Motion UI can be paired with WOW.js to trigger animations as elements scroll into view. Here's a CodePen that illustrates the concepts below.
To start, load the JavaScript for WOW.js. The quickest way to do this is by loading from a CDN:
<script src=""></script>
Next, in your main JavaScript file, initialize WOW:
var wow = new WOW();
Lastly, we need animation classes to add to elements. Because Motion UI is a transition-focused library, there aren't many animation classes that come out of the box. The built-in animation classes are .wiggle
, .shake
, .spin-cw
, and .spin-ccw
. However, creating out own animation class using any of the transition effects is easy, using Motion UI's Sass mixins.
Here's a basic fade class. Refer to the documentation on animations to learn more about how animations are built.
.animate-fade-in {
@include mui-animation(fade);
Now we can apply this class to any element. We also add the class .wow
, so WOW knows which elements to target as the page scrolls.
<img class="wow animate-fade-in" src="//">