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143 lines (101 loc) · 3.73 KB

Let's Build Our Own JS Promises

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Promises are a way to handle asynchronous operations in JS. To truly understand how they work, I decided to implement my own version of promises.


class MyPromise {
  // Constructor and private fields
  #state;                // Current state of the promise (pending, fulfilled, rejected)
  #value;                // Resolved value of the promise
  #reason;               // Reason for rejection
  #fulfillReactions;     // List of fulfill callbacks
  #rejectReactions;      // List of reject callbacks

  constructor(executor)  // Accepts a function to handle resolve and reject logic

  // Private methods
  get #isSettled();      // Checks if the promise is settled
  #fireReactions();      // Executes the appropriate callbacks based on state
  #onResolve(value);     // Handles resolve logic
  #onReject(reason);     // Handles reject logic

  // Public instance methods
  then(onFulfilled, onRejected); // Registers fulfillment and rejection handlers
  catch(onRejected);             // Shortcut for handling rejection
  finally(onFinally);            // Executes logic regardless of fulfillment/rejection

  // Public static methods
  static resolve(value);         // Creates a fulfilled promise with a given value
  static reject(reason);         // Creates a rejected promise with a given reason
  static all(promises);          // Resolves when all promises are fulfilled, or rejects on the first rejection
  static any(promises);          // Resolves with the first fulfilled promise or rejects when all are rejected
  static race(promises);         // Resolves or rejects with the first settled promise
  static allSettled(promises);   // Resolves when all promises settle (fulfilled or rejected)

File Structure

The project is organized for simplicity:

  • src contains the source code.
  • src/index.js holds the MyPromise class.
  • test contains the test cases.
  • .prettierrc configures Prettier.
  • package.json manages project metadata.


To install the project, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository using the following command:

    git clone <repo_url>
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd <project_name>
  3. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run the tests:

    npm test


To use the MyPromise class, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the MyPromise class:

    const MyPromise = require('./src/index');
  2. Create a new instance of the MyPromise class:

    const promise = new MyPromise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        resolve('Hello, World!');
      }, 1000);
  3. Use the then method to handle the resolved value:

    promise.then((value) => {
  4. Use the catch method to handle the rejected value:

    promise.catch((error) => {
  5. Use the finally method to handle the resolved or rejected value:

    promise.finally(() => {
      console.log('Promise is settled');

Enjoy using the other methods of the MyPromise class!

Helpful Resources


Contributions are welcome! You can:

  • Add features
  • Fix bugs
  • Improve documentation
  • Suggest ideas


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.