19000 |
foment |
vt.助长,煽动 |
promote the growth |
r6 |
19001 |
endeavor |
n.努力,奋斗;vt.努力做,拼搏 |
1. conscientious or concerted effort; 2. devote serious and sustained effort |
r6 |
19002 |
tantrum |
n.勃然大怒,发脾气 |
bad temper |
r6 |
19003 |
stouthearted |
adj.勇敢的 |
stout spirit |
r6 |
19004 |
valiant |
adj.勇敢的,英勇的 |
bravery |
r6 |
19005 |
mettle |
n.勇气;n.毅力,耐力 |
1. strength of spirit; 2. stamina |
r6 |
19006 |
acquiesce |
v.勉强同意;默许 |
accept tacitly or passively |
r6 |
19007 |
extort |
vt.勒索 |
force |
r6 |
19008 |
industrious |
adj.勤勉的 |
diligent |
r6 |
19009 |
assiduous |
adj.勤勉的,专心仔细的 |
careful |
r6 |
19010 |
diligent |
adj.勤勉的,辛勤的 |
steady, earnest, energetic |
r6 |
19011 |
laborious |
adj.勤奋的;adj.费力的 |
1. industrious; 2. long, hard work |
r6 |
19012 |
sedulous |
adj.勤奋认真的 |
careful perseverance |
r6 |
19013 |
hie |
vi.匆匆忙忙 |
hasten |
r6 |
19014 |
cursory |
adj.匆忙的,不注意细节的 |
excessive or careless speed |
r6 |
19015 |
precipitate |
adj.匆忙的;v.促使,导致 |
1. acting with careless speed; 2. cause to happen |
r6 |
19016 |
deprivation |
n.匮乏 |
privation |
r6 |
19017 |
discriminate |
vt.区分;vi.歧视 |
1. perceive distinguishing; recognize; 2. dffenerce |
r6 |
19018 |
anonymous |
adj.匿名的 |
not named |
r6 |
19019 |
overwrought |
adj.十分激动的,非常不安的;adj.(装饰、文风等)过分华丽的 |
1. being in a state of agitation; 2. excessively decorated |
r6 |
19020 |
foolproof |
adj.十分简单以至于不会失败的 |
leave no opportunity for error, misuse, or failure |
r6 |
19021 |
resplendent |
adj.华丽辉煌的 |
brilliantly |
r6 |
19022 |
bargain |
n.协议;v.讨价还价 |
1. an agreement; 2. negotiate |
r6 |
19023 |
mangy |
adj.卑劣的 |
contemptible |
r6 |
19024 |
menial |
adj.卑贱的,低下的 |
showing submissiveness |
r6 |
19025 |
mean |
adj.卑贱的;adj.吝啬的 |
1. ignoble; 2. sharing little |
r6 |
19026 |
grovel |
vi.卑躬屈膝 |
draw back; fearful submission |
r6 |
19027 |
turpitude |
n.卑鄙 |
baseness |
r6 |
19028 |
dreary |
adj.单调乏味的 |
nothing cheer |
r6 |
19029 |
monochromatic |
adj.单调无聊的 |
lacking variety |
r6 |
19030 |
prosaic |
adj.单调的,常见的 |
being in the normal course of events |
r6 |
19031 |
drab |
adj.单调的,无聊的 |
dullness and monotony |
r6 |
19032 |
savant |
n.博学之士,学者 |
learning |
r6 |
19033 |
erudite |
adj.博学的 |
learned |
r6 |
19034 |
philanthropic |
adj.博爱的,为他人着想的 |
showing a concern for the welfare of others |
r6 |
19035 |
preponderant |
adj.占优势的,更重要的 |
having superior importance |
r6 |
19036 |
jeopardy |
n.危险 |
risk of danger |
r6 |
19037 |
perilous |
adj.危险的 |
involving potential loss |
r6 |
19038 |
precarious |
adj.危险的,不稳定的;adj.可疑的,不明确的 |
1. lacking in security; 2. cause to happen |
r6 |
19039 |
ad-lib |
adj.即兴的 |
without previous preparation |
r6 |
19040 |
offhand |
adj.即兴的,没有准备的 |
without premeditation |
r6 |
19041 |
improvise |
v.即兴而作 |
perform with little or no preparation |
r6 |
19042 |
extemporize |
v.即兴表现 |
perform without prior preparation |
r6 |
19043 |
impending |
adj.即将发生的 |
soon to take place |
r6 |
19044 |
moribund |
adj.即将过时的 |
obsolete |
r6 |
19045 |
impromptu |
n.即席的表演;adj.即席的,即兴的 |
1. done extemporaneously; 2. without previous preparation |
r6 |
19046 |
voluminous |
adj.卷数多的,大量的,庞大的 |
great number |
r6 |
19047 |
adversity |
n.厄运,逆境 |
difficulty |
r6 |
19048 |
chokehold |
n.压制 |
a force that stops something from growing |
r6 |
19049 |
squelch |
vt.压制,镇压(运动) |
stop by force |
r6 |
19050 |
quell |
vt.压制;vt.使平静,使安静 |
1. suppress; 2. pacify |
r6 |
19051 |
compress |
v.压缩(体积) |
reduce in size or volumn |
r6 |
19052 |
jaded |
adj.厌倦的,没兴趣没热情的 |
having patience exhausted |
r6 |
19053 |
loathe |
vt.厌恶 |
dislike |
r6 |
19054 |
detest |
v.厌恶 |
dislike |
r6 |
19055 |
antipathy |
n.厌恶,反感 |
aversion; dislike |
r6 |
19056 |
brassy |
adj.厚脸皮的,不知羞耻的 |
displaying rude boldness |
r6 |
19057 |
effrontery |
n.厚颜无耻,放肆大胆 |
disregard courtesy |
r6 |
19058 |
prototype |
n.原型 |
an original model |
r6 |
19059 |
primitive |
adj.原始的 |
belonging to an early level |
r6 |
19060 |
primordial |
adj.原始的,最初的 |
happening first |
r6 |
19061 |
dehydrate |
vt.去除水分,使干燥;v.使失去活力 |
1. remove water; 2. deprive of vitality |
r6 |
19062 |
squat |
adj.又矮又胖的 |
broad in build and short in stature |
r6 |
19063 |
amicable |
adj.友善的 |
friendly |
r6 |
19064 |
comity |
n.友好,社会和谐 |
social harmony |
r6 |
19065 |
amity |
n.友好关系,亲善和睦 |
friendship |
r6 |
19066 |
camaraderie |
n.友情 |
a spirit of friendly fellowship |
r6 |
19067 |
misanthropic |
adj.反人类的 |
deep distrust of human |
r6 |
19068 |
cynic |
n.反人类的喷子 |
selfishness |
r6 |
19069 |
ruminate |
v.反复思考 |
go over in the mind |
r6 |
19070 |
caprice |
n.反复无常,善变 |
change one's mind impulsively |
r6 |
19071 |
whimsical |
adj.反复无常的 |
sudden illogical changes |
r6 |
19072 |
reactionary |
adj.反对变革的,极保守的 |
opposition to progress |
r6 |
19073 |
averse |
adj.反对的 |
dislike |
r6 |
19074 |
responsive |
adj.反应的;敏感的 |
quick to respond |
r6 |
19075 |
alacrity |
n.反应迅速,乐意,欣然 |
promptness, readiness |
r6 |
19076 |
anarchist |
n.反抗权威的人 |
rebel against any authority |
r6 |
19077 |
counterproductive |
adj.反效果的,阻碍预期目标的 |
not producing desired goal |
r6 |
19078 |
reflect |
vt.反映,显露;vi.思考 |
1. make manifest; 2. think seriously |
r6 |
19079 |
disprove |
vt.反驳,证明为假 |
prove to be false |
r6 |
19080 |
babble |
v.发出含糊无意义的嘟囔声,胡乱说 |
utter meaningless |
r6 |
19081 |
germinate |
vi.发芽;vi.出现 |
1. begin to grow; 2. come into being |
r6 |
19082 |
abjure |
v.发誓放弃;v.抵制,避免 |
1. rejecting; 2. resist |
r6 |
19083 |
supersede |
v.取代,替代 |
displace |
r6 |
19084 |
substitute |
n.取代者,替代品;v.取代,替代 |
1. a things that takes the place of another; 2. take the place of |
r6 |
19085 |
subject |
adj.取决于(其他因素的),受制于 |
under the influence |
r6 |
19086 |
countermand |
v.取消,撤销 |
revoke |
r6 |
19087 |
cherished |
adj.受喜爱的,珍爱的 |
granted special treatment |
r6 |
19088 |
flag |
vi.变得衰弱 |
become feeble |
r6 |
19089 |
languish |
vi.变得衰弱 |
become feeble |
r6 |
19090 |
chameleon |
n.变色龙,善变的人 |
a person who changes opinions |
r6 |
19091 |
insurgent |
n.叛乱分子 |
opposes authority |
r6 |
19092 |
turncoat |
n.叛徒 |
switched; traitor |
r6 |
19093 |
stammer |
vi.口吃,结巴 |
speak with pauses |
r6 |
19094 |
outlandish |
adj.古怪的,奇异的 |
out of ordinary;bizarre |
r6 |
19095 |
quirky |
adj.古怪的,奇葩的 |
different from the ordinary |
r6 |
19096 |
immemorial |
adj.古老的 |
from the distant past |
r6 |
19097 |
antiquated |
adj.古老的,过时的 |
out of style |
r6 |
19098 |
peddle |
v.叫卖,兜售 |
sell |
r6 |
19099 |
convene |
vt.召开,召集 |
bring together in assembly |
r6 |
19100 |
summon |
vt.召集,召唤 |
call together |
r6 |
19101 |
convoke |
v.召集开会 |
bring together |
r6 |
19102 |
fungible |
adj.可互换的 |
substituted in place of one another |
r6 |
19103 |
accessible |
adj.可以到达的;adj.可理解的 |
1. within easy reach; 2. understood |
r6 |
19104 |
scrutable |
adj.可以理解的 |
understood,comprehensible |
r6 |
19105 |
plausible |
adj.可信的 |
reasonable |
r6 |
19106 |
plastic |
adj.可塑的 |
susceptible of being modified |
r6 |
19107 |
limber |
adj.可塑的,柔软的 |
flexible |
r6 |
19108 |
malleable |
adj.可塑的;adj.易控制的 |
1. capable of being shaped; 2. capable of being controlled |
r6 |
19109 |
venial |
adj.可宽恕的 |
easily excused |
r6 |
19110 |
perceptible |
adj.可察觉的 |
being perceived |
r6 |
19111 |
dire |
adj.可怕的,恐怖的;adj.迫切的 |
1. fear; 2. immediate; urgent |
r6 |
19112 |
tangible |
adj.可感知的 |
capable of being perceived |
r6 |
19113 |
appreciable |
adj.可感知的,明显的 |
perceptible |
r6 |
19114 |
heinous |
adj.可憎的,十恶不赦的 |
hatefully |
r6 |
19115 |
permeable |
adj.可渗透的 |
capable of being penetrated |
r6 |
19116 |
combustible |
adj.可燃的;adj.容易激动的 |
1. capable of igniting; 2. easily excited |
r6 |
19117 |
intelligible |
adj.可理解的 |
being understood |
r6 |
19118 |
applicable |
adj.可用的,可行的;adj.相关的,有关的 |
1. put to use; 2. having to do with |
r6 |
19119 |
fallible |
adj.可能出错的 |
erroneous |
r6 |
19120 |
contingency |
n.可能发生的事 |
something that might happen |
r6 |
19121 |
viable |
adj.可行的 |
being done |
r6 |
19122 |
deplorable |
adj.可鄙的,可耻的 |
condemnation or reproach |
r6 |
19123 |
dependable |
adj.可靠的,值得信赖的 |
depended on |
r6 |
19124 |
edible |
adj.可食用的 |
eaten |
r6 |
19125 |
commonplace |
adj./n.司空见惯的(事物) |
heard so often as to be dull |
r6 |
19126 |
trudge |
vi.吃力而笨拙地走 |
heavily or clumsily |
r6 |
19127 |
synergic |
adj.合作的,1+1>2的 |
cooperating |
r6 |
19128 |
amalgamate |
v.合并,混合 |
combine, unite |
r6 |
19129 |
coalesce |
v.合并,融合 |
fuse |
r6 |
19130 |
synthesis |
n.合成,综合 |
combination |
r6 |
19131 |
politic |
adj.合时宜的,明智的 |
suitably tactical |
r6 |
19132 |
conspire |
v.合谋,密谋 |
plan secretly |
r6 |
19133 |
meet |
adj.合适的 |
very proper |
r6 |
19134 |
opportune |
adj.合适的,适当的 |
convenient |
r6 |
19135 |
alloy |
n.合金;混合物;vt.掺杂,降低…的纯度 |
1. combining of two or more different things; 2. debase by the addition |
r6 |
19136 |
propitious |
adj.吉祥的 |
favorably disposed |
r6 |
19137 |
synonymous |
adj.同义的 |
same, similar meaning |
r6 |
19138 |
approbation |
n.同意 |
approval |
r6 |
19139 |
assent |
vi.同意 |
agree |
r6 |
19140 |
consent |
n.同意,赞同;vi.同意 |
1. approval; 2. approval |
r6 |
19141 |
accolade |
n.同意,赞赏;v.赞扬 |
1. approval; 2. praise |
r6 |
19142 |
concur |
v.同意;v.同一时间发生、存在;v.团结合作 |
1. express agreement; 2. occur at the same time; joint |
r6 |
19143 |
cachet |
n.同意;n.声望 |
1. an approval; 2. prestige |
r6 |
19144 |
coeval |
adj.同时代的,同龄的 |
of the same age |
r6 |
19145 |
synchronous |
adj.同时期的,同步的 |
identical period and phase |
r6 |
19146 |
commensurate |
adj.同样大小的;adj.相称的,相当的 |
1. equal in measure or extent; 2. proportionate |
r6 |
19147 |
peer |
n.同等地位的人,同辈;v.好奇地凝视 |
n. a person who has equal standing with others; v. look narrowly |
r6 |
19148 |
escort |
vt.同行,护送 |
go along with |
r6 |
19149 |
chaperone |
vt.同行,护送 |
go along with |
r6 |
19150 |
kudos |
n.名望,名声;n.夸奖,赞扬 |
1. fame; 2. acclaim or praise |
r6 |
19151 |
rue |
n.后悔,遗憾 |
feeling of regret |
r6 |
19152 |
regress |
vi.后退;vi.退化,恶化 |
worse |
r6 |
19153 |
hanker |
v./n.向往,渴望 |
desire; yearn |
r6 |
19154 |
deter |
vt.吓住,威慑 |
prevent; discourage |
r6 |
19155 |
monarch |
n.君主,帝王 |
one who rules over a people |
r6 |
19156 |
tightfisted |
adj.吝啬的 |
stingy |
r6 |
19157 |
miserly |
adj.吝啬的 |
penuriousness |
r6 |
19158 |
stint |
vi.吝惜,节省 |
be frugal |
r6 |
19159 |
veto |
n./vt.否决,禁止 |
forbid, prohibit |
r6 |
19160 |
negation |
n.否定 |
opposite |
r6 |
19161 |
abnegate |
v.否认 |
deny, renounce |
r6 |
19162 |
gainsay |
vt.否认 |
declare false |
r6 |
19163 |
refute |
vt.否认 |
declare not to be true |
r6 |
19164 |
repudiate |
vt.否认 |
declare not the be ture |
r6 |
19165 |
contradict |
vt.否认,反驳;与…相矛盾 |
contrary |
r6 |
19166 |
univocal |
adj.含义明确的 |
clearly expressed |
r6 |
19167 |
obscure |
adj.含义模糊的;adj.平凡的,不知名的 |
1. not clearly veiled or uncertain meaning; 2. famous |
r6 |
19168 |
bumble |
vi.含糊不清地说,杂乱无章地说 |
rapidly, inarticulately |
r6 |
19169 |
elliptical |
adj.含糊不清的;adj.椭圆的 |
1. obscurity; 2. ellipse |
r6 |
19170 |
captivate |
v.吸引 |
attract by charm |
r6 |
19171 |
allure |
vt.吸引 |
attract or delight |
r6 |
19172 |
arresting |
adj.吸引人的 |
attracting |
r6 |
19173 |
appealing |
adj.吸引人的 |
attractive, inviting |
r6 |
19174 |
riveting |
adj.吸引人的,极迷人的 |
absorbing,engrossing |
r6 |
19175 |
vaunt |
vi.吹嘘 |
boastfully |
r6 |
19176 |
nitpick |
v.吹毛求疵 |
criticize |
r6 |
19177 |
quibble |
vi.吹毛求疵 |
cavil |
r6 |
19178 |
captious |
adj.吹毛求疵的,爱挑毛病的 |
stress faults and raise objections |
r6 |
19179 |
faultfinder |
n.吹毛求疵的人 |
petty criticism |
r6 |
19180 |
valediction |
n.告别词 |
address farewell |
r6 |
19181 |
disgorge |
v.呕吐出 |
discharge; vomit |
r6 |
19182 |
periodical |
adj.周期性的,有固定间隔的 |
occuring at regular intervals |
r6 |
19183 |
imperative |
adj.命令的,强制性的;adj.迫切的 |
1. force one's compliance; 2. needing immediate attention |
r6 |
19184 |
congenial |
adj.和善的,友好的 |
having agreement |
r6 |
19185 |
rapprochement |
n.和睦,友好 |
cordial relations |
r6 |
19186 |
rapport |
n.和睦,友好 |
friendly relationship |
r6 |
19187 |
genial |
adj.和蔼亲切的 |
easygoing |
r6 |
19188 |
affable |
adj.和蔼的,温和的 |
ease friendliness |
r6 |
19189 |
harmonious |
adj.和谐一致的 |
agreeably related |
r6 |
19190 |
consonant |
adj.和谐一致的 |
being in agreement |
r6 |
19191 |
congruent |
adj.和谐一致的;adj.全等的 |
1. being in harmony; 2. coinciding |
r6 |
19192 |
incantation |
n.咒语 |
magic power |
r6 |
19193 |
swear |
vi.咒骂;v.宣誓 |
1. curse; 2. oath |
r6 |
19194 |
grin |
v.咧嘴笑,咧嘴笑着表示 |
express an emotion |
r6 |
19195 |
elegy |
n.哀歌(诗),挽歌(诗) |
expressing sorrow |
r6 |
19196 |
virtuous |
adj.品德高尚的,正直的 |
showing moral excellence |
r6 |
19197 |
coax |
v.哄骗 |
cajole |
r6 |
19198 |
cajole |
v.哄骗 |
wheedle |
r6 |
19199 |
metaphysical |
adj.哲学上的,理论上的;adj.非尘世的 |
1. idea; 2. beyond universe |
r6 |