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Netsparker Scan Runner

Run Netsparker Scans and get back test results
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Netsparker Scan Runner

npm version

Quickly and easily run a Netsparker Scan using your Netsparker Cloud Account.


You have a Netsparker Cloud account.


Using the Netsparker Cloud API, run a scan using a profile against a url. You can then either make it "fire-and-forget" or report back either in the console or jUnit.


npm install -g netsparker-scan-runner

How to Use (Runner)

netsparker-scan-runner --help

Netsparker Scan Runner

  Run a scan against your Netsparker Cloud instance using a configured profile.
  Can optionally wait for the report.


  --userid userid             The user id from your Netsparker Account
  --apitoken apitoken         The api token from your Netsparker Account
  --profilename profilename   The profile name saved in your Netsparker Account
  --targetsite                The target url you want to run against
  --report                    If you want to wait around for the report (true) or to file and forget
  --junit                     If you want to generate a junit report, enter the file name and location here
  --help                      Print this usage guide

netsparker-scan-runner -u userid -t apitoken -p ProfileName -s -j path/to/junit/report.xml

And that's it. Super simple. Super easy.

How to Use (GitHub Action)

The same runner will work as a github action.

- name: Netsparker Scan
  id: netsparker
  uses: nwestfall/netsparkerscanrunner@main
    userid: ${{ secrets.NETSPARKER_USER_ID }}
    apitoken: ${{ secrets.NETSPARKER_API_TOKEN }}
    profilename: ${{ secrets.NETSPARKER_PROFILE_NAME }}
    targetsite: ${{ secrets.NETSPARKER_TARGET_SITE }}
    junit: tests.xml
    criticalthreshold: 0 #this means 1 more
    highthreshold: 2
    mediumthreshold: 4


Environment variables

  • None


  • userid (required) - The user id from your Netsparker Account
  • apitoken (required) - The api token from your Netsparker Account
  • profilename (required) - The profile name saved in your Netsparker Account
  • targetsite (required) - The target url you want to run against
  • report (default: true) - If you want to wait around for the report (true) or to fire and forget (false)
  • junit - If you want to generate a junit report, enter the file name and location here
  • criticalthreshold - Critical Severity Threshold
  • highthreshold - High Severity Threshold
  • mediumthreshold - Medium Severity Threshold


  • scanresults - Scan results from Netsparker (blank if report is false)
  • scanreport - Scan report from Netsparker (blank if report is false)

Netsparker Scan Runner is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Run Netsparker Scans and get back test results

Netsparker Scan Runner is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.