This action will call a workflow_dispatch
event on a specified
repository and will pass the parameters necessary for it to
"phone home" and sets the commit status on the caller repository.
This is useful when you want to dispatch a workflow in a different organization, and want the status to be reported back to be used by the status checks.
This action is to be used in conjunction with casaroli/phone-home
The development and the source files are in casaroli/repo-dispatch. If you have any problems, please open an issue there.
The token that will be used to dispatch the call to the
referenced repository. Default: ${{ github.token }}
The repository in which to dispatch the workflow_dispatch
event. Required.
The ref to dispatch to. This can be the branch name such as main
. Required.
The workflow to dispatch. This must be a valid workflow
configured with workflow_dispatch
event. Required.
The context name to be used for the reporting of the status of the dispatch. Can be any text. Required.
The token passed to the called workflow for it to use when
reporting back the status. It must be a token that has
permissions to write the status. It is recommended to use a
secret. Default is ${{ github.token }}
The repository to report status to. By default is the current
repository: ${{ github.repository }}
The commit sha to report the status to. By default is the current commit sha: ${{ github.sha }}
a JSON string containing the inputs to pass to the dispatched workflow. Empty by default.
The name of the input to be used for sending the data for the
dispatched workflow to report back the status. By default it is
The dispatched workflow should declare this input and pass it to
the phone-home
Example of a caller workflow that dispatches an event to the dispatched workflow:
name: Caller example
name: Dispatch another workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: casaroli/dispatch-phone-home@v1
dispatch-repository: casaroli/my-other-repository
dispatch-ref: main
dispatch-workflow: dispatched.yml
status-context: My other checks
status-token: ${{ secrets.WRITE_COMMIT_STATUS_TOKEN }}
inputs: |
"my-input": "some extra data"
See the example for casaroli/phone-home for the corresponding dispatched workflow.
name: Dispatched example
description: user data to pass
type: string
required: false
type: string
required: false
name: Dispatched job
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: casaroli/phone-home@v1
phone-home-input: ${{ }}
- name: process something
run: sleep 30
Dispatch and phone home to report status is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.