All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.1.3 (2023-10-01)
- typing (04816e4)
3.1.2 (2023-09-21)
- script post release (205228f)
- update mail config (cd0bf28)
- update package (e5376a6)
- update swc (3365e4a)
3.1.1 (2023-08-06)
- improve .eslintrc (aafcb94)
- remove helper yup (e95b913)
- script generate (e959349)
- update dockerfile (a0696fe)
3.1.0 (2023-07-03)
- add error handle zod (b8b1893)
- change config logger (c221ca9)
- change logger morgan to pino (7904121)
- change schema from yup to zod (e0b9b3a)
- config logger (b066935)
- example job (5371e1c)
- git ignore (05073e7)
- improve core utils (8eca084)
- improve docker controller (4fc5177)
- main ts (aec95a8)
- update package (0faaf97)
3.0.0 (2023-06-08)
- improve base code
- add .github (0c82dd5)
- add base account (f99e41f)
- add docs schema (c94ff6b)
- add helper routing (21040c7)
- add swc config (8f69ec6)
- add translation (6fade34)
- config docker env (9b5d76c)
- account service (92734fa)
- add folder database dummy (2c3f88d)
- auth service (a8a73fd)
- axios timeout (ebe5dd3)
- config base url (40aa09e)
- config client redis (ccadc17)
- config docker (31c8d06)
- config fetcher (728b4aa)
- config i18n (81bd12f)
- config script (f5eefe5)
- constant allowed origin (7df07c8)
- constant repo instance base account (0732f57)
- data model entity (c963099)
- endpoint auth (70cddd7)
- env (88c3eda)
- env config (a347f8a)
- helper date (877a053)
- helper docs swagger (1d95b72)
- helper excel (b34ff32)
- helper file (9e12117)
- helper formatter (f722536)
- helper sendmail (c0aa97b)
- helper token (cfa30a9)
- helper with state (a3eece6)
- hook multer (f48d2ee)
- import const role (bbcd7e1)
- import entity (3a255aa)
- improve config root (2f4a0ab)
- improve docker config (eaa3939)
- improve docker file (f94c8a9)
- improve helper routing (a1813e8)
- improve module http response (2f14d16)
- improve provider email & redis (b7e92f4)
- improve service account (b474581)
- interface (2dc611b)
- interface query params (4fde7f7)
- linting (698aea4)
- move base account (f435d67)
- move docs swagger (6ab481c)
- move model to entity (c148f2a)
- rename constant role (41e5d42)
- rename helper otp (97d48c0)
- script generate (41dc835)
- set update dependanbot (82d8678)
- tsconfig & swc config (3cac401)
- improve base code (7544df6)