You can provide a logon link and give the link a name the business users understand. That way, they know which link they should use to log on.
- You have already made your custom identity provider available for user logon (see the related link).
You want to define an understandable name for the logon link of the custom identity provider that the business users should use.
Go to your subaccount(see Navigate in the Cockpit) and choose Security > Trust Configuration in the SAP BTP cockpit.
You see the list of trust configurations: the default trust configuration and the custom trust configuration(s).
Choose the link of your custom identity provider. It has the Custom status.
Choose Edit.
Go to Link Text for User Logon and give the logon link an understandable name.
Save your changes.
Whenever business users want to log on to their application, they see the logon link of the custom identity provider that they should use. It has the caption you entered in Link Text for User Logon.
Related Information
Display Logon Link for Custom Identity Provider for Business Users