16200 |
sedentary |
adj.固定不动的 |
not migratory |
r5 |
16201 |
wrongheaded |
adj.固执己见的,坚持(错误观点的) |
stubborn in adherence |
r5 |
16202 |
bigot |
n.固执己见者,有偏见的人 |
a person obstinately devoted to his own opinions |
r5 |
16203 |
mulish |
adj.固执的 |
obstinate |
r5 |
16204 |
obstinate |
adj.固执的 |
in spite of persuasion |
r5 |
16205 |
adamant |
adj.固执的,不可动摇的 |
unshakeable inflexible |
r5 |
16206 |
dogged |
adj.固执的,任性的 |
sticking to |
r5 |
16207 |
willful |
adj.固执的,倔强的 |
obstinately and self-willed |
r5 |
16208 |
obdurate |
adj.固执的;adj.冷酷无情的 |
1. resistant influence; 2. lack of sympathy |
r5 |
16209 |
implacable |
adj.固执的;adj.无法平息的 |
1. sticking to an opinion; 2. not capable of being appeased |
r5 |
16210 |
intrinsic |
adj.固有的,内在的 |
essential |
r5 |
16211 |
indigenous |
adj.土产的,本地的;adj.与生俱来的,先天的 |
1. originating; 2. innermost nature |
r5 |
16212 |
leaven |
vt.在…中加入轻松、活泼或变更的因素 |
mingle, permeate |
r5 |
16213 |
aloft |
adv.在空中 |
in flight |
r5 |
16214 |
endemic |
adj.地方性的 |
to a particular region |
r5 |
16215 |
venue |
n.场地 |
area or space |
r5 |
16216 |
equilibrium |
n.均势,平衡 |
opposing forces are equal |
r5 |
16217 |
notoriety |
n.坏名声 |
ill fame |
r5 |
16218 |
credence |
n.坚信 |
firm belief |
r5 |
16219 |
stalwart |
adj.坚定的 |
firm and resolute |
r5 |
16220 |
resolute |
adj.坚定的 |
firm dtermination |
r5 |
16221 |
steadfast |
adj.坚定的,忠诚的 |
firm in brief |
r5 |
16222 |
persistence |
n.坚持,持续 |
lasting existence |
r5 |
16223 |
persevere |
vi.坚持不懈,不屈不挠 |
persist |
r5 |
16224 |
stickler |
n.坚持细节的人,一丝不苟的人 |
insist on exactness |
r5 |
16225 |
wry |
adj.坚持错误的 |
stubborn to wrong |
r5 |
16226 |
candor |
n.坦白,直率,诚挚 |
honest expression |
r5 |
16227 |
crestfallen |
adj.垂头丧气的,沮丧的 |
depressed |
r5 |
16228 |
monopolize |
v.垄断,主宰 |
have complete control over |
r5 |
16229 |
waylay |
vt.埋伏,伏击 |
attack |
r5 |
16230 |
inter |
vt.埋葬 |
place in grave |
r5 |
16231 |
nourish |
v.培养,促进 |
help the growth |
r5 |
16232 |
nurture |
vt.培育,培养 |
provide with understanding |
r5 |
16233 |
empirical |
adj.基于观察、实验的 |
based on observation |
r5 |
16234 |
rationale |
n.基本原理,解释 |
explain |
r5 |
16235 |
decadent |
adj.堕落的,腐败的;n.道德上堕落的人 |
1. lowered moral character; 2. moral decay |
r5 |
16236 |
reprobate |
n.堕落者,道德败坏的人/adj.堕落的,放荡的 |
unprincipled person |
r5 |
16237 |
aggrandize |
vt.增加、提高(力量、财富、地位、声誉)等 |
enhance |
r5 |
16238 |
stoke |
vt.增大,促进 |
make greater |
r5 |
16239 |
wax |
vi.增大,增强 |
increase |
r5 |
16240 |
supplement |
n./v.增补,补充 |
complete for a deficiency |
r5 |
16241 |
magnificent |
adj.壮丽的 |
impressive |
r5 |
16242 |
exculpate |
vt.声明无罪;开脱,使无罪 |
clear from fault |
r5 |
16243 |
prestige |
n.声望,威望 |
the level of respect |
r5 |
16244 |
purport |
v.声称,打算 |
state as a fact |
r5 |
16245 |
affirm |
vt.声称…为真,肯定…属实 |
valid or confirmed |
r5 |
16246 |
aver |
v.声称为真 |
state forcefully |
r5 |
16247 |
raspy |
adj.声音刺耳的 |
harsh |
r5 |
16248 |
stentorian |
adj.声音洪亮的 |
loud |
r5 |
16249 |
sonorous |
adj.声音洪亮的 |
conspicuously full and rich |
r5 |
16250 |
dominant |
adj.处于支配地位的;adj.(基因)显性的 |
1. controlling others; 2. genetic dominance |
r5 |
16251 |
prescription |
n.处方;n.规定,传统的规矩 |
1. a written message from a doctor; 2. something prescribed as a rule |
r5 |
16252 |
vindictive |
adj.复仇的,有寻仇倾向的 |
seek revenge |
r5 |
16253 |
renaissance |
n.复兴 |
becomes popular again |
r5 |
16254 |
resurgence |
n.复兴 |
restoration |
r5 |
16255 |
replicate |
v.复制,复刻 |
make an exact likeness of |
r5 |
16256 |
duplicate |
n.复制品;vt.复制 |
1. exactly alike; 2. make a copy |
r5 |
16257 |
baroque |
adj.复杂,装饰华丽的 |
complex, flamboyant |
r5 |
16258 |
knotty |
adj.复杂的,困难的 |
full of difficulties and complications |
r5 |
16259 |
convoluted |
adj.复杂的,费解的 |
complicated |
r5 |
16260 |
epithet |
n.外号,绰号 |
descriptive name |
r5 |
16261 |
exotic |
adj.外来的,不同寻常的 |
unusual |
r5 |
16262 |
adventitious |
adj.外来的,后天的,非内在的 |
not inherent or innate |
r5 |
16263 |
aspect |
n.外表,容貌 |
appearance |
r5 |
16264 |
patina |
n.外表;n.(由内而外散发的)氛围,气场 |
1. superficial; 2. appearance or aura |
r5 |
16265 |
lush |
adj.多产的 |
producing abundantly |
r5 |
16266 |
fecund |
adj.多产的,肥沃的 |
fruitful |
r5 |
16267 |
redundant |
adj.多余的,冗余的 |
exceeding necessary |
r5 |
16268 |
superfluous |
adj.多余的,过剩的 |
exceeding sufficient |
r5 |
16269 |
volatile |
adj.多变的 |
rapid change |
r5 |
16270 |
porous |
adj.多孔可渗透的 |
admitting the passage of liquid |
r5 |
16271 |
cellular |
adj.多孔的 |
porous |
r5 |
16272 |
versatile |
adj.多才多艺的,全能的 |
different things |
r5 |
16273 |
diversity |
n.多样性 |
variety multiformity |
r5 |
16274 |
paranoid |
adj.多疑的,对他人极端恐惧和怀疑的 |
extreme fear or distrust |
r5 |
16275 |
multifarious |
adj.多种多样的 |
many and various |
r5 |
16276 |
officious |
adj.多管闲事的 |
thrusting oneself |
r5 |
16277 |
nocturnal |
adj.夜间的 |
in the night |
r5 |
16278 |
monolithic |
adj.大一统的 |
single, uniform |
r5 |
16279 |
tycoon |
n.大亨,巨头 |
a person of rank, power, or influence |
r5 |
16280 |
edifice |
n.大厦,大建筑物;n.基础,基本框架 |
1. massive structure; 2. basic form |
r5 |
16281 |
quaff |
vt.大口地喝 |
drink heartily |
r5 |
16282 |
fulminate |
v.大声斥责 |
thunderous denunciation |
r5 |
16283 |
trumpet |
v.大声说出或宣告 |
make known |
r5 |
16284 |
fiasco |
n.大失败 |
complete failure |
r5 |
16285 |
exodus |
n.大批离去 |
departure |
r5 |
16286 |
deluge |
n.大暴雨;n.大量 |
1. drenching rain; 2. great flow |
r5 |
16287 |
hodgepodge |
n.大杂烩 |
mixture, dissimilar |
r5 |
16288 |
montage |
n.大杂烩 |
collection |
r5 |
16289 |
medley |
adj.大杂烩,混合物 |
mixture |
r5 |
16290 |
havoc |
n.大混乱 |
out of order |
r5 |
16291 |
calamity |
n.大灾难 |
disastrous event |
r5 |
16292 |
catastrophe |
n.大灾难;n.彻底的失败 |
1. a tragedy; 2. utter failure |
r5 |
16293 |
intrepid |
adj.大胆的 |
resolute fearlessness |
r5 |
16294 |
audacious |
adj.大胆的,(但往往)愚勇的 |
fearlessly recklesssly |
r5 |
16295 |
daredevil |
adj./n.大胆鲁莽的(人) |
foolishly |
r5 |
16296 |
pandemic |
adj.大范围流行的 |
widespread |
r5 |
16297 |
spate |
n.大量 |
large number |
r5 |
16298 |
cornucopia |
n.大量 |
an overflowing store |
r5 |
16299 |
slew |
n.大量,许多 |
large amount |
r5 |
16300 |
peck |
n.大量;v.(不情愿地)小口咬 |
1. a considerable amount; 2. eat in small bites |
r5 |
16301 |
teeming |
adj.大量的 |
covered with great numbers |
r5 |
16302 |
legion |
adj.大量的 |
numerous |
r5 |
16303 |
abundant |
adj.大量的 |
great plenty |
r5 |
16304 |
flush |
adj.大量的;vi.冲洗 |
1. abundance; 2. pour liquid |
r5 |
16305 |
throng |
v./n.大量聚集 |
crowed in great numbers |
r5 |
16306 |
cherubic |
adj.天使般可爱的 |
chubby and rosy |
r5 |
16307 |
nirvana |
n.天堂 |
a state of utter perfection and happiness |
r5 |
16308 |
providential |
adj.天意的,幸运(的) |
happeing as divine intervention |
r5 |
16309 |
ingenuous |
adj.天真淳朴的 |
lacking cunning |
r5 |
16310 |
naïve |
adj.天真纯朴的 |
lacking wordly experience |
r5 |
16311 |
pall |
vi.失去兴趣 |
interest attraction |
r5 |
16312 |
collapse |
v./n.失败 |
be unsuccessful |
r5 |
16313 |
bombast |
n.夸大的言辞 |
pompous speech |
r5 |
16314 |
hyperbole |
n.夸张 |
exaggeration used for emphasis |
r5 |
16315 |
padding |
n.夸张,废话 |
go beyond the facts |
r5 |
16316 |
histrionic |
adj.夸张做作的 |
dramatic |
r5 |
16317 |
burlesque |
n./v.夸张滑稽地模仿以嘲弄他人的文学艺术作品,恶搞 |
make fun of |
r5 |
16318 |
subservient |
adj.奉承的,屈从的 |
obsequiously |
r5 |
16319 |
contract |
n.契约,合同;v.收缩;v.感染疾病 |
1. a binding agreement; 2. reduce in size; 3. become affected by a disease |
r5 |
16320 |
luxurious |
adj.奢侈的 |
excessive gratification |
r5 |
16321 |
lavish |
adj.奢侈的,大量的,无节制的;vt.挥霍,浪费 |
1. extravagance and profusion; 2. give readily |
r5 |
16322 |
voluptuous |
adj.奢侈逸乐的,沉溺酒色的 |
enjoyments luxury |
r5 |
16323 |
plush |
adj.奢华的,豪华的 |
notably luxurious |
r5 |
16324 |
auspicious |
adj.好兆头的 |
toward a happy outcome |
r5 |
16325 |
truculent |
adj.好战的,好斗的 |
eagerness to fight |
r5 |
16326 |
warmonger |
n.好战者 |
urges war |
r5 |
16327 |
feisty |
adj.好斗的,好争论的 |
aggressiveness |
r5 |
16328 |
scrappy |
adj.好斗的,好吵架的 |
aggressive |
r5 |
16329 |
belligerent |
adj.好斗的,好战的 |
assertiveness, hostility, combativeness |
r5 |
16330 |
aggressive |
adj.好斗的;adj.强有力的,强烈的 |
1. attack; 2. forcefulness |
r5 |
16331 |
amiable |
adj.好脾气的,友好易相处的 |
friendly |
r5 |
16332 |
windfall |
n.好运,幸事 |
unexpected gain or advantage |
r5 |
16333 |
lyric |
adj.如诗歌般流畅甜美的 |
suggestive of poetry or music |
r5 |
16334 |
compromise |
v.妥协;v.使危险 |
1. settle by mutual concessions; 2. place in danger |
r5 |
16335 |
sabotage |
n.妨害,破坏;vt.从事破坏活动 |
1. hinder a cause; 2. practice sabotage; |
r5 |
16336 |
obstruct |
vt.妨碍,给…制造困难 |
impede,create difficulty |
r5 |
16337 |
impede |
vt.妨碍,阻碍 |
slow the progress of |
r5 |
16338 |
august |
adj.威严的,庄重的 |
formal and serious or reserved manner |
r5 |
16339 |
intimidate |
vt.威吓 |
frighten |
r5 |
16340 |
menace |
vt.威胁,使处于危险 |
intention to harm |
r5 |
16341 |
finesse |
n.娴熟技巧;v.(巧妙地)躲避 |
1. skill; 2. keep away from |
r5 |
16342 |
euphemism |
n.婉言,委婉的说法 |
inoffensive expression |
r5 |
16343 |
solitude |
n.孤独,避世 |
being alone |
r5 |
16344 |
polymath |
n.学识渊博的人,博学者 |
encyclopedic learning |
r5 |
16345 |
incubate |
vt.孵化;vt.帮助,培养,促进 |
1. cover and warm eggs; 2. aid |
r5 |
16346 |
tranquility |
n.宁静,淡定 |
freedom from storm |
r5 |
16347 |
halcyon |
adj.宁静的,平静的 |
free from |
r5 |
16348 |
conservative |
adj.守旧的,不愿改变的;adj.不招摇的,低调的 |
1. tending to oppose change; 2. not excessively showy |
r5 |
16349 |
haven |
n.安全的地方 |
place of safety |
r5 |
16350 |
console |
v.安慰,藉慰 |
alleviate the grief, comfort |
r5 |
16351 |
solace |
n.安慰;vt.安慰,安抚 |
1. comfort in sorrow; 2. console |
r5 |
16352 |
placebo |
n.安慰性的事物 |
something used to appease another |
r5 |
16353 |
sop |
n.安慰物;vt.浸湿,湿透 |
1. placate or soothe; 2. wet thoroughly |
r5 |
16354 |
serene |
adj.安静的 |
free from uproar |
r5 |
16355 |
distinctive |
adj.完全不同的;adj.特征性的,典型的 |
1. not of the same kind; 2. serving to identify |
r5 |
16356 |
antithetical |
adj.完全对立的,相反的 |
direct and unequivocal opposition |
r5 |
16357 |
plumb |
adj.完全的,绝对的;v.仔细深入地检查;探索,探究 |
1. having no exceptions; 2. examine closely |
r5 |
16358 |
integral |
adj.完整的 |
not lacking any part |
r5 |
16359 |
immaculate |
adj.完美的,没有任何错误的 |
without fault |
r5 |
16360 |
grandeur |
n.宏伟,壮丽 |
grand |
r5 |
16361 |
imposing |
adj.宏伟壮丽的 |
impressive |
r5 |
16362 |
majestic |
adj.宏伟壮丽的 |
impressively beautiful |
r5 |
16363 |
epic |
adj.宏大的,超凡脱俗的 |
surpassing the usual |
r5 |
16364 |
sectarianism |
n.宗派主义,顽固 |
adherence to prejudices |
r5 |
16365 |
bureaucratic |
adj.官僚主义的 |
complicated rules; long delays |
r5 |
16366 |
abrogate |
v.官方的正式废除 |
annul |
r5 |
16367 |
invoke |
vt.实施;vt.产生,造成 |
1. put into effect; 2. be the cause |
r5 |
16368 |
pragmatic |
adj.实用主义的,务实的 |
a practical approach |
r5 |
16369 |
prosecution |
n.实行,执行 |
the doing of an action |
r5 |
16370 |
cosset |
v.宠爱 |
pamper |
r5 |
16371 |
mollycoddle |
vt.宠爱,溺爱 |
excessive indulgence |
r5 |
16372 |
sift |
v.审查 |
examine |
r5 |
16373 |
censor |
vt.审查并删除不良的东西 |
examine or delete |
r5 |
16374 |
dispassionate |
adj.客观公正的,不易被情绪或偏见影响的 |
unaffected |
r5 |
16375 |
proclaim |
v.宣告,使…公之于众 |
declare publicly |
r5 |
16376 |
annul |
vt.宣告无效,取消 |
legally invalid |
r5 |
16377 |
depose |
vi.宣誓作证;vt.废黜,罢免 |
1. testify; 2. remove from a throne |
r5 |
16378 |
palatial |
adj.宫殿般奢华的 |
ornateness |
r5 |
16379 |
retainer |
n.家仆 |
service |
r5 |
16380 |
stomach |
vt.容忍 |
bear |
r5 |
16381 |
countenance |
v.容忍;v.赞成,推崇 |
1. put up with; 2. have a favorable opinion of |
r5 |
16382 |
pushover |
n.容易做的工作 |
something that is easy to do |
r5 |
16383 |
susceptible |
adj.容易受伤害的 |
likely to meet with harm |
r5 |
16384 |
skittish |
adj.容易受到惊吓的,胆小的;adj.善变的,多变的 |
1. easily frightened; 2. likely to change |
r5 |
16385 |
lenient |
adj.宽大仁慈的 |
merciful |
r5 |
16386 |
clement |
adj.宽容的,善良的;adj.气候温和的 |
1. tolerant and kind; 2. marked by temperatures that are neither too high nor too low |
r5 |
16387 |
condone |
v.宽恕;忽视 |
overlook, forgive |
r5 |
16388 |
commodious |
adj.宽敞舒适的 |
spacious, roomy |
r5 |
16389 |
cipher |
n.密码 |
a method of transforming a text to conceal its meaning |
r5 |
16390 |
serried |
adj.密集的 |
little space |
r5 |
16391 |
clot |
n.密集的一群;v.凝结 |
1. a number of things considered as a unit; 2. turn from liquid into jelly |
r5 |
16392 |
affluent |
adj.富裕的 |
sufficient |
r5 |
16393 |
frosty |
adj.寒冷的;adj.无强烈感情的,冷淡的 |
1. low temperature; 2. lacking in friendliness or warmth |
r5 |
16394 |
reprieve |
vt.对…暂缓处刑,免罪 |
postpone or cancel punishment |
r5 |
16395 |
behoove |
vt.对…有利 |
necessary, proper, advantageous |
r5 |
16396 |
distill |
vt.对…用蒸馏法提高纯度 |
increase; purify |
r5 |
16397 |
carp |
v.对小事吹毛求疵,挑剔,表现不满 |
bound by very close association |
r5 |
16398 |
symmetry |
n.对称 |
balanced proportions |
r5 |
16399 |
dichotomy |
n.对立 |
division into two |
r5 |