PolyLingual is a plug-in that provides a means of storing and updating String translations for a Flutter app. These translations are defined and updated using a simple JSON file similar to the one below.
"en": {
"greeting": "Hello, how are you?",
"welcome": "you're welcome, my friend",
"thankyou": "thank you very much",
"good": "very well",
"about": "Information"
"es": {
"greeting": "¿Hola como estas?",
"welcome": "de nada amiga",
"thankyou": "muchas gracias",
"good": "muy bien",
"about": "Información"
The first thing you MUST do is initialise PolyLingual with a default Translation map (or load the existing one). This is done in main() before the main widget is loaded to make sure we have all the strings available.
void main() async {
// set our required default(fallback) language and initialise PolyLingual
PolyLingual.defaultLanguageCode = "es";
await PolyLingual.initialise("res/strings.json");
// run your app here
You also need to do the following to the project pubspec.yaml file
sdk: flutter
as well as define and add an initial translation string file as an asset (see example for more details)
# - images/a_dot_burr.jpeg
# - images/a_dot_ham.jpeg
- res/strings.json
Then, whenever you need to display a localised string somewhere just use
where 'greeting' is a key in the translation file (take a look at the example strings.json file for the correct format).
You can also update the app translation map using a new translation file in case you need to update an existing string or correct a typo. In the example this is hard coded, but your app could have check for updates button that would download the new file and auto update the translations.
Please note that for iOS you will also need to add any supported languages to the Runner info.plist file. Read here for more info
Take a look at the example project to see how to use PolyLingual to create a multi language app that can be updated simply by providng an updated JSON file.
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