operation unit | |
Efficiency of technology |
dimensionless | |
Efficiency of technology |
dimensionless | |
Amount of elementary flow |
elementary flow unit | |
Threshold for the normalization of specific impact scores | dimensionless |
: List of parameters \label{tab:parameters}
Symbol | Description | Unit |
Installed capacity of technology |
capacity unit | |
Operation of technology |
operation unit | |
Normalized total impact score of impact category |
dimensionless | |
Normalized infrastructure impact score of technology |
dimensionless | |
Normalized operation impact score of technology |
dimensionless |
: List of variables \label{tab:variables}