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Await Check Suites

Wait for a commit s check suites to complete
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Await Check Suites

Wait for a commit's check suites to complete.


See action.yml

- uses: jitterbit/await-check-suites@v1
    # The commit's repository name with owner.
    # For example, jitterbit/await-check-suites.
    # Default: ${{ github.repository }}
    repository: ''

    # The commit's ref (can be a SHA, branch name, or a tag name).
    # Default: ${{ github.sha }}
    ref: ''

    # GitHub token for GitHub API requests.
    # When `repository` is modified, set to a personal access token with access to `repository`.
    # Default: ${{ github.token }}
    token: ''

    # Wait for a check suite to be created if none exist.
    # This is important to protect against race conditions
    # if you know a check suite should exist on the `ref`'s commit.
    # Default: true
    waitForACheckSuite: ''

    # Number of seconds to wait between checks.
    # Default: 15
    intervalSeconds: ''

    # Number of seconds to wait before timing out.
    timeoutSeconds: ''

    # Fail step if any of the check suites complete with a conclusion other than 'success'.
    # Default: true
    failStepIfUnsuccessful: ''

    # Filter check suites for a particular app's slug (e.g., 'github-actions').
    appSlugFilter: ''

    # Only take into account the first check suite ordered by the `created_at` timestamp.
    # If `appSlugFilter` is set, only the first check suite that matches the app's slug is taken into account.
    # This is important for scheduled workflows that only want to take into account pushed workflows.
    # Default: false
    onlyFirstCheckSuite: ''


Wait for other check suites on this commit to complete

- uses: jitterbit/await-check-suites@v1

Wait for all check suites on a commit in another repo to complete

- uses: jitterbit/await-check-suites@v1
    repository: jitterbit/git-ops
    ref: ${{ env.git_ops_commit_sha }}
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_PAT }}

Wait for the first GitHub Actions check suite on this commit to complete

- uses: jitterbit/await-check-suites@v1
    appSlugFilter: github-actions
    onlyFirstCheckSuite: true

Install, Build, Lint, Test, and Package

Make sure to do the following before checking in any code changes.

$ yarn
$ yarn all


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License

Await Check Suites is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Wait for a commit s check suites to complete

Await Check Suites is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.