Follow the instructions posted How to build and run ODTN Emulators? to setup your environment and push device and link info to ONOS.
Open the home (topology) page of ONOS using by visiting ONOS GUI. You should be able to see the following output if you setup your enviroment and push topology info properly.
Open the optical device custom view page by visiting Optical View. You should be able to see the following output:
Select one of the devices and click the icon on the top-right to see the port details for that device. For example, you can see the port details for Cassini1 here:Port Details For Cassini1. You should be able to see the following output:
On the TARGET POWER column, we can type in the power value to modify the power of specific port. For example, we change the power from -5 to -10 as the following Figure illustrates:
However, if the value is out of the available range, the alert appears.
On the Modulation column, we can select the modulation value to modify the modulation of specific port. For example, we change the modulation to 16qam as the following figure illustrates: