Job cancellation details
A job can be canceled either by the system or by a user. If a job is canceled by the system, it gets the status Failed. If you want to cancel a job, please keep in mind that the system behavior depends on what exactly you want to cancel:
If you cancel a single job with the status Scheduled, this job will be canceled and removed from the job list.
If you cancel a single job with the status In Process, this job will be canceled, will get the status Canceled and will remain in the job list.
If you cancel a job that has the status Scheduled and is a part of a job series, all jobs with the status Scheduled will be canceled and removed from the job list. All jobs with other statuses will remain in the list and won't be canceled.
If you cancel a job that has the status In Process and is a part of a job series, a job with the status In Process will be canceled and will get the status Canceled. All other jobs of the series with other statuses will remain in the list.
To cancel a job, please select the job to be removed and choose Cancel from the main toolbar.
Please note that the jobs with the status Finished cannot be canceled because they have already been run.
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