These projects were used to build stimulus-py. Thank you!
Runtime dependencies¶
Project | Summary | Version (accepted) | Version (last resolved) | License |
aiohappyeyeballs | Happy Eyeballs for asyncio | >=2.3.0 | 2.4.4 | PSF-2.0 |
aiohttp | Async http client/server framework (asyncio) | >=3.7 | 3.11.11 | Apache-2.0 |
aiohttp-cors | CORS support for aiohttp | 0.7.0 | Apache License, Version 2.0 | |
aiosignal | aiosignal: a list of registered asynchronous callbacks | 1.3.2 | Apache 2.0 | |
annotated-types | Reusable constraint types to use with typing.Annotated | >=0.6.0 | 0.7.0 | MIT License |
attrs | Classes Without Boilerplate | >=22.2.0 | 25.1.0 | MIT |
cachetools | Extensible memoizing collections and decorators | >=2.0.0, <6.0 | 5.5.1 | MIT |
certifi | Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. | >=2017.4.17 | 2024.12.14 | MPL-2.0 |
charset-normalizer | The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet. | >=2, <4 | 3.4.1 | MIT |
click | Composable command line interface toolkit | >=7.0 | 8.1.8 | BSD License |
colorama | Cross-platform colored terminal text. | >=0.4 | 0.4.6 | BSD License |
colorful | Terminal string styling done right, in Python. | 0.5.6 | MIT License | |
contourpy | Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids | >=1.0.1 | 1.3.1 | BSD License |
cycler | Composable style cycles | >=0.10 | 0.12.1 | BSD License |
dill | serialize all of Python | >=0.3.9 | 0.3.9 | BSD-3-Clause |
distlib | Distribution utilities | >=0.3.7, <1 | 0.3.9 | PSF-2.0 |
filelock | A platform independent file lock. | 3.17.0 | Unlicense | |
fonttools | Tools to manipulate font files | >=4.22.0 | 4.55.7 | MIT |
frozenlist | A list-like structure which implements | 1.5.0 | Apache 2 | |
fsspec | File-system specification | 2024.12.0 | BSD License | |
google-api-core | Google API client core library | >=1.0.0, <2.0.0 | 2.24.1 | Apache 2.0 |
google-auth | Google Authentication Library | >=2.14.1, <3.0.dev0 | 2.38.0 | Apache 2.0 |
googleapis-common-protos | Common protobufs used in Google APIs | >=1.56.2, <2.0.dev0 | 1.66.0 | Apache-2.0 |
grpcio | HTTP/2-based RPC framework | >=1.32.0 | 1.70.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
idna | Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) | >=2.5, <4 | 3.10 | BSD License |
importlib_metadata | Read metadata from Python packages | >=4.4 | 8.6.1 | Apache Software License |
iniconfig | brain-dead simple config-ini parsing | 2.0.0 | MIT | |
Jinja2 | A very fast and expressive template engine. | >=2.11.1 | 3.1.5 | BSD License |
joblib | Lightweight pipelining with Python functions | >=1.2.0 | 1.4.2 | BSD 3-Clause |
jsonschema | An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python | 4.23.0 | MIT | |
jsonschema-specifications | The JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies, exposed as a Registry | >=2023.03.6 | 2024.10.1 | MIT License |
kiwisolver | A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver | >=1.3.1 | 1.4.8 | BSD License |
MarkupSafe | Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup. | >=2.0.1, >=2.0 | 3.0.2 | BSD License |
matplotlib | Python plotting package | >=3.9.0 | 3.10.0 | Python Software Foundation License |
mpmath | Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic | >=1.1.0, <1.4 | 1.3.0 | BSD |
msgpack | MessagePack serializer | >=1.0.0, <2.0.0 | 1.1.0 | Apache 2.0 |
multidict | multidict implementation | >=4.5, <7.0 | 6.1.0 | Apache 2 |
multiprocess | better multiprocessing and multithreading in Python | ==0.70.17 | 0.70.17 | BSD-3-Clause |
networkx | Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks | 3.4.2 | BSD License | |
numpy | Fundamental package for array computing in Python | >=1.26.0, <2.0.0 | 1.26.4 | BSD License |
nvidia-cublas-cu12 | CUBLAS native runtime libraries | == | | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12 | CUDA profiling tools runtime libs. | ==12.1.105 | 12.1.105 | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12 | NVRTC native runtime libraries | ==12.1.105 | 12.1.105 | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 | CUDA Runtime native Libraries | ==12.1.105 | 12.1.105 | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-cudnn-cu12 | cuDNN runtime libraries | == | | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-cufft-cu12 | CUFFT native runtime libraries | == | | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-curand-cu12 | CURAND native runtime libraries | == | | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-cusolver-cu12 | CUDA solver native runtime libraries | == | | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-cusparse-cu12 | CUSPARSE native runtime libraries | == | | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-nccl-cu12 | NVIDIA Collective Communication Library (NCCL) Runtime | ==2.19.3 | 2.19.3 | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12 | Nvidia JIT LTO Library | 12.8.61 | NVIDIA Proprietary Software | |
nvidia-nvtx-cu12 | NVIDIA Tools Extension | ==12.1.105 | 12.1.105 | NVIDIA Proprietary Software |
opencensus | A stats collection and distributed tracing framework | 0.11.4 | Apache-2.0 | |
opencensus-context | OpenCensus Runtime Context | >=0.1.3 | 0.1.3 | Apache-2.0 |
packaging | Core utilities for Python packages | >=20.5 | 24.2 | Apache Software License + BSD License |
pandas | Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics | >=2.2.0 | 2.2.3 | BSD License |
pillow | Python Imaging Library (Fork) | >=8 | 11.1.0 | MIT-CMU |
platformdirs | A small Python package for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a user data dir . | >=3.9.1, >=2, <5 | 4.3.6 | MIT |
pluggy | plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python | >=1.5, <2 | 1.5.0 | MIT |
polars-lts-cpu | Blazingly fast DataFrame library | >=0.20.30, <1.12.0 | 1.11.0 | MIT License |
prometheus_client | Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system. | >=0.7.1 | 0.21.1 | Apache Software License 2.0 |
propcache | Accelerated property cache | >=0.2.0 | 0.2.1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-plus | Beautiful, Pythonic protocol buffers | >=1.22.3, <2.0.0dev | 1.26.0 | Apache 2.0 |
protobuf | >=3.15.3, !=3.19.5 | 5.29.3 | 3-Clause BSD License | |
py-spy | Sampling profiler for Python programs | >=0.2.0 | 0.4.0 | MIT |
pyarrow | Python library for Apache Arrow | >=9.0.0 | 17.0.0 | Apache Software License |
pyasn1 | Pure-Python implementation of ASN.1 types and DER/BER/CER codecs (X.208) | >=0.1.3 | 0.6.1 | BSD-2-Clause |
pyasn1_modules | A collection of ASN.1-based protocols modules | >=0.2.1 | 0.4.1 | BSD |
pydantic | Data validation using Python type hints | >=2.0.0 | 2.10.6 | MIT |
pydantic_core | Core functionality for Pydantic validation and serialization | ==2.27.2 | 2.27.2 | MIT |
pyparsing | pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars | >=2.3.1 | 3.2.1 | MIT License |
pytest | pytest: simple powerful testing with Python | >=8.2, >=7.0.0, <9.0.0 | 8.3.4 | MIT |
python-dateutil | Extensions to the standard Python datetime module | >=2.8.2, >=2.8.1 | 2.9.0.post0 | BSD License + Apache Software License |
pytz | World timezone definitions, modern and historical | >=2020.1 | 2024.2 | MIT |
PyYAML | YAML parser and emitter for Python | >=5.1 | 6.0.2 | MIT |
ray | Ray provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. | >=2.38.0 | 2.41.0 | Apache 2.0 |
referencing | JSON Referencing + Python | >=0.28.4 | 0.36.2 | MIT |
requests | Python HTTP for Humans. | ~=2.26 | 2.32.3 | Apache-2.0 |
rpds-py | Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds) | >=0.7.1 | 0.22.3 | MIT License |
rsa | Pure-Python RSA implementation | >=3.1.4, <5 | 4.9 | Apache-2.0 |
safetensors | >=0.4.5 | 0.5.2 | Apache Software License | |
scikit-learn | A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining | >=1.5.0 | 1.6.1 | BSD License |
scipy | Fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python | ==1.14.1 | 1.14.1 | BSD License |
six | Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities | >=1.5 | 1.17.0 | MIT |
smart-open | Utils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, GCS, Azure Blob Storage, gzip, bz2...) | 7.1.0 | MIT | |
sympy | Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python | 1.13.3 | BSD | |
syrupy | Pytest Snapshot Test Utility | >=4.8.0 | 4.8.1 | Apache-2.0 |
tensorboardX | TensorBoardX lets you watch Tensors Flow without Tensorflow | >=1.9 | | MIT license |
threadpoolctl | threadpoolctl | >=3.1.0 | 3.5.0 | BSD-3-Clause |
torch | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration | ==2.2.2 | 2.2.2 | BSD-3 |
triton | A language and compiler for custom Deep Learning operations | ==2.2.0 | 2.2.0 | MIT License |
typing_extensions | Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.8+ | >=4.6.0, >=4.12.2 | 4.12.2 | Python Software Foundation License |
tzdata | Provider of IANA time zone data | >=2022.7 | 2025.1 | Apache-2.0 |
urllib3 | HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. | >=1.21.1, <3 | 2.3.0 | MIT License |
virtualenv | Virtual Python Environment builder | >=20.0.24, !=20.21.1 | 20.29.1 | MIT |
wrapt | Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. | 1.17.2 | BSD | |
yarl | Yet another URL library | >=1.17.0, <2.0 | 1.18.3 | Apache-2.0 |
zipp | Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files | >=3.20 | 3.21.0 | MIT License |
Development dependencies¶
Project | Summary | Version (accepted) | Version (last resolved) | License |
ansimarkup | Produce colored terminal text with an xml-like markup | ~=1.4 | 1.5.0 | Revised BSD License |
appdirs | A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir". | >=1.4 | 1.4.4 | MIT |
babel | Internationalization utilities | ~=2.10 | 2.16.0 | BSD-3-Clause |
backports.tarfile | Backport of CPython tarfile module | 1.2.0 | MIT License | |
black | The uncompromising code formatter. | >=24.4 | 24.10.0 | MIT |
build | A simple, correct Python build frontend | >=1.2 | 1.2.2.post1 | MIT License |
certifi | Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. | >=2017.4.17 | 2024.12.14 | MPL-2.0 |
cffi | Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code. | >=1.12 | 1.17.1 | MIT |
charset-normalizer | The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet. | >=2, <4 | 3.4.1 | MIT |
click | Composable command line interface toolkit | >=7.0 | 8.1.8 | BSD License |
colorama | Cross-platform colored terminal text. | >=0.4 | 0.4.6 | BSD License |
coverage | Code coverage measurement for Python | >=7.5 | 7.6.10 | Apache-2.0 |
cryptography | cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers. | >=2.0 | 44.0.0 | Apache-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause |
csscompressor | A python port of YUI CSS Compressor | >=0.9.5 | 0.9.5 | BSD |
docutils | Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities | >=0.21.2 | 0.21.2 | Public Domain + Python Software Foundation License + BSD License + GNU General Public License (GPL) |
duty | A simple task runner. | >=1.4 | 1.4.3 | ISC |
editables | Editable installations | >=0.5 | 0.5 | MIT License |
execnet | execnet: rapid multi-Python deployment | >=2.1 | 2.1.1 | MIT |
failprint | Run a command, print its output only if it fails. | >=0.11, !=1.0.0 | 1.0.3 | ISC |
ghp-import | Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch. | >=1.0 | 2.1.0 | Apache Software License |
git-changelog | Automatic Changelog generator using Jinja2 templates. | >=2.5 | 2.5.3 | ISC |
gitdb | Git Object Database | >=4.0.1, <5 | 4.0.12 | BSD License |
GitPython | GitPython is a Python library used to interact with Git repositories | 3.1.44 | BSD-3-Clause | |
griffe | Signatures for entire Python programs. Extract the structure, the frame, the skeleton of your project, to generate API documentation or find breaking changes in your API. | >=0.49 | 1.5.5 | ISC |
htmlmin2 | An HTML Minifier | >=0.1.13 | 0.1.13 | BSD |
id | A tool for generating OIDC identities | 1.5.0 | Apache Software License | |
idna | Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) | >=2.5, <4 | 3.10 | BSD License |
importlib_metadata | Read metadata from Python packages | >=4.4 | 8.6.1 | Apache Software License |
iniconfig | brain-dead simple config-ini parsing | 2.0.0 | MIT | |
jaraco.classes | Utility functions for Python class constructs | 3.4.0 | MIT License | |
jaraco.context | Useful decorators and context managers | 6.0.1 | MIT License | |
jaraco.functools | Functools like those found in stdlib | 4.1.0 | MIT License | |
jeepney | Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper. | >=0.4.2 | 0.8.0 | MIT License |
Jinja2 | A very fast and expressive template engine. | >=2.11.1 | 3.1.5 | BSD License |
jsmin | JavaScript minifier. | >=3.0.1 | 3.0.1 | MIT License |
keyring | Store and access your passwords safely. | >=15.1 | 25.6.0 | MIT License |
Markdown | Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. | >=3.3.6 | 3.7 | BSD License |
markdown-callouts | Markdown extension: a classier syntax for admonitions | >=0.4 | 0.4.0 | MIT |
markdown-exec | Utilities to execute code blocks in Markdown files. | >=1.8 | 1.10.0 | ISC |
markdown-it-py | Python port of markdown-it. Markdown parsing, done right! | >=2.2.0 | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
MarkupSafe | Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup. | >=2.0.1, >=2.0 | 3.0.2 | BSD License |
mdurl | Markdown URL utilities | ~=0.1 | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
mergedeep | A deep merge function for 🐍. | >=1.3.4 | 1.3.4 | MIT License |
mkdocs | Project documentation with Markdown. | >=1.6 | 1.6.1 | BSD-2-Clause |
mkdocs-autorefs | Automatically link across pages in MkDocs. | >=1.2 | 1.3.0 | ISC |
mkdocs-coverage | MkDocs plugin to integrate your coverage HTML report into your site. | >=1.0 | 1.1.0 | ISC |
mkdocs-gen-files | MkDocs plugin to programmatically generate documentation pages during the build | >=0.5 | 0.5.0 | MIT |
mkdocs-get-deps | MkDocs extension that lists all dependencies according to a mkdocs.yml file | >=0.2.0 | 0.2.0 | MIT |
mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin | Mkdocs plugin that enables displaying the localized date of the last git modification of a markdown file. | >=1.2 | 1.3.0 | MIT |
mkdocs-literate-nav | MkDocs plugin to specify the navigation in Markdown instead of YAML | >=0.6 | 0.6.1 | MIT |
mkdocs-material | Documentation that simply works | >=9.5 | 9.5.50 | MIT |
mkdocs-material-extensions | Extension pack for Python Markdown and MkDocs Material. | ~=1.3 | 1.3.1 | MIT |
mkdocs-minify-plugin | An MkDocs plugin to minify HTML, JS or CSS files prior to being written to disk | >=0.8 | 0.8.0 | MIT |
mkdocstrings | Automatic documentation from sources, for MkDocs. | >=0.25 | 0.27.0 | ISC |
mkdocstrings-python | A Python handler for mkdocstrings. | >=0.5.2 | 1.13.0 | ISC |
more-itertools | More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools | 10.6.0 | MIT License | |
mypy | Optional static typing for Python | >=1.10 | 1.14.1 | MIT |
mypy-extensions | Type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy type checker. | >=1.0.0 | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
nh3 | Python binding to Ammonia HTML sanitizer Rust crate | >=0.2.14 | 0.2.20 | MIT |
packaging | Core utilities for Python packages | >=20.5 | 24.2 | Apache Software License + BSD License |
paginate | Divides large result sets into pages for easier browsing | ~=0.5 | 0.5.7 | MIT |
pathspec | Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths. | >=0.11.1 | 0.12.1 | Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) |
platformdirs | A small Python package for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a user data dir . | >=3.9.1, >=2, <5 | 4.3.6 | MIT |
pluggy | plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python | >=1.5, <2 | 1.5.0 | MIT |
ptyprocess | Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal | ~=0.6 | 0.7.0 | ISC License (ISCL) |
pycparser | C parser in Python | 2.22 | BSD-3-Clause | |
Pygments | Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. | ~=2.16 | 2.19.1 | BSD-2-Clause |
pymdown-extensions | Extension pack for Python Markdown. | ~=10.2 | 10.14.1 | MIT |
pyproject_hooks | Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks. | 1.2.0 | MIT License | |
pytest | pytest: simple powerful testing with Python | >=8.2, >=7.0.0, <9.0.0 | 8.3.4 | MIT |
pytest-cov | Pytest plugin for measuring coverage. | >=5.0 | 6.0.0 | MIT |
pytest-randomly | Pytest plugin to randomly order tests and control random.seed. | >=3.15 | 3.16.0 | MIT License |
pytest-xdist | pytest xdist plugin for distributed testing, most importantly across multiple CPUs | >=3.6 | 3.6.1 | MIT License |
python-dateutil | Extensions to the standard Python datetime module | >=2.8.2, >=2.8.1 | 2.9.0.post0 | BSD License + Apache Software License |
pytz | World timezone definitions, modern and historical | >=2020.1 | 2024.2 | MIT |
PyYAML | YAML parser and emitter for Python | >=5.1 | 6.0.2 | MIT |
pyyaml_env_tag | A custom YAML tag for referencing environment variables in YAML files. | >=0.1 | 0.1 | MIT License |
readme_renderer | readme_renderer is a library for rendering readme descriptions for Warehouse | >=35.0 | 44.0 | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
regex | Alternative regular expression module, to replace re. | >=2022.4 | 2024.11.6 | Apache Software License |
requests | Python HTTP for Humans. | ~=2.26 | 2.32.3 | Apache-2.0 |
requests-toolbelt | A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests | >=0.8.0, !=0.9.0 | 1.0.0 | Apache 2.0 |
rfc3986 | Validating URI References per RFC 3986 | >=1.4.0 | 2.0.0 | Apache 2.0 |
rich | Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting, markdown and more to the terminal | >=12.0.0 | 13.9.4 | MIT |
ruff | An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust. | >=0.4 | 0.9.3 | MIT |
SecretStorage | Python bindings to Secret Service API | >=3.2 | 3.3.3 | BSD 3-Clause License |
semver | Python helper for Semantic Versioning ( | >=2.13 | 3.0.4 | BSD License |
six | Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities | >=1.5 | 1.17.0 | MIT |
smmap | A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager | >=3.0.1, <6 | 5.0.2 | BSD-3-Clause |
twine | Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI | >=5.1 | 6.1.0 | Apache Software License |
types-Markdown | Typing stubs for Markdown | >=3.6 | | Apache-2.0 |
types-PyYAML | Typing stubs for PyYAML | >=6.0 | | Apache-2.0 |
typing_extensions | Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.8+ | >=4.6.0, >=4.12.2 | 4.12.2 | Python Software Foundation License |
urllib3 | HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. | >=1.21.1, <3 | 2.3.0 | MIT License |
watchdog | Filesystem events monitoring | >=2.0 | 6.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
zipp | Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files | >=3.20 | 3.21.0 | MIT License |