| 1 | +import { expect } from "chai"; |
| 2 | +import { ethers, network } from "hardhat"; |
| 3 | +import type { Wallet } from "zksync-web3"; |
| 4 | +import type { L2EthToken } from "../typechain"; |
| 5 | +import { L2EthTokenFactory } from "../typechain"; |
| 6 | +import { deployContractOnAddress, getWallets, loadArtifact, provider } from "./shared/utils"; |
| 7 | +import type { BigNumber } from "ethers"; |
| 9 | +import { prepareEnvironment, setResult } from "./shared/mocks"; |
| 10 | +import { randomBytes } from "crypto"; |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | +describe("L2EthToken tests", () => { |
| 13 | + const richWallet = getWallets()[0]; |
| 14 | + let wallets: Array<Wallet>; |
| 15 | + let l2EthToken: L2EthToken; |
| 16 | + let bootloaderAccount: ethers.Signer; |
| 17 | + let mailboxIface: ethers.utils.Interface; |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | + before(async () => { |
| 20 | + await prepareEnvironment(); |
| 21 | + await deployContractOnAddress(TEST_ETH_TOKEN_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, "L2EthToken"); |
| 22 | + l2EthToken = L2EthTokenFactory.connect(TEST_ETH_TOKEN_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, richWallet); |
| 23 | + bootloaderAccount = await ethers.getImpersonatedSigner(TEST_BOOTLOADER_FORMAL_ADDRESS); |
| 24 | + mailboxIface = new ethers.utils.Interface((await loadArtifact("IMailbox")).abi); |
| 25 | + }); |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | + beforeEach(async () => { |
| 28 | + wallets = Array.from({ length: 2 }, () => ethers.Wallet.createRandom().connect(provider)); |
| 29 | + }); |
| 30 | + |
| 31 | + after(async function () { |
| 32 | + await network.provider.request({ |
| 33 | + method: "hardhat_stopImpersonatingAccount", |
| 35 | + }); |
| 36 | + }); |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | + describe("mint", () => { |
| 39 | + it("called by bootlader", async () => { |
| 40 | + const initialSupply: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.totalSupply(); |
| 41 | + const initialBalanceOfWallet: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(wallets[0].address); |
| 42 | + const amountToMint: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("10.0"); |
| 43 | + |
| 44 | + await expect(l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).mint(wallets[0].address, amountToMint)) |
| 45 | + .to.emit(l2EthToken, "Mint") |
| 46 | + .withArgs(wallets[0].address, amountToMint); |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | + const finalSupply: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.totalSupply(); |
| 49 | + const balanceOfWallet: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(wallets[0].address); |
| 50 | + expect(finalSupply).to.equal(initialSupply.add(amountToMint)); |
| 51 | + expect(balanceOfWallet).to.equal(initialBalanceOfWallet.add(amountToMint)); |
| 52 | + }); |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | + it("not called by bootloader", async () => { |
| 55 | + const amountToMint: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("10.0"); |
| 56 | + await expect(l2EthToken.connect(wallets[0]).mint(wallets[0].address, amountToMint)).to.be.rejectedWith( |
| 57 | + "Callable only by the bootloader" |
| 58 | + ); |
| 59 | + }); |
| 60 | + }); |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | + describe("transfer", () => { |
| 63 | + it("transfer successfully", async () => { |
| 64 | + await ( |
| 65 | + await l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).mint(wallets[0].address, ethers.utils.parseEther("100.0")) |
| 66 | + ).wait(); |
| 67 | + |
| 68 | + const senderBalanceBeforeTransfer: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(wallets[0].address); |
| 69 | + const recipientBalanceBeforeTransfer: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(wallets[1].address); |
| 70 | + |
| 71 | + const amountToTransfer = ethers.utils.parseEther("10.0"); |
| 72 | + |
| 73 | + await expect( |
| 74 | + l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).transferFromTo(wallets[0].address, wallets[1].address, amountToTransfer) |
| 75 | + ) |
| 76 | + .to.emit(l2EthToken, "Transfer") |
| 77 | + .withArgs(wallets[0].address, wallets[1].address, amountToTransfer); |
| 78 | + |
| 79 | + const senderBalanceAfterTransfer: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(wallets[0].address); |
| 80 | + const recipientBalanceAfterTransfer: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(wallets[1].address); |
| 81 | + expect(senderBalanceAfterTransfer).to.be.eq(senderBalanceBeforeTransfer.sub(amountToTransfer)); |
| 82 | + expect(recipientBalanceAfterTransfer).to.be.eq(recipientBalanceBeforeTransfer.add(amountToTransfer)); |
| 83 | + }); |
| 84 | + |
| 85 | + it("no tranfser due to insufficient balance", async () => { |
| 86 | + await ( |
| 87 | + await l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).mint(wallets[0].address, ethers.utils.parseEther("5.0")) |
| 88 | + ).wait(); |
| 89 | + const amountToTransfer: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("6.0"); |
| 90 | + |
| 91 | + await expect( |
| 92 | + l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).transferFromTo(wallets[0].address, wallets[1].address, amountToTransfer) |
| 93 | + ).to.be.rejectedWith("Transfer amount exceeds balance"); |
| 94 | + }); |
| 95 | + |
| 96 | + it("no transfer - require special access", async () => { |
| 97 | + const maliciousWallet: Wallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().connect(provider); |
| 98 | + await ( |
| 99 | + await l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).mint(maliciousWallet.address, ethers.utils.parseEther("20.0")) |
| 100 | + ).wait(); |
| 101 | + |
| 102 | + const amountToTransfer: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("20.0"); |
| 103 | + |
| 104 | + await expect( |
| 105 | + l2EthToken |
| 106 | + .connect(maliciousWallet) |
| 107 | + .transferFromTo(maliciousWallet.address, wallets[1].address, amountToTransfer) |
| 108 | + ).to.be.rejectedWith("Only system contracts with special access can call this method"); |
| 109 | + }); |
| 110 | + }); |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | + describe("balanceOf", () => { |
| 113 | + it("walletFrom address", async () => { |
| 114 | + const amountToMint: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("10.0"); |
| 115 | + |
| 116 | + await l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).mint(wallets[0].address, amountToMint); |
| 117 | + const balance = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(wallets[0].address); |
| 118 | + expect(balance).to.equal(amountToMint); |
| 119 | + }); |
| 120 | + |
| 121 | + it("address larger than 20 bytes", async () => { |
| 122 | + const amountToMint: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("123.0"); |
| 123 | + |
| 124 | + const res = await l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).mint(wallets[0].address, amountToMint); |
| 125 | + await res.wait(); |
| 126 | + const largerAddress = ethers.BigNumber.from( |
| 127 | + "0x" + randomBytes(12).toString("hex") + wallets[0].address.slice(2) |
| 128 | + ).toHexString(); |
| 129 | + const balance = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(largerAddress); |
| 130 | + |
| 131 | + expect(balance).to.equal(amountToMint); |
| 132 | + }); |
| 133 | + }); |
| 134 | + |
| 135 | + describe("totalSupply", () => { |
| 136 | + it("correct total supply", async () => { |
| 137 | + const totalSupplyBefore = await l2EthToken.totalSupply(); |
| 138 | + const amountToMint: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("10.0"); |
| 139 | + |
| 140 | + await l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).mint(wallets[0].address, amountToMint); |
| 141 | + const totalSupply = await l2EthToken.totalSupply(); |
| 142 | + |
| 143 | + expect(totalSupply).to.equal(totalSupplyBefore.add(amountToMint)); |
| 144 | + }); |
| 145 | + }); |
| 146 | + |
| 147 | + describe("name", () => { |
| 148 | + it("correct name", async () => { |
| 149 | + const name = await l2EthToken.name(); |
| 150 | + expect(name).to.equal("Ether"); |
| 151 | + }); |
| 152 | + }); |
| 153 | + |
| 154 | + describe("symbol", () => { |
| 155 | + it("correct symbol", async () => { |
| 156 | + const symbol = await l2EthToken.symbol(); |
| 157 | + expect(symbol).to.equal("ETH"); |
| 158 | + }); |
| 159 | + }); |
| 160 | + |
| 161 | + describe("decimals", () => { |
| 162 | + it("correct decimals", async () => { |
| 163 | + const decimals = await l2EthToken.decimals(); |
| 164 | + expect(decimals).to.equal(18); |
| 165 | + }); |
| 166 | + }); |
| 167 | + |
| 168 | + describe("withdraw", () => { |
| 169 | + it("event, balance, totalsupply", async () => { |
| 170 | + const amountToWithdraw: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("1.0"); |
| 171 | + const message: string = ethers.utils.solidityPack( |
| 172 | + ["bytes4", "address", "uint256"], |
| 173 | + [mailboxIface.getSighash("finalizeEthWithdrawal"), wallets[1].address, amountToWithdraw] |
| 174 | + ); |
| 175 | + |
| 176 | + await setResult("L1Messenger", "sendToL1", [message], { |
| 177 | + failure: false, |
| 178 | + returnData: ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["bytes32"], [ethers.utils.keccak256(message)]), |
| 179 | + }); |
| 180 | + |
| 181 | + // To prevent underflow since initial values are 0's and we are substracting from them |
| 182 | + const amountToMint: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("100.0"); |
| 183 | + await (await l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).mint(l2EthToken.address, amountToMint)).wait(); |
| 184 | + |
| 185 | + const balanceBeforeWithdrawal: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(l2EthToken.address); |
| 186 | + const totalSupplyBefore = await l2EthToken.totalSupply(); |
| 187 | + |
| 188 | + await expect(l2EthToken.connect(richWallet).withdraw(wallets[1].address, { value: amountToWithdraw })) |
| 189 | + .to.emit(l2EthToken, "Withdrawal") |
| 190 | + .withArgs(richWallet.address, wallets[1].address, amountToWithdraw); |
| 191 | + |
| 192 | + const balanceAfterWithdrawal: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(l2EthToken.address); |
| 193 | + const totalSupplyAfter = await l2EthToken.totalSupply(); |
| 194 | + |
| 195 | + expect(balanceAfterWithdrawal).to.equal(balanceBeforeWithdrawal.sub(amountToWithdraw)); |
| 196 | + expect(totalSupplyAfter).to.equal(totalSupplyBefore.sub(amountToWithdraw)); |
| 197 | + }); |
| 198 | + |
| 199 | + it("event, balance, totalsupply, withdrawWithMessage", async () => { |
| 200 | + const amountToWithdraw: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("1.0"); |
| 201 | + const additionalData: string = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], ["additional data"]); |
| 202 | + const message: string = ethers.utils.solidityPack( |
| 203 | + ["bytes4", "address", "uint256", "address", "bytes"], |
| 204 | + [ |
| 205 | + mailboxIface.getSighash("finalizeEthWithdrawal"), |
| 206 | + wallets[1].address, |
| 207 | + amountToWithdraw, |
| 208 | + richWallet.address, |
| 209 | + additionalData, |
| 210 | + ] |
| 211 | + ); |
| 212 | + |
| 213 | + await setResult("L1Messenger", "sendToL1", [message], { |
| 214 | + failure: false, |
| 215 | + returnData: ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["bytes32"], [ethers.utils.keccak256(message)]), |
| 216 | + }); |
| 217 | + |
| 218 | + // Consitency reasons - won't crash if test order reverse |
| 219 | + const amountToMint: BigNumber = ethers.utils.parseEther("100.0"); |
| 220 | + await (await l2EthToken.connect(bootloaderAccount).mint(l2EthToken.address, amountToMint)).wait(); |
| 221 | + |
| 222 | + const totalSupplyBefore = await l2EthToken.totalSupply(); |
| 223 | + const balanceBeforeWithdrawal: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(l2EthToken.address); |
| 224 | + await expect( |
| 225 | + l2EthToken.connect(richWallet).withdrawWithMessage(wallets[1].address, additionalData, { |
| 226 | + value: amountToWithdraw, |
| 227 | + }) |
| 228 | + ) |
| 229 | + .to.emit(l2EthToken, "WithdrawalWithMessage") |
| 230 | + .withArgs(richWallet.address, wallets[1].address, amountToWithdraw, additionalData); |
| 231 | + const totalSupplyAfter = await l2EthToken.totalSupply(); |
| 232 | + const balanceAfterWithdrawal: BigNumber = await l2EthToken.balanceOf(l2EthToken.address); |
| 233 | + expect(balanceAfterWithdrawal).to.equal(balanceBeforeWithdrawal.sub(amountToWithdraw)); |
| 234 | + expect(totalSupplyAfter).to.equal(totalSupplyBefore.sub(amountToWithdraw)); |
| 235 | + }); |
| 236 | + }); |
| 237 | +}); |
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