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day 99

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
19800 excavate v.挖掘,挖空 dig out r6
19801 caustic adj.挖苦讽刺的,刻薄的 marked by incisive sarcasm r6
19802 profligate adj./n.挥金如土的,挥霍的;n.败家子 1. recklessly wasteful; 2. people who spend money freely r6
19803 prodigal adj.挥霍的;n.败家子 1. reckless spendthrift; 2. someone who spends money freely r6
19804 extravagant adj.挥霍的;adj.过度的,不必要的 1. spending money freely; 2. beyond normal limit r6
19805 spendthrift n.挥霍着,败家子;adj.挥霍的,不节俭的 1. spends improvidently; 2. spending money freely; r6
19806 foil vt.挫败 prevent from being successful r6
19807 fabricate vt.捏造 make up r6
19808 concoct v.捏造,编造 invent to deceive someone r6
19809 donor n.捐赠人,给体 donates r6
19810 mash vt.捣碎 puply mass r6
19811 hagiographic adj.捧为圣人一般的,过分谄媚的 overly or insincerely flattering r6
19812 array n.排列,阵列;vt.排列,摆放 1. arrangement; 2. arrange or display r6
19813 supplant vt.排挤,篡夺…的位置 usurp the place of r6
19814 excrete vt.排泄 discharge r6
19815 rehearsal n.排练,彩排 practicing in preparation r6
19816 obviate vt.排除,使不必要 unnecessary r6
19817 prospect v.探查,勘探 go into discovery r6
19818 delve v.探究,钻探 detailed search for information r6
19819 splice vt.接合,叠接 unite r6
19820 contiguous adj.接壤的,相邻的 sharing an edge r6
19821 speculate v.推测,揣测 take to be true r6
19822 conjecture n.推测,猜测;v.(没有依据地)认为 1. a conclusion deduced by surmise; 2. form an opinion from no evidence r6
19823 putative adj.推测的,假定的 regarded as such r6
19824 ratiocination n.推理 thought processes r6
19825 override v.推翻 set aside r6
19826 defer v.推迟,延期vi.遵从 postpone r6
19827 screen n.掩护物,屏障;v.掩护,遮蔽 1. something that shelters; 2. shut off from view r6
19828 sham v.掩饰,假装;adj.虚假的 1. present a false appearance; 2. fake r6
19829 belie v.掩饰;v.与…相对立;与…相矛盾 1. shut off from view; 2. be counter to r6
19830 adulterate vt.掺杂,加入低等成分 impure by addition r6
19831 delineate vt.描写,描绘 describe, portray r6
19832 cast v.提出;v.抛弃 1. put forth; 2. get rid off r6
19833 broach v.提出讨论 present for discussion r6
19834 cultivate vt.提升,加强;vt.种植,培养 1. improve; 2. promote growth r6
19835 hone vt.提升,改进 improve r6
19836 valorize v.提升,赞美 enhance r6
19837 syllabus n.提纲,摘要;课文,演讲或研究课题的概要或提纲 summary r6
19838 debunk vt.揭露…的真面目 true nature r6
19839 scour vt.搜查 to find or discover r6
19840 drollness n.搞笑,逗逼 amusing r6
19841 jocular adj.搞笑的,欢乐的 joking, playful r6
19842 ingest vt.摄入,咽下 take into body r6
19843 condescending adj.摆出高人一等的姿态的 displaying a superior attitude r6
19844 wag v.摆动 move to and fro or up and down r6
19845 waddle vi.摇摇摆摆地走 tlit the body from side to side r6
19846 ramshackle adj.摇摇欲坠的 ready to collapse r6
19847 wobble vi.摇晃,颤抖;v.犹豫不决 1. move or proceed unsteadily; 2. show uncertainty r6
19848 spurn vt.摈弃,拒绝 reject with distain r6
19849 compendium n.摘要 a brief summary, abstract r6
19850 synopsis n.摘要,概要 outline; abstract or a summary r6
19851 raze vt.摧毁,粉碎 destroy completely r6
19852 friction n.摩擦;n.冲突,不和 1. rubbing; 2. clashing r6
19853 mendacious adj.撒谎的,虚假的 lies r6
19854 rive v.撕开 tear apart r6
19855 rend vt.撕裂,猛拉 tear or split apart r6
19856 revoke vt.撤回,宣告无效 annul r6
19857 recant vt.撤回,放弃,改变 recant r6
19858 evacuate vt.撤离 empty or remove r6
19859 withdraw v.撤退 take back r6
19860 repeal vt.撤销,废除(法律等) rescind or annul r6
19861 showmanship n.擅长表演、展示的技巧 dramatically effective presentation r6
19862 burnish v.擦亮,磨光 make smooth or glossy r6
19863 efface vt.擦掉,抹去;使不明显 make indistinct r6
19864 defray vt.支付 undertake the payment r6
19865 remunerate vt.支付报酬,补偿 pay r6
19866 prevaricate vi.支吾其词,撒谎 evade the truth r6
19867 champion v.支持 support as a champion r6
19868 advocate vt.支持,提倡 support r6
19869 uphold vt.支持,赞成 support r6
19870 espouse vt.支持;拥护 support r6
19871 crutch n./v.支撑,支柱 supports r6
19872 bolster n./v.支撑(物);v.鼓励,使有精力 1. provide support; 2. give a boost to r6
19873 retract vt.收回,否认 take back r6
19874 asylum n.收容所,保护所 protection r6
19875 glean v.收集 collect r6
19876 convert v.改变,转化 alter the physical nature r6
19877 accommodate v.改变以适应新情况、新场景;vt.使和谐 make suitable; free of conflicts r6
19878 refine vt.改善,改进 improve or perfect r6
19879 ameliorate vt.改善,改进 become better; improve r6
19880 redeem v.改过自新 to make better r6
19881 strike n.攻击;vt.击打;vt.袭击,攻击;vt.撞击 1. force or violence; 2. deliver a blow; 3. violent action; 4. forceful contact; r6
19882 jettison vt.放弃,拒绝接受(想法,计划等) get rid of r6
19883 renege v.放弃,摒弃 formally reject r6
19884 relinquish vt.放弃(职位、权力等) give up r6
19885 abandon v./n.放纵;v.放弃 1. freedom from constraint; 2. withdraw r6
19886 impudent adj.放肆大胆的,无礼的 boldness or disregard r6
19887 libertine n.放荡不羁者 without moral restraint r6
19888 licentious adj.放荡的,性欲强的 lacking restraint r6
19889 dissolute adj.放荡的,无节制的 restraint; indulging r6
19890 rakish adj.放荡的,行为不检点的 lowered moral character r6
19891 deportation n.放逐 removal from a country r6
19892 autonomy n.政治上的独立;n.自我主导的自由,(尤其是)精神独立 1. self-governing; 2. independence r6
19893 posture v.故作姿态,装模作样 assume a pretended attitude r6
19894 poseur n.故作姿态、不真诚的人 an affected or insincere person r6
19895 emulate vt.效仿 excel through imitation r6
19896 enmity n.敌意 mutual hatred r6
19897 animus n.敌意 spiteful malevolent enmity r6
19898 rancor n.敌意,深仇 ill will r6
19899 adversary n.敌手,对手 resists; enemy r6
19900 lithe adj.敏捷的,轻盈的;adj.柔软的 1. grace; 2. easily bent r6
19901 perceptive adj.敏锐的 able to sense slight differences r6
19902 acute adj.敏锐的;adj.(程度、影响)极强的 1. keen discernment; 2. extreme r6
19903 succor vt.救援,援助 aid r6
19904 pedagogical adj.教学的;教师的 relating to a teacher or education r6
19905 mentor vt.教导,指导 give advice r6
19906 doctrinaire adj.教条主义的,照本宣科的 strongly held opinions r6
19907 indoctrinate vt.教育,灌输思想 instruct r6
19908 pedagogue n.教育者,老师 a person who giving formal instruction r6
19909 pluck n.敢于面对困难的勇气 resourceful courage r6
19910 disseminate vt.散播,传播 spread; promulgate r6
19911 exhort vt.敦促,力劝 urge r6
19912 awe n./v.敬畏 dread, veneration and wonder r6
19913 obeisance n.敬礼,尊重 respect,submission r6
19914 untold adj.数不清的 numerous r6
19915 blackmail n./vt.敲诈,勒索 extortion of money r6
19916 natty adj.整洁的,时髦的 tidy r6
19917 perfunctory adj.敷衍的,呵呵的 routine and supreficial r6
19918 epilogue n.文学作品的结局 a concluding section r6
19919 illiteracy n.文盲 unable to read and write r6
19920 oblique adj.斜的 inclined or twisted r6
19921 intermittent adj.断断续续的 not continuous r6
19922 fitful adj.断断续续的 erratic or intermittent r6
19923 sporadic adj.断断续续的 not often occurring r6
19924 expire v.断气,死亡;v.到期 1. die ; 2. come to an end r6
19925 assert vt.断言,肯定地说出 declare forcefully r6
19926 rookie n.新兵;新手;菜鸟 recruit r6
19927 novel adj.新奇的 new r6
19928 fledgling n.新手 starting out in a field r6
19929 tyro n.新手,业余爱好者 beginner; novice r6
19930 novice n.新手,初学者 a person new to a field r6
19931 nascent adj.新生的 recently come into existence r6
19932 inchoate adj.新生的,才开始的 early stage r6
19933 vernacular n.方言;adj.非正式的,口头的 1. nonstandard language; 2. suitable for speech; r6
19934 paltry adj.无价值的,微不足道的 important r6
19935 extraneous adj.无关的,不重要的 no relevance r6
19936 immaterial adj.无关的,不重要的 no relevance r6
19937 nugatory adj.无关紧要的 consequence;inconsequential r6
19938 impertinent adj.无关紧要的;adj.粗鲁无礼的,大胆的 1. not having relevance; 2. insolent rudeness r6
19939 impotent adj.无力的,无能的 lacking in power r6
19940 stolid adj.无动于衷的,感情麻木的 little emotion r6
19941 unassailable adj.无可争辩的,无法否认的,不可亵渎的 not to be violated r6
19942 unimpeachable adj.无可置疑的 unquestionable r6
19943 callous adj.无同情心的,冷漠的 unfeeling r6
19944 amorphous adj.无固定形状的 shapeless r6
19945 anodyne adj.无害的 not causing hurt r6
19946 benign adj.无害的 not causing hurt r6
19947 innocuous adj.无害的;adj.不会引起敌意的 1. not jury; 2. not arouse r6
19948 interminable adj.无尽头的 no end r6
19949 infinite adj.无尽的,无限的 no boundaries r6
19950 generic adj.无差别的,普遍的 no particularly distinctive quality r6
19951 carefree adj.无忧无虑的 no worries or troubles r6
19952 debonair adj.无忧无虑的,不在乎的;adj.风度翩翩的 1. freedom from worries or troubles; 2. polished and worldly manners r6
19953 idyll n.无忧无虑的生活 carefree episode r6
19954 insouciant adj.无忧虑的,不在乎的 free from concern r6
19955 insentient adj.无感觉的,无知觉的;adj.一知半解的,略懂的 1. lacking perception; 2. not having a deep understanding r6
19956 anesthetic adj.无感觉的,麻木的 lacking awareness r6
19957 unexceptionable adj.无懈可击的 beyond reproach r6
19958 feckless adj.无成果的,没有价值的;adj.粗心不负责任的 1. having no worth; 2. careless r6
19959 ubiquitous adj.无所不在的,普通的 everywhere; often observed r6
19960 omniscient adj.无所不知的 complete knowledge r6
19961 footloose adj.无拘无束的,自由的 having no attachments r6
19962 mint adj.无损坏的 unmarred r6
19963 futile adj.无效的,无用的 ineffective r6
19964 barren adj.无效的;adj.贫瘠的 1. unproductive; 2. deficient r6
19965 impeccable adj.无暇的,无可挑剔的 free from fault r6
19966 impuissance n.无权,虚弱 lack of power r6
19967 gratuitous adj.无根据的,无理由的;adj.无报酬的,免费的 1. unwarranted; 2. without return r6
19968 aboveboard adj.无欺诈的,光明正大的 free from deceit or duplicity r6
19969 inimitable adj.无法仿效的,独特的 not imitated r6
19970 inexorable adj.无法劝阻的,不为所动的 not persuaded r6
19971 indelible adj.无法忘怀的 not easily forgotten r6
19972 intangible adj.无法感知的,无形的 incapable perceived r6
19973 conundrum n.无法解决的问题,迷 a dilemma r6
19974 snare n.无法逃脱的困境;vt.捕捉 1. catches and holds; 2. capture by r6
19975 ineluctable adj.无法逃避的,必然的 not to be avoided r6
19976 juggernaut n.无法阻挡的力量,摧毁一切的强大力量 overwhelming force r6
19977 airtight adj.无瑕疵的 no flaw r6
19978 inanimate adj.无生命的 not living r6
19979 pallid adj.无生气的,缺乏活力的;adj.苍白无血色的 1. lacking radiance,vitality; 2. pale r6
19980 bootless adj.无用的 useless r6
19981 insensible adj.无知觉的 lost consciousness r6
19982 haphazard adj.无秩序的,无目标的 lack of plan, order, or direction r6
19983 willy-nilly adj.无秩序的,随意的 without order r6
19984 green adj.无经验的 deficient; experience r6
19985 monotonous adj.无聊的 tediously unvarying r6
19986 humdrum adj.无聊的,乏味的 lacking excitement r6
19987 plodding n.无聊的,单调乏味的 dull and monotonous r6
19988 intemperate adj.无节制的,极端的,不温和的 not temperate r6
19989 desultory adj.无计划的,无目的的 lacking plan r6
19990 jejune adj.无趣乏味的 not interesting r6
19991 bland adj.无趣的 dull r6
19992 vapid adj.无趣的,乏味的 lacking interest r6
19993 deadpan n.无趣的,无生气的,不活泼的 impassively r6
19994 trivial adj.无足轻重的,不重要的 little importance r6
19995 incessant adj.无间断的 without interruption r6
19996 myriad adj.无限的,大量的 indefinite number r6
19997 precocious adj.早熟的 before the usual r6
19998 sleek adj.时髦的,优美的 attractive r6
19999 chic adj.时髦的,潮的 being in the latest fashion r6