17400 |
flabby |
adj.疲软的,无力的 |
lacking strength |
r5 |
17401 |
morbid |
adj.疾病的,疾病所指的;adj.(思想性格)变态的 |
1. by disease; 2. unwholesome thoughts |
r5 |
17402 |
execrate |
v.痛恨 |
dislike strongly |
r5 |
17403 |
abominate |
v.痛恨,厌恶 |
abhor |
r5 |
17404 |
affliction |
n.痛苦,悲伤,折磨 |
great suffering |
r5 |
17405 |
bale |
n.痛苦,悲哀 |
sorrow |
r5 |
17406 |
plague |
n.瘟疫;v.折磨,使…痛苦 |
1. a widespread disease; 2. cause persistent suffering |
r5 |
17407 |
proclivity |
n.癖性,偏好 |
a naturak inclination |
r5 |
17408 |
diurnal |
adj.白天发生或行动的 |
daytime |
r5 |
17409 |
royalty |
n.皇家身份;n.版税;专利权税 |
1. regal character; 2. payment |
r5 |
17410 |
scowl |
vi.皱眉(表现出不高兴) |
expression displeasure |
r5 |
17411 |
surveillance |
n.监视,监控 |
close observation |
r5 |
17412 |
coop |
v.监禁,困于…之中 |
confine |
r5 |
17413 |
immure |
vt.监禁,禁闭;使闭门不出 |
confine |
r5 |
17414 |
pirate |
v.盗版,盗用 |
take without actual right |
r5 |
17415 |
embezzle |
vt.盗用 |
appropriate |
r5 |
17416 |
ally |
n.盟友,支持者;v.加入联盟 |
1. association; 2. enter |
r5 |
17417 |
chauvinistic |
adj.盲目爱国的 |
showing excessive favorism |
r5 |
17418 |
confront |
vt.直接对抗,直面 |
come face to face with hostility |
r5 |
17419 |
bluff |
adj.直率的,(说话)直截了当的;vt.欺骗 |
1. direct, brief, potentially rude; 2. deceive |
r5 |
17420 |
forthright |
adj.直率的,说话率真的;adj.直接的,不绕弯子的 |
1. free in expressing opinions; 2. going straight to the point |
r5 |
17421 |
intuitive |
adj.直觉的 |
by intuition |
r5 |
17422 |
analogous |
adj.相似的,可比较的 |
common |
r5 |
17423 |
apposite |
adj.相关的,合适的 |
pertinent or appropriate |
r5 |
17424 |
pertinent |
adj.相关的,恰当的 |
having a clear relevance |
r5 |
17425 |
apropos |
adj.相关的;prep.关于,有关 |
1. relevant; 2. having to do with |
r5 |
17426 |
lull |
n.相对平静时期,间隙;vt.使镇静,使安心 |
1. momentary halt; 2. free from distress |
r5 |
17427 |
parity |
n.相称,同等,平等 |
being equal |
r5 |
17428 |
authentic |
adj.真实的,非仿造的 |
exactly |
r5 |
17429 |
heartfelt |
adj.真心实意的 |
genuine |
r5 |
17430 |
vertigo |
n.眩晕 |
dizzy |
r5 |
17431 |
tackle |
vt.着手处理 |
start work |
r5 |
17432 |
slumber |
vi.睡着 |
sleep |
r5 |
17433 |
somnolence |
n.瞌睡,嗜睡 |
needing sleep |
r5 |
17434 |
paradox |
n.矛盾,悖论 |
opposed to common sense |
r5 |
17435 |
oxymoron |
n.矛盾修饰法 |
combination contradictory |
r5 |
17436 |
apprehensive |
adj.知晓的,理解的;adj.恐惧的,害怕的 |
1. impressed on the mind; 2. anxious; fearful |
r5 |
17437 |
cognizant |
adj.知道的,意识到的 |
aware |
r5 |
17438 |
anecdote |
n.短小有趣的故事,段子 |
short narrative interesting |
r5 |
17439 |
transitory |
adj.短暂的 |
lasting only a short time |
r5 |
17440 |
ephemeral |
adj.短暂的 |
very short time |
r5 |
17441 |
transient |
adj.短暂的,瞬时的 |
transitory |
r5 |
17442 |
mar |
vt.破坏,削弱 |
impair |
r5 |
17443 |
demolition |
n.破坏,毁坏 |
destroying |
r5 |
17444 |
tatty |
adj.破旧的,褴褛的 |
shabby |
r5 |
17445 |
fracture |
n.破裂;vt.打碎,破坏 |
1. breaking; 2. separate into pieces |
r5 |
17446 |
decipher |
vt.破译;vt.对…有清晰的想法,理解,解读 |
1. interpret; 2. clear idea |
r5 |
17447 |
certitude |
n.确信无疑 |
certain |
r5 |
17448 |
abrade |
v.磨损,精神上折磨 |
wear away by friction |
r5 |
17449 |
linger |
vi.磨蹭,闲荡 |
proceed slowly |
r5 |
17450 |
courteous |
adj.礼貌的,谦恭有礼的 |
polished manners |
r5 |
17451 |
ken |
n.视野范围 |
vision |
r5 |
17452 |
forebear |
n.祖先 |
an ancestor |
r5 |
17453 |
runic |
adj.神秘的 |
mysterious |
r5 |
17454 |
numinous |
adj.神秘的,超自然的 |
supernatural and mysterious |
r5 |
17455 |
fable |
n.神话,传说;n.谎言,虚构 |
1. story of upernatural happenings; 2. statement made in order to deceive |
r5 |
17456 |
scourge |
n.祸害 |
source of harm |
r5 |
17457 |
interdict |
vt.禁止 |
forbid |
r5 |
17458 |
proscribe |
v.禁止,排斥 |
forbid |
r5 |
17459 |
teetotalism |
n.禁酒 |
abstinence from alcoholic |
r5 |
17460 |
uncanny |
adj.离奇的,奇异的 |
extraordinary or abnormal |
r5 |
17461 |
discrete |
adj.离散的,不连续的 |
separate |
r5 |
17462 |
tangent |
n./adj.离题(的),不相关(的) |
irrelevant |
r5 |
17463 |
excursive |
adj.离题的;散漫的 |
passing from one topic to another |
r5 |
17464 |
appropriate |
v.私自挪用;adj.适当的 |
1. take possession without permission; 2. suitable |
r5 |
17465 |
proprietary |
adj.私营的 |
privately owned |
r5 |
17466 |
infiltrate |
vt.秘密潜入 |
enter surreptitiously |
r5 |
17467 |
stealth |
adj.秘密的 |
not to attract attention |
r5 |
17468 |
cryptic |
adj.秘密的;adj.难以理解的 |
1. secret; 2. beyond one's powers to know |
r5 |
17469 |
compliment |
n./vt.称赞,恭维;n.敬意,免费赠送的礼物 |
1. praise; 2. honor |
r5 |
17470 |
acclaim |
n.称赞;vt.赞扬,赞颂 |
1. public acknowledgement or admiration; 2. approval |
r5 |
17471 |
eulogize |
vt.称赞;颂扬 |
speak in high praise of |
r5 |
17472 |
tribute |
n.称颂,颂词 |
declaration; gratitude |
r5 |
17473 |
graft |
vt.移植,移接 |
implant surgically |
r5 |
17474 |
sparse |
adj.稀疏的,稀少的 |
less plentiful |
r5 |
17475 |
dilute |
vt.稀释;adj.经稀释的 |
1. less concentrated; 2. low strength, concentration |
r5 |
17476 |
fleeting |
adj.稍纵即逝的,短暂的 |
for a short time |
r5 |
17477 |
visionary |
adj.空想的,不切实际的;adj.有远见的 |
1. guided by ideals; 2. foresight |
r5 |
17478 |
inane |
adj.空洞的 |
lacking significance |
r5 |
17479 |
don |
vt.穿上 |
put on |
r5 |
17480 |
protrude |
v.突出 |
project |
r5 |
17481 |
plummet |
v.突然下降 |
decline suddenly |
r5 |
17482 |
plunge |
v.突然下降 |
descend suddenly |
r5 |
17483 |
stitch |
n.突然剧痛 |
sharp unpleasant sensation |
r5 |
17484 |
swerve |
vi.突然改变方向 |
turn aside abruptly |
r5 |
17485 |
tempestuous |
adj.突然的,剧烈的 |
sudden or violent |
r5 |
17486 |
dart |
vi.突然移动,猛冲,狂奔;n.公开侮辱 |
1. suddenly; 2. intended to hurt another's fellings |
r5 |
17487 |
blurt |
v.突然说出 |
utter abruptly |
r5 |
17488 |
contend |
vi.竞争,争夺;vt.声明,声称 |
1. strive or vie in contest; 2. state as a fact |
r5 |
17489 |
gag |
n.笑话;玩笑之举 |
a joke |
r5 |
17490 |
commonsensical |
adj.符合常识的,有依据的 |
displaying common sense |
r5 |
17491 |
ham-handed |
adj.笨手笨脚的 |
lacking dexterity |
r5 |
17492 |
fumble |
v.笨拙地做 |
awkward attempts |
r5 |
17493 |
flounder |
vi.笨拙地行动,挣扎 |
act clumsily |
r5 |
17494 |
lumber |
vi.笨拙地行动;vt.使负担(从而拖累) |
1. clumsiness; 2. burden |
r5 |
17495 |
clumsy |
adj.笨拙的 |
lacking nimbleness |
r5 |
17496 |
maladroit |
adj.笨拙的 |
lack of nimbleness |
r5 |
17497 |
ungainly |
adj.笨拙的,不雅的 |
inability in a graceful manner |
r5 |
17498 |
gauche |
adj.笨拙的,缺乏社交经验的 |
lacking grace |
r5 |
17499 |
dullard |
n.笨蛋 |
stupid |
r5 |
17500 |
dolt |
n.笨蛋 |
stupid |
r5 |
17501 |
cumbersome |
adj.笨重的,难处理的 |
difficult to handle |
r5 |
17502 |
tantamount |
adj.等价的,与…相等的 |
equivalent |
r5 |
17503 |
equivalent |
adj./n.等价的,相等的 |
equal |
r5 |
17504 |
winnow |
v.筛选 |
examine closely |
r5 |
17505 |
vignette |
n.简介,短文 |
vivid representation |
r5 |
17506 |
succinct |
adj.简明的,简洁的 |
clear, precise |
r5 |
17507 |
spartan |
adj.简朴的,节约的 |
simplicity |
r5 |
17508 |
laconic |
adj.简洁(以至于显得粗鲁或难以理解)的 |
minimum of words; concise |
r5 |
17509 |
terse |
adj.简洁的,简明的 |
brief |
r5 |
17510 |
brevity |
n.简短,简洁 |
shortness |
r5 |
17511 |
gloss |
n.简短解释;v.敷衍潦草做事(甚至忽略) |
1. brief explanation; obscure; 2. too lightly |
r5 |
17512 |
jot |
vt.简要记录 |
write briefly |
r5 |
17513 |
usurp |
vt.篡夺,篡位 |
seize power without legal authority |
r5 |
17514 |
kindred |
adj.类似的;具有相似或相近的起源、本性或性质的 |
similar, origin |
r5 |
17515 |
veneer |
vt.粉饰(不好的东西) |
conceal defect |
r5 |
17516 |
varnish |
vt.粉饰(令人不悦的东西) |
conceal unpleasant |
r5 |
17517 |
crass |
adj.粗俗的,愚钝的 |
crude and unrefined |
r5 |
17518 |
vulgar |
adj.粗俗的,无教养的 |
crude |
r5 |
17519 |
uncouth |
adj.粗俗的,没有品味的 |
lacking in refinement |
r5 |
17520 |
slipshod |
adj.粗心的,随意的 |
indifference to exactness,precision,and accuracy |
r5 |
17521 |
coarse |
adj.粗糙的,表面不平整的;adj.粗俗的 |
1. not smooth; 2. lacking refinement |
r5 |
17522 |
insolent |
adj.粗野的,无礼的 |
rude |
r5 |
17523 |
boorish |
adj.粗鲁无礼的 |
impolite |
r5 |
17524 |
churlish |
adj.粗鲁无礼的 |
showing impolite manners |
r5 |
17525 |
loutish |
adj.粗鲁的 |
awkward,stupid,and boorish |
r5 |
17526 |
affix |
vt.粘合 |
attach physically |
r5 |
17527 |
cement |
n./v.粘合,粘合剂 |
a uniting or binding force |
r5 |
17528 |
viscous |
adj.粘稠的,粘的 |
viscid |
r5 |
17529 |
robust |
adj.精力充沛的;强壮的,健康的 |
full of strength |
r5 |
17530 |
vigorous |
adj.精力旺盛的 |
active strength |
r5 |
17531 |
primp |
v.精心打扮 |
adorn |
r5 |
17532 |
shrewd |
adj.精明的,机敏的 |
cleverness or judgement |
r5 |
17533 |
sophisticated |
adj.精明的,老于世故的;adj.复杂的 |
1. worldly knowledge or refinement; 2. complex |
r5 |
17534 |
canny |
adj.精明的,聪明的 |
careful and shrewd |
r5 |
17535 |
spent |
adj.精疲力竭的;adj.用废的 |
1. drained of energy; 2. no longer useful |
r5 |
17536 |
distraught |
adj.精神狂乱的,极疯狂的 |
agitated |
r5 |
17537 |
wilt |
v.精神萎靡,憔悴 |
feel fatigue and exhaustion |
r5 |
17538 |
delirium |
n.精神错乱;极度兴奋,发狂 |
mental disturbance |
r5 |
17539 |
pithy |
adj.精练的,简洁的 |
forceful and brief |
r5 |
17540 |
exquisite |
adj.精致精巧的 |
appeal to a refined taste |
r5 |
17541 |
jitters |
n.紧张,不安 |
panic; nervouness |
r5 |
17542 |
exigent |
adj.紧急的 |
immediate |
r5 |
17543 |
clasp |
n./v.紧握 |
the act of holding |
r5 |
17544 |
taut |
adj.紧绷的 |
not loose |
r5 |
17545 |
cleave |
vi.紧贴,坚持;vt.分隔,割裂,劈开 |
1. adhere; 2. divide |
r5 |
17546 |
cling |
vi.紧贴;支持 |
adhere |
r5 |
17547 |
ensue |
vi.紧随其后 |
afterward |
r5 |
17548 |
palmy |
adj.繁荣的 |
prosperity |
r5 |
17549 |
taxing |
adj.繁重的,费力的 |
requiring much time, effort |
r5 |
17550 |
tangle |
v.纠缠,使…纠结 |
seize as if in snare |
r5 |
17551 |
snarl |
v.纠缠,纠结 |
twist |
r5 |
17552 |
rubicund |
adj.红润的,健康的 |
healthy rosiness |
r5 |
17553 |
dandy |
n.纨绔子弟,爱打扮的人 |
appearance |
r5 |
17554 |
martinet |
n.纪律严明之人 |
strict |
r5 |
17555 |
pristine |
adj.纯净的,质朴的,未被文明腐蚀的 |
remaining in a pure state |
r5 |
17556 |
wrangle |
n.纷争,争端;vi.争吵 |
1. differing opinions; 2. quarrel |
r5 |
17557 |
encompass |
vt.组成,包含 |
include |
r5 |
17558 |
compose |
v.组成,构成;v.使镇定 |
1. constitute; 2. calm |
r5 |
17559 |
petty |
adj.细微的,不重要的 |
of small importance |
r5 |
17560 |
trifling |
adj.细微的,不重要的 |
lacking in significance |
r5 |
17561 |
nuance |
n.细微的差异 |
subtle distinction |
r5 |
17562 |
peruse |
v.细读 |
examine with great care |
r5 |
17563 |
lank |
adj.细长瘦弱的;adj.不僵硬的,柔软松弛的 |
1. long and lean; 2. not stiff; limp |
r5 |
17564 |
finale |
n.终场,结局 |
closing part |
r5 |
17565 |
coda |
n.终曲 |
the concluding passage |
r5 |
17566 |
cessation |
n.终止,暂停 |
the stopping of a process |
r5 |
17567 |
terminus |
n.终点,终点站 |
end |
r5 |
17568 |
weather |
v.经受住 |
come through safely |
r5 |
17569 |
chronic |
adj.经常发生的,复发的 |
marked by frequent recurrence |
r5 |
17570 |
calculated |
adj.经过计算(成败得失)的,经过深思熟虑的 |
reckoning or estimating |
r5 |
17571 |
kidnap |
vt.绑架勒索 |
detain by unlawful force |
r5 |
17572 |
consort |
v.结交 |
be together as friends |
r5 |
17573 |
sequela |
n.结果 |
secondary resuly |
r5 |
17574 |
sequel |
n.结果 |
result |
r5 |
17575 |
outgrowth |
n.结果,后果 |
a condition traceable to a cause |
r5 |
17576 |
consequence |
n.结果;n.重要性,价值 |
1. something produced by a cause; 2. importance |
r5 |
17577 |
skirt |
vt.绕行,避开 |
go around |
r5 |
17578 |
glaze |
vt.给…上釉,妆点 |
coat; glaze |
r5 |
17579 |
annotate |
vt.给…作注解 |
commentary or explanatory notes |
r5 |
17580 |
tinge |
vt.给…着上少量的色彩 |
tint |
r5 |
17581 |
enfranchise |
vt.给予…权利(例如选举权);vt.解放 |
1. endow rights; 2. set free |
r5 |
17582 |
hearten |
vt.给予鼓励,鼓舞 |
give strength, courage; encourage |
r5 |
17583 |
prepossessing |
adj.给人好感的,有魅力的 |
serving to impress favorably |
r5 |
17584 |
fast |
n.绝食;斋戒;adj.忠诚的 |
1. abstaining from food; 2. firm in one's allegiance |
r5 |
17585 |
reign |
n.统治权/vi.占统治地位或盛行 |
be predominant |
r5 |
17586 |
mosaic |
n.综合物,马赛克般的东西 |
collection |
r5 |
17587 |
alleviate |
v.缓和,减轻 |
relieve, lessen |
r5 |
17588 |
assuage |
vt.缓和,减轻 |
lessen intensity |
r5 |
17589 |
creep |
vi./n.缓慢地行进 |
slowly |
r5 |
17590 |
sluggish |
adj.缓慢的,迟缓的 |
slow in movement |
r5 |
17591 |
tardy |
adj.缓慢的,迟缓的 |
slowly |
r5 |
17592 |
slouch |
vt.缓慢行走 |
move slowly |
r5 |
17593 |
lag |
v.缓慢行走;v.萎靡,失去活力 |
1. proceed with slowness; 2. lose bodily strength |
r5 |
17594 |
suture |
n./v.缝合 |
joining |
r5 |
17595 |
abbreviate |
v.缩写,缩短 |
briefer |
r5 |
17596 |
curtail |
vt.缩短,削减 |
less in extent or duration |
r5 |
17597 |
abridge |
v.缩短,缩小 |
shorten |
r5 |
17598 |
deficiency |
n.缺乏,不足 |
inadequate |
r5 |
17599 |
privation |
n.缺乏,穷困 |
lack of what is needed for existence |
r5 |