- Anaconda/ContinuumIO. This is how you will install Python.
- Introduction to conda, the tool you will use to install other Python packages.
- Programming with Python. A course taught at the University of Manchester by Vedran Sego.
- Google's Python course
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Code Academy. Online bootcamp that teaches you Python through exercises in the browser.
- WikiBooks: Python programming
- The "official" Python tutorial.
- Understanding loops in Python. A Kahn Academy video on YouTube.
- Launching the Jupyter/IPython notebook and setting the default folder
- Bryn Maywr's Jupyter Notebook Users Manual. A very detailed overview of the features of the Notebook.
- Project Euler. A set of mathematical problems that can be solved in a variety of programming languages. You get to upload your solutions and see how you measure up against others!
- Rosalind. A set of bioinformatics problems that can be solved using Python. Learn about molecular biology while learning Python! What could be better! (Answer: nothing)
- Offical LaTeX site
- "LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents."
- Wikipedia
- Listing of symbols
- Tutorial
- SageMathCloud
"SageMathCloud is a cloud computing platform designed for computational mathematics. Part of the Sage project, it supports editing of Sage worksheets, LaTeX documents, and IPython notebooks. SageMathCloud runs an Ubuntu Linux environment that can be interacted with through a terminal, additionally giving access to most of the capabilities of Linux.[1] It can be freely accessed online and requires an account to use."
- Git for humans. A talk about what git is.
- Try Git (sponsored by Github and created by CodeSchool). Got 15 minutes and want to learn Git?
- Git Init. A tutorial with stepped-through animation.
- Getting started with Git. Part of Raspberry Pi Learning Resources