parametric_sin.jl: Characterization/extractions from results of parametric sinusoidal "simulation"
The following gives a coarse, high-level walkthrough of the parametric_sin.jl example.
using MDDatasets
The code below emulates a parametric "simulation" of a sinusoidal response where
the 𝜙
, A
, and 𝑓
parameters of signal = A * sin(𝜔*t + 𝜙); 𝜔 = 2π*𝑓
are varied.
The parametric signal can therefore be fully represented as:
signal(𝜙, A, 𝑓, t)
(But really construct multidimensional DataRS
dataset from ideal equations):
signal = fill(DataRS, PSweep("phi", [0, 0.5, 1] .* (π/4))) do 𝜙
fill(DataRS, PSweep("A", [1, 2, 4] .* 1e-3)) do A
#Inner-most sweep: need to specify element type (DataF1):
#(Other (scalar) element types: DataInt/DataFloat/DataComplex)
fill(DataRS{DataF1}, PSweep("freq", [1, 4, 16] .* 1e3)) do 𝑓
𝜔 = 2π*𝑓
T = 1/𝑓
Δt = T/100 #Define resolution from # of samples per period
Tsim = 4T #Simulated time
t = DataF1(0:Δt:Tsim) #DataF1 creates a t:{y, x} container with y == x
sig = A * sin(𝜔*t + 𝜙) #Still a DataF1 sig:{y, x=t} container
return sig
end; end; end
Generate new signal with proper value of (A
) for each parametric combination:
julia> ampvalue = parameter(signal, "A")
ampvalue = DataRS[
freq=1000.0: 0.001
freq=4000.0: 0.001
freq=16000.0: 0.001
freq=1000.0: 0.002
freq=4000.0: 0.002
freq=16000.0: 0.002
Normalize signal amplitudes for all parametric combinations of signal
signal_norm = signal / ampvalue
Which is automatically performed for all parametric combinations of signal
rate = deriv(signal)
Which is automatically performed for all parametric combinations of signal
fallx = xcross1(signal, xstart=0, allow=CrossType(:fall))
Note that xcross1()
results in a dimensional reduction of signal(𝜙, A, 𝑓, t)
⇒ fallx(𝜙, A, 𝑓)
Which is automatically performed for all parametric combinations of signal
fallx_red1 = value(fallx, x=4e3)
Here, value()
results in a dimensional reduction of fallx(𝜙, A, 𝑓)
⇒ fallx_red1(𝜙, A)
Which is automatically performed for all parametric combinations of signal
fallx_red2 = value(fallx, x=.002)
Here, value()
results in a dimensional reduction of fallx_red1(𝜙, A)
⇒ fallx_red2(𝜙)
Straightforward plotting of multidimensional datasets is provided by the CMDimData/EasyPlot
using CMDimData
using CMDimData.EasyPlot
Note that EasyPlot
only exports a minimal set of functions, including set()
, and the cons()
In this example, plots are defined using separate files to keep code more readable:
PB = EasyPlot.load_plotbuilders(@__DIR__,
initial = "bld_parametric_sin_initial.jl",
explore = "bld_parametric_sin_explore.jl",
These builders are called upon using the build
plotset1 =[:initial], data)
Plots are constructed using the cons(:plot, ...)
plot = cons(:plot, nstrips = 3,
#Add more properties such as axis labels here
Note that EasyPlot
supports the concept of multiple y-strips tied a single x-axis (nstrips = 3
vs x
data) are then added to this using push!()
cons(:wfrm, data.signal, label="signal", strip=1),
cons(:wfrm, data.signal_norm, label="||signal||", strip=2),
cons(:wfrm, data.rate, label="d{signal}/dt", strip=3),
Before displaying plot
, it is necessary to push!()
it to a multi-plot collection:
pcoll = push!(cons(:plotcoll, title="Parametric sin() - Observations"), plot)
Plots are finally shown on a plotting backend (InspectDR
in this case):
CMDimData.@includepkg EasyPlotInspect
plotdisplay = EasyPlot.GUIDisplay(:InspectDR, postproc=adjust_legend)
plotgui1 = display(plotdisplay, plotset1)
Please note that plotting backends like EasyPlotInspect
are currently "included" in the current module. This is not ideal.
Nonetheless, code inclusion allows the backend modules to be bundled with the CMDimData.jl
repository without adding all plotting packages to its dependency list. This would cause Julia to install more packages than you want/need.
As a result, you must explicitly add the plotting packages you desire to your own project's list of available packages.
A more complete version of this example is found in parametric_sin.jl, bld_parametric_sin_initial.jl, and bld_parametric_sin_explore.jl.