make test
The command above executes basic tests from simple and message subfolders of test directory.
However, you can also run tests for specified folders, like:
make test test-simple test-message
Other category of tests resides in jxcore subfolder. They can be run as plain .js files, packaged or native packaged. Extra flags can be provided as parameters - see test/ for more details.
The following command is for testing jxcore tests as plain .js files:
make test test-jxcore
make test test-jxcore flags j
As packages:
make test test-jxcore flags p
As native packages:
make test test-jxcore flags n
All at once:
make test test-jxcore flags a
vcbuild.bat test
Currently native interface tests are *nix only. (We would appreciate if somebody would add Windows support for the tests. This is indeed not necessary. JXcore native interface 'jx-ni' works also for Windows applications.)
In order to run JX-ni tests you need JXcore is installed on your system. Either compile from the sources or download it from here
Assuming you are under the root folder of the project; first you should compile the project as a static library. Let's say you want to do it for SpiderMonkey build.
> sudo ./configure --prefix=/testBin --engine-mozilla --static-library
> sudo make install
Now you can test the native interface;
> cd tests/native-interface
> ./run-tests.js /testBin sm 50
Number 50 at the end of the second command line corresponds to the number of runs per each test case. It's a bad but helpful hack! For your own sake, you may put 1 instead. If you are planning to contribute on native interface please make sure the test cases are passing 50 runs for both sm and v8.