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File metadata and controls

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Prometheus Metrics

Gubernator can be monitored realtime using Prometheus metrics.

Enabling Metric Collection

Metrics are exposed under two possible deployment scenarios:

  1. Gubernator deployed as a standalone daemon.
    • Metrics endpoint published at the HTTP /metrics URI.
  2. Gubernator embedded as a Go module.
    • The dependant codebase is responsible for publishing the HTTP /metrics URI.
    • See daemon.go for examples using the promhttp module.

Finally, configure a Prometheus job to scrape the server's /metrics URI.


Metric Type Description
gubernator_async_durations Summary The timings of GLOBAL async sends in seconds.
gubernator_asyncrequest_retries Counter The count of retries occurred in asyncRequests() forwarding a request to another peer.
gubernator_batch_send_duration Summary The timings of batch send operations to a remote peer.
gubernator_broadcast_durations Summary The timings of GLOBAL broadcasts to peers in seconds.
gubernator_cache_access_count Counter The count of LRUCache accesses during rate checks.
gubernator_cache_size Gauge The number of items in LRU Cache which holds the rate limits.
gubernator_check_counter Counter The number of rate limits checked.
gubernator_check_error_counter Counter The number of errors while checking rate limits.
gubernator_concurrent_checks_counter Summary 99th quantile of concurrent rate checks. This includes rate checks processed locally and forwarded to other peers.
gubernator_func_duration Summary The 99th quantile of key function timings in seconds.
gubernator_getratelimit_counter Counter The count of getRateLimit() calls. Label "calltype" may be "local" for calls handled by the same peer, "forward" for calls forwarded to another peer, or "global" for global rate limits.
gubernator_grpc_request_counts Counter The count of gRPC requests.
gubernator_grpc_request_duration Summary The 99th quantile timings of gRPC requests in seconds.
gubernator_over_limit_counter Counter The number of rate limit checks that are over the limit.
gubernator_pool_queue_length Summary The 99th quantile of rate check requests queued up in GubernatorPool. The is the work queue for local rate checks.
gubernator_queue_length Summary The 99th quantile of rate check requests queued up for batching to other peers by getPeerRateLimitsBatch(). This is the work queue for remote rate checks. Label "peerAddr" indicates queued requests to that peer.