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day 97

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
19400 immaculate adj.完美的,没有任何错误的 without fault r6
19401 grandeur n.宏伟,壮丽 grand r6
19402 imposing adj.宏伟壮丽的 impressive r6
19403 majestic adj.宏伟壮丽的 impressively beautiful r6
19404 epic adj.宏大的,超凡脱俗的 surpassing the usual r6
19405 sectarianism n.宗派主义,顽固 adherence to prejudices r6
19406 bureaucratic adj.官僚主义的 complicated rules; long delays r6
19407 abrogate v.官方的正式废除 annul r6
19408 invoke vt.实施;vt.产生,造成 1. put into effect; 2. be the cause r6
19409 pragmatic adj.实用主义的,务实的 a practical approach r6
19410 prosecution n.实行,执行 the doing of an action r6
19411 cosset v.宠爱 pamper r6
19412 mollycoddle vt.宠爱,溺爱 excessive indulgence r6
19413 sift v.审查 examine r6
19414 censor vt.审查并删除不良的东西 examine or delete r6
19415 dispassionate adj.客观公正的,不易被情绪或偏见影响的 unaffected r6
19416 proclaim v.宣告,使…公之于众 declare publicly r6
19417 annul vt.宣告无效,取消 legally invalid r6
19418 depose vi.宣誓作证;vt.废黜,罢免 1. testify; 2. remove from a throne r6
19419 palatial adj.宫殿般奢华的 ornateness r6
19420 retainer n.家仆 service r6
19421 stomach vt.容忍 bear r6
19422 countenance v.容忍;v.赞成,推崇 1. put up with; 2. have a favorable opinion of r6
19423 pushover n.容易做的工作 something that is easy to do r6
19424 susceptible adj.容易受伤害的 likely to meet with harm r6
19425 skittish adj.容易受到惊吓的,胆小的;adj.善变的,多变的 1. easily frightened; 2. likely to change r6
19426 lenient adj.宽大仁慈的 merciful r6
19427 clement adj.宽容的,善良的;adj.气候温和的 1. tolerant and kind; 2. marked by temperatures that are neither too high nor too low r6
19428 condone v.宽恕;忽视 overlook, forgive r6
19429 commodious adj.宽敞舒适的 spacious, roomy r6
19430 cipher n.密码 a method of transforming a text to conceal its meaning r6
19431 serried adj.密集的 little space r6
19432 clot n.密集的一群;v.凝结 1. a number of things considered as a unit; 2. turn from liquid into jelly r6
19433 affluent adj.富裕的 sufficient r6
19434 frosty adj.寒冷的;adj.无强烈感情的,冷淡的 1. low temperature; 2. lacking in friendliness or warmth r6
19435 reprieve vt.对…暂缓处刑,免罪 postpone or cancel punishment r6
19436 behoove vt.对…有利 necessary, proper, advantageous r6
19437 distill vt.对…用蒸馏法提高纯度 increase; purify r6
19438 carp v.对小事吹毛求疵,挑剔,表现不满 bound by very close association r6
19439 symmetry n.对称 balanced proportions r6
19440 dichotomy n.对立 division into two r6
19441 palaver n.对话,交流;v.闲聊 1. an exchange of views; 2. talk profusely r6
19442 retrieve v.寻回,找回 get back again r6
19443 forage vi.寻找 search r6
19444 shroud vt.将…从视线中隔离,遮蔽 shut off from sight r6
19445 minimize vt.将…减到最少;vt.可以低估 1. reduce to smallest; 2. underestimate r6
19446 channel vt.将…导向,投入 move to a central point r6
19447 incinerate v.将…烧成灰烬 burn to ashes r6
19448 pulverize vt.将…研磨成粉;将…彻底摧毁 crush to dust r6
19449 deify vt.尊崇,尊敬 high status or value to r6
19450 venerate vt.尊敬 regard with respect r6
19451 hallow vt.尊敬,把…视为神圣 respect r6
19452 homage n.尊敬,敬意 respect r6
19453 esteem n./v.尊重 respect r6
19454 tiff n./v.小争吵 petty quarrel r6
19455 nibble vt.小口咬 small bites r6
19456 wary adj.小心的,机警的,谨慎的 caution r6
19457 doze vi./n.小憩 lightly r6
19458 glitch n.小故障 minor malfunction r6
19459 stingy adj.小气的,吝啬的 unwilling to share r6
19460 speck n.小点,少量 small amount r6
19461 foible n.小缺点 minor flaw r6
19462 vendor n.小贩,商贩 sells r6
19463 lapse n.小过失 slight error r6
19464 cliquish adj.小集团的 bound by very close association r6
19465 measly adj.少得可怜的,微不足道的 small r6
19466 modicum n.少量 small portion r6
19467 shred n.少量 small amount r6
19468 smattering n.少量 small amount r6
19469 paucity n.少量,缺乏 dearth r6
19470 nip n.少量;vi.小口吃喝 1. small amount; 2. in small amount r6
19471 pittance n.少量津贴 a small portion r6
19472 squall v.尖叫 scream r6
19473 scathing adj.尖酸刻薄的 cause hurt feelings r6
19474 mordant adj.尖酸刻薄的 biting caustic r6
19475 barb n.尖锐而严厉的批评 a critical remark r6
19476 succumb v.屈服;v.死亡 1. yield to strength; 2. be brought to death r6
19477 showcase vt.展示(优点) exhibit in an attractive aseptic r6
19478 hammer v.屡次重申 repeated r6
19479 gorge n.峡谷;v.狼吞虎咽 1. canyon; 2. eat greedily r6
19480 votary n.崇拜者,信徒 fervently devoted r6
19481 sublime adj.崇高的,庄严的 high moral r6
19482 lofty adj.崇高的;adj.自大的 1. elevated; 2. superiority r6
19483 embed vt.嵌入 enclose r6
19484 maneuver v.巧妙地操纵 guide with adroitness and design r6
19485 manipulate vt.巧妙处理;暗中操控 deviously r6
19486 gigantic adj.巨大的 large r6
19487 gargantuan adj.巨大的 tremendous r6
19488 colossal adj.巨大的 immense r6
19489 imperial adj.巨大的,令人惊叹的 impressive in size r6
19490 prodigious adj.巨大的;adj.惊人的,了不起的 1. enormous; 2. causing astounishmeny r6
19491 elephantine adj.巨大的;adj.笨拙的 1. enormous size; 2. clumsy; r6
19492 philistine n.市侩(注重物质而鄙视智慧或艺术的人) a person guided by materialism r6
19493 sermon n.布道,说教 public speech r6
19494 inimical adj.带有敌意的 hostility r6
19495 minatory adj.带来威胁的,有凶兆的 a sign of evil r6
19496 soothe vt.带来慰藉,安慰 bring comfort r6
19497 ministration n.帮助 aiding r6
19498 haunt vt.常去拜访;vt.不断地想起,萦绕心头 1. frequent; 2. obsess r6
19499 purlieu n.常去的地方;n.临近的地区 1. place for socializing; 2. adjoining region r6
19500 convention n.常规,习俗;n.大会,集会 1. general agreement; 2. a coming together r6
19501 sere adj.干枯的,凋萎的 dried withered r6
19502 meddle vi.干涉,管闲事 intrude r6
19503 arid adj.干燥的;adj.无趣的,无聊的 1. little or no precipitation; 2. lack of interest r6
19504 mundane adj.平凡的 commonplace r6
19505 nondescript adj.平凡的,不吸引人的 lacking distinctive or interesting r6
19506 bathetic adj.平凡的,陈腐的 commonplace r6
19507 pedestrian adj.平庸无奇的,令人厌倦的 causing weariness r6
19508 stodgy adj.平庸的,乏味的 dull r6
19509 mediocre adj.平庸的;质量中等偏差的 moderate r6
19510 palliate vt.平息,减轻 less severe,intense r6
19511 conciliate v.平息,抚慰 lessen the anger r6
19512 mollify vt.平息,抚慰,缓和 calm r6
19513 plebeian adj.平民的,社会下层的 belonging to low social rank r6
19514 insipid adj.平淡的,无聊的 lacking interest r6
19515 glossy adj.平滑的,有光泽的 smooth surface r6
19516 egalitarian adj.平等主义的 promoting equal rights r6
19517 kilter n.平衡 fitness r6
19518 prostrate adj./vt.平躺(的)/使平躺;adj./v.衰弱的/使衰竭 1. lying flat; 2. reduce to extreme weakness r6
19519 quiescent adj.平静的,静止的 inactive r6
19520 gloat vi.幸灾乐祸,自鸣得意 self-satisfaction r6
19521 yokel n.乡下人,天真纯朴的人 inhabitant of a rural area r6
19522 rustic n.乡下人;头脑简单的人;adj.乡村的;adj.粗俗的 1. awkward or simple person; 2. open areas with few buildings; 3.lacking polish r6
19523 fantasy n.幻想;vt.产生幻想 1. imaginative fiction; 2. form a mental picture r6
19524 fabulous adj.幻想中的,不真实的;adj.极好的 1. in the imagination; 2. extremely pleasing r6
19525 illusory adj.幻觉的,虚幻的 illusion r6
19526 puerile adj.幼稚的,不成熟的 immature r6
19527 banter n./v.幽默、打趣的(地)谈话 humored r6
19528 solemnity n.庄严,严肃 solemn r6
19529 preface n.序言 a preliminary statement r6
19530 prologue n.序言 the preface r6
19531 condign adj.应得的,恰当的 deserved r6
19532 merited adj.应得的,理所当然的 what is called for r6
19533 expediency n.应急手段,权宜之计 doing convenient r6
19534 detritus n.废品,碎屑,遗骸 product of disintegration, destruction; debris r6
19535 debris n.废墟 discarded useless material r6
19536 rescind vt.废除,取消 make void r6
19537 adjourn vi.延期,休会 suspend r6
19538 moratorium n.延期,暂缓实行 suspension r6
19539 prolong v.延长,拖延 lengthen in extent r6
19540 protract v.延长,拖长 prolong r6
19541 founder n.建立者;vi.完败 1. one establishes; 2. fail utterly r6
19542 admonish v.建议;v.责备 1. give advice; 2. reprove gently r6
19543 proponent n.建议者,支持者 supporter r6
19544 construct v.建造,建立;v.创造,想出 1. appoint to an office; 2. make up r6
19545 usher v.开启 beginning r6
19546 inaugurate vt.开始 begin r6
19547 commencement n.开始;n.毕业典礼 1. a start; 2. the ceremonies for conferring degrees r6
19548 embark vi.开始从事 start r6
19549 persiflage n.打趣 teasing r6
19550 chaff v.开玩笑 make jokes r6
19551 inception n.开端,开始 beginning r6
19552 outset n.开端,开始 beginning r6
19553 aberrant adj.异常的,非常规的 deviating r6
19554 heresy n.异教,和普遍观点相悖的说法 controversial or unorthodox opinion r6
19555 heretical adj.异教的,异端邪说的 departure standards r6
19556 crumple v.弄皱 bend r6
19557 mangle vt.弄砸 ruin r6
19558 induce v.引发,导致 cause r6
19559 bait vt.引诱;n.诱饵 1. lead away; 2. something luring r6
19560 engender vt.引起,使发展 cause r6
19561 contentious adj.引起争论的;adj.好争论的,好战的 1. argumentative; 2. exhibiting a wearisome tendency r6
19562 scandalous adj.引起反感的,丢脸的 disgust r6
19563 advert vi.引起注意;提到 refer r6
19564 pervade v.弥漫,充满 be present throughout r6
19565 permeate v.弥漫,渗透 spread throughout r6
19566 serpentine adj.弯曲的 winding r6
19567 sturdy adj.强健的,结实的 strength r6
19568 obligatory adj.强制性的 compulsory r6
19569 mandatory adj.强制的 forcing compliance r6
19570 hale adj.强壮的,健壮的 free from infirmity or illness r6
19571 castigate vt.强烈(公开)指责 criticize harshly and publicly r6
19572 decry vt.强烈反对,否定 strong disapproval r6
19573 fascinate vt.强烈吸引,使入迷 hold an intense interest r6
19574 thrill n.强烈的兴奋感,快感;v.使兴奋,使激动 1. a pleasurably intense stimulation; 2. cause excitement r6
19575 underscore vt.强调 to emphasize r6
19576 accentuate v.强调 noticeable r6
19577 foreground vt.强调,重视 indicate the importance r6
19578 incriminate vt.归罪于 accuse of a crime r6
19579 inculpate vt.归罪于 incriminate r6
19580 pillory v.当众嘲弄 expose to public contempt r6
19581 matriculate v.录取 adimit or be admitted r6
19582 chromatic adj.彩色的 relating to color r6
19583 civility n.彬彬有礼 politeness r6
19584 urbane adj.彬彬有礼的,文雅的 polite r6
19585 cavalier n.彬彬有礼的绅士;adj.傲慢的 1. a courtly gentleman; 2. having a feeling of superiority r6
19586 ramification n.影响,结果 result r6
19587 forsake vt.彻底放弃,抛弃 renounce r6
19588 vaporize vt.彻底消灭 destroy r6
19589 fathom vt.彻底理解,弄懂 come to understand r6
19590 presage n.征兆;v.预示,预言 1. a warning of future event; 2. foretell or predict r6
19591 subjugate vt.征服,镇压 bring under control r6
19592 unavailing adj.徒劳的,无果的 producing no results r6
19593 perambulate v.徒步穿越,走过 travel over r6
19594 seemly adv.得体的,遵守礼节的 following the established traditions r6
19595 decorous adj.得体端正的 refined society and good taste r6
19596 piddling adj.微不足道的 so trifling or trivial r6
19597 subtle adj.微妙的,难以感知的 difficult to perceive r6
19598 puny adj.微小的,弱小的 weak r6
19599 mite n.微小的东西,很少的钱 small object r6