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Birdwatch in Clojure and ClojureScript

This is an all-Clojure implementation of the BirdWatch application. There is a book being written about this application: Building a System in Clojure

Building blocks:

Here is a brief overview of the building blocks:

  • The system is built out of smaller subsystems that communicate via asynchronous message passing. These subsystems instantiated and wired together using the systems-toolbox library. Subsystems on the server and on the connected web clients look very similar because they are, the library uses cljc so that the code can shared between Clojure and ClojureScript projects.
  • A twitter client on top of Adam Wynne's twitter-api connects to the Twitter Streaming API and subscribes to a number of terms.
  • The information grid or pipes and tubes of the application is provided by core.async, but that part is abstracted away by the systems-toolbox library.
  • Tweets are persisted into ElasticSearch using @ClojureWerkz Elastisch client. Note that currently, the latest supported version by this client is ElasticSearch 1.7.2.
  • Clients connect over WebSockets provided by @ptaoussanis sente library.
  • Clients can perform live searches, where matching new tweets with running searches is done via ElasticSearch's Percolator feature. The client UI is then updated in (near)-real time over the existing WebSockets connection.
  • The client UI is built using Reagent library on top of Facebook's react. UI components can observe the state of another component, this feature is also provided by the systems-toolbox library.

Installation of MainApp

First of all, Leiningen must be installed on your system. Then, you need to build the client-side application:

lein cljsbuild once release
lein cljsbuild once dev

Alternatively, you can use the following during development to detect file system changes and recompile MUCH FASTER:

lein cljsbuild auto release
lein cljsbuild auto dev

Another way for an even more interactive development experience is to use lein-figwheel which will allow for live reloading while maintaining the client-side application state. For this, you use

lein figwheel

instead of the cljsbuild command above. Then, whenever code changes, only the changed namespace is recompiled, which typically only takes fractions of a second. Note however that this mode is only meant for use during development on a local machine. Instead of a single, optimized JavaScript file, the browser needs to download many small files. Also, the resulting JavaScript code is slower than the code that went through advanced compilation in the Closure compiler.

You also need Bower for managing the client-side dependencies. Once you have it installed, all you need to do is run it once:

bower install

In the conf.edn, you can specify

  • the address under which your installation of ElasticSearch is accessible (default is localhost)
  • the index to use in ElasticSearch
  • address and port of running instance of Redis (default localhost:6379)

Installation of TwitterClient

You will need to create a file named twitterconf.edn. You can copy twitterconf-tpl.edn as a template. Edit it and fill out the credentials you have obtained from

   {:consumer-key             "<YOUR API KEY HERE>"
    :consumer-secret          "<YOUR API SECRET HERE>"
    :user-access-token        "<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN HERE>"
    :user-access-token-secret "<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN SECRET HERE>"
    :es-address               ""
    :es-index                 "birdwatch"
    :track                    "clojure,love"
    :tw-check-interval-sec    10
    :tw-restart-wait          60
    :pidfile-name             ""
    :redis-host               ""
    :redis-port               6379}

In the twitterconf.edn, you can specify

  • the address under which your installation of ElasticSearch is accessible (default is localhost)
  • the index to use in ElasticSearch
  • the terms to track in the Streaming API connection with Twitter
  • address and port of running instance of Redis (default localhost:6379)


Once the steps described above are completed, usage is easy. You can start up the both applications in their respective directories like this:

lein run

The command above will have the MainApp application listen on localhost:8888. You can alternatively specify a different port or IP address to listen through environment variables, like so:

PORT=9999 HOST= lein run

You can now also run the application in a secure fashion using TLS, have a look at this separate README.


Copyright © 2014-2016 Matthias Nehlsen. Distributed under the GNU AFFERO PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3. See separate LICENSE file.