12800 |
immanent |
adj.内在的 |
innermost |
r4 |
12801 |
inherent |
adj.内在的,本质的 |
essential |
r4 |
12802 |
revive |
vi.再获新生 |
active again |
r4 |
12803 |
impostor |
n.冒充者,骗子 |
assumes false identity |
r4 |
12804 |
nadir |
n.最低点 |
lowest point |
r4 |
12805 |
pivotal |
adj.最关键的,最为重要的 |
of the greastest possible importance |
r4 |
12806 |
paramount |
adj.最重要的 |
chief importance |
r4 |
12807 |
zenith |
n.最高点,巅峰 |
culminating |
r4 |
12808 |
circumlocution |
n.冗长 |
the use of too many words to express an idea |
r4 |
12809 |
tedious |
adj.冗长乏味的 |
tiresome; dullness;boring |
r4 |
12810 |
homily |
n.冗长乏味的道德讲演或训诫 |
admonition |
r4 |
12811 |
windy |
adj.冗长的 |
verbosity |
r4 |
12812 |
verbose |
adj.冗长的,啰嗦的 |
more than necessary |
r4 |
12813 |
impetuous |
adj.冲动的,性急的,轻率的 |
impulsive vehemence |
r4 |
12814 |
offish |
adj.冷淡的 |
aloof |
r4 |
12815 |
thick-skinned |
adj.冷漠无情的,不顾及他人感受的 |
largely unaffected by the feelings of other people |
r4 |
12816 |
nonchalant |
adj.冷漠的 |
indifference |
r4 |
12817 |
impassive |
adj.冷漠的,无感情的 |
no sign of feeling |
r4 |
12818 |
phlegmatic |
adj.冷静的,无感情的,淡漠的 |
having a calm, sluggish temperament |
r4 |
12819 |
placid |
adj.冷静的,淡定的 |
free from agitation |
r4 |
12820 |
expurgate |
vt.净化(书等),删去(不当处) |
remove |
r4 |
12821 |
plangent |
adj.凄凉的,哀伤的 |
plaintive |
r4 |
12822 |
canon |
n.准则,标准;n.真经,正典 |
1. a standard or criterion; 2. the authentic works of a writer |
r4 |
12823 |
nicety |
n.准确,精确 |
careful details |
r4 |
12824 |
unkempt |
adj.凌乱的,无序的 |
lacking in order |
r4 |
12825 |
wane |
vi.减少,衰退,缺少的 |
decrease |
r4 |
12826 |
allay |
vt.减轻 |
reduce intensity |
r4 |
12827 |
salve |
v.减轻,缓解 |
assuage |
r4 |
12828 |
abate |
v.减轻(程度或者强度);v.减少(数量),降低(价值) |
1. reduce degree intensity; 2. reduce amount or value |
r4 |
12829 |
mitigate |
vt.减轻痛苦,使缓和 |
less severe |
r4 |
12830 |
extenuate |
vt.减轻罪过 |
lessen the seriousness |
r4 |
12831 |
retard |
vt.减速,延迟 |
cause slowly |
r4 |
12832 |
congeal |
v.凝固,固化 |
change from a fluid to a soid state |
r4 |
12833 |
goggle |
vi.凝视 |
look |
r4 |
12834 |
ominous |
adj.凶兆的 |
omen evil |
r4 |
12835 |
vicious |
adj.凶恶的,恶毒的 |
desire to inflict |
r4 |
12836 |
bulge |
n.凸起 |
a protuberant |
r4 |
12837 |
ragged |
adj.凹凸不平的,不光滑的 |
not smooth |
r4 |
12838 |
awry |
adj./adv.出差错的(地) |
off course |
r4 |
12839 |
partition |
n.分割,划分 |
dividing |
r4 |
12840 |
segment |
vt./n.分割;部分 |
separate |
r4 |
12841 |
disengage |
vt.分开,使脱离 |
set free from entanglement |
r4 |
12842 |
chasm |
n.分歧,(意见、利益或忠诚上的)明显差异 |
a pronounced difference |
r4 |
12843 |
exude |
v.分泌,流出 |
flow forth |
r4 |
12844 |
asunder |
adv.分离地 |
apart |
r4 |
12845 |
disjunctive |
adj.分离的 |
breaks disunity |
r4 |
12846 |
disjunctive |
adj.分离的 |
breaks or disunity |
r4 |
12847 |
hierarchical |
adj.分等级的,等级制的 |
classified |
r4 |
12848 |
rift |
n.分裂,不和 |
break |
r4 |
12849 |
sunder |
vt.分裂,分离 |
break apart |
r4 |
12850 |
dismantle |
vt.分解,分拆 |
pieces; destroy integrity |
r4 |
12851 |
scission |
n.切断,分离,分裂 |
division |
r4 |
12852 |
slate |
vt.列入名单,计划,安排 |
put on a list |
r4 |
12853 |
wayward |
adj.刚愎自用的,不服管束的 |
following one's own inclinations |
r4 |
12854 |
initiate |
vt.创始,发动促进 |
cause beginning |
r4 |
12855 |
innovative |
adj.创新性的 |
introducing innovations |
r4 |
12856 |
seminal |
adj.创新的 |
creative |
r4 |
12857 |
original |
adj.创新的;adj.最初的,最早的 |
1. creative; 2. before |
r4 |
12858 |
institute |
vt.创立,制定 |
eatablish |
r4 |
12859 |
rudimentary |
adj.初始的,未发展的;adj.最根本的,基础的 |
1. earliest development; 2. first principles |
r4 |
12860 |
neophyte |
n.初学者,新手 |
beginner |
r4 |
12861 |
embryonic |
adj.初期的,萌芽阶段的 |
early stage |
r4 |
12862 |
debut |
n.初次登台,出道 |
first appearance |
r4 |
12863 |
pilot |
adj.初步的,试验性的;v.带领通过 |
1. seving as a tentative model; 2. lead over a difficult course |
r4 |
12864 |
altruism |
n.利他主义,无私 |
unselfish |
r4 |
12865 |
egoistic |
adj.利己的,以自我为中心的 |
centered in oneself |
r4 |
12866 |
harness |
vt.利用 |
utilize |
r4 |
12867 |
grate |
v.刮擦(以发出刺耳的声音);v.骚扰,惹恼 |
1. rasping; 2. irritate |
r4 |
12868 |
enact |
vt.制定或颁布(法律) |
establish |
r4 |
12869 |
feign |
vt.制造假象,装出…的样子 |
give a false appearance |
r4 |
12870 |
brake |
v.刹车 |
proceed at a less rapid pace |
r4 |
12871 |
pry |
vi.刺探,打听 |
inquire closely |
r4 |
12872 |
rile |
vt.刺激,惹怒 |
make agitated |
r4 |
12873 |
irritate |
vt.刺激,惹恼 |
provoke anger |
r4 |
12874 |
motivate |
vt.刺激,激发 |
provide incentive |
r4 |
12875 |
whet |
vt.刺激,激起 |
make more acute |
r4 |
12876 |
incentive |
n.刺激,诱因 |
something that incites a tendency |
r4 |
12877 |
goad |
vt.刺激,驱使,激发 |
incite; rouse |
r4 |
12878 |
gadfly |
n.刺激物 |
provocative stimulus |
r4 |
12879 |
spur |
n.刺激物;vt.刺激,激励 |
1. arouses action; 2. incite |
r4 |
12880 |
tangy |
adj.刺激的 |
powerfully stimulating |
r4 |
12881 |
zesty |
adj.刺激的,开胃的 |
piquant |
r4 |
12882 |
lance |
vt.刺穿,刺破 |
penetrate with a pointed object |
r4 |
12883 |
strident |
adj.刺耳的 |
harsh sound |
r4 |
12884 |
jarring |
adj.刺耳的 |
discordant |
r4 |
12885 |
cacophony |
n.刺耳的声音 |
inharmonious sound |
r4 |
12886 |
eschew |
vt.刻意避开;戒绝 |
avoid |
r4 |
12887 |
acrid |
adj.刻薄的 |
cause hurt feeling |
r4 |
12888 |
acrimonious |
adj.刻薄的,充满仇恨的 |
deep-seated resentment |
r4 |
12889 |
retrench |
vi.削减开支 |
curtail expenses |
r4 |
12890 |
emaciate |
vt.削弱 |
feeble |
r4 |
12891 |
vitiate |
v.削弱,损害 |
reduce the values |
r4 |
12892 |
sap |
vt.削弱;n.健康,活力 |
1. weaken energy,vitality; 2. active strength; |
r4 |
12893 |
predecessor |
n.前任,先辈 |
a person who has previous occupied a position |
r4 |
12894 |
prerequisite |
n.前提,先决条件 |
something that is necessary to an end |
r4 |
12895 |
foreword |
n.前言 |
preface |
r4 |
12896 |
overture |
n.前言;n.序曲 |
1. introductory prelude; 2. opera |
r4 |
12897 |
anterior |
adj.前面的 |
before |
r4 |
12898 |
husk |
vt.剥去 |
remove |
r4 |
12899 |
divestiture |
n.剥夺 |
taking away |
r4 |
12900 |
residue |
n.剩余物 |
remains |
r4 |
12901 |
residual |
adj.剩余的,残存的 |
of a residue |
r4 |
12902 |
plagiarize |
v.剽窃,抄袭 |
steal |
r4 |
12903 |
seduce |
vt.劝说(使不忠,使不顺从),诱…误入歧途 |
persuade |
r4 |
12904 |
dissuade |
vt.劝阻,反对 |
deter persuasion or exhortation |
r4 |
12905 |
bungle |
v.办糟,失败 |
work clumsily |
r4 |
12906 |
coronation |
n.加冕,加冕礼 |
the act of crowning a sovereign |
r4 |
12907 |
consolidate |
v.加固,使安全 |
make firm |
r4 |
12908 |
fortify |
vt.加固,鼓励 |
give physical strength |
r4 |
12909 |
undergird |
vt.加强,巩固…的底部 |
strengthen |
r4 |
12910 |
intensify |
vt.加强,激化 |
make intense |
r4 |
12911 |
potentiate |
v.加强,激活 |
make more active |
r4 |
12912 |
expedite |
vt.加快进程 |
speed up the progress |
r4 |
12913 |
striate |
vt.加条纹 |
mark with striations |
r4 |
12914 |
aggravate |
vt.加重,恶化 |
worse, serious, severe |
r4 |
12915 |
dexterous |
adj.动作灵活的;adj.头脑灵活的 |
1. ready skilled; 2. mentally adroit, skillful |
r4 |
12916 |
momentum |
n.动力;势头 |
impetus |
r4 |
12917 |
turbulent |
adj.动荡的 |
disturbance |
r4 |
12918 |
foment |
vt.助长,煽动 |
promote the growth |
r4 |
12919 |
endeavor |
n.努力,奋斗;vt.努力做,拼搏 |
1. conscientious or concerted effort; 2. devote serious and sustained effort |
r4 |
12920 |
tantrum |
n.勃然大怒,发脾气 |
bad temper |
r4 |
12921 |
stouthearted |
adj.勇敢的 |
stout spirit |
r4 |
12922 |
valiant |
adj.勇敢的,英勇的 |
bravery |
r4 |
12923 |
mettle |
n.勇气;n.毅力,耐力 |
1. strength of spirit; 2. stamina |
r4 |
12924 |
acquiesce |
v.勉强同意;默许 |
accept tacitly or passively |
r4 |
12925 |
extort |
vt.勒索 |
force |
r4 |
12926 |
industrious |
adj.勤勉的 |
diligent |
r4 |
12927 |
assiduous |
adj.勤勉的,专心仔细的 |
careful |
r4 |
12928 |
diligent |
adj.勤勉的,辛勤的 |
steady, earnest, energetic |
r4 |
12929 |
laborious |
adj.勤奋的;adj.费力的 |
1. industrious; 2. long, hard work |
r4 |
12930 |
sedulous |
adj.勤奋认真的 |
careful perseverance |
r4 |
12931 |
hie |
vi.匆匆忙忙 |
hasten |
r4 |
12932 |
cursory |
adj.匆忙的,不注意细节的 |
excessive or careless speed |
r4 |
12933 |
precipitate |
adj.匆忙的;v.促使,导致 |
1. acting with careless speed; 2. cause to happen |
r4 |
12934 |
deprivation |
n.匮乏 |
privation |
r4 |
12935 |
discriminate |
vt.区分;vi.歧视 |
1. perceive distinguishing; recognize; 2. dffenerce |
r4 |
12936 |
anonymous |
adj.匿名的 |
not named |
r4 |
12937 |
overwrought |
adj.十分激动的,非常不安的;adj.(装饰、文风等)过分华丽的 |
1. being in a state of agitation; 2. excessively decorated |
r4 |
12938 |
foolproof |
adj.十分简单以至于不会失败的 |
leave no opportunity for error, misuse, or failure |
r4 |
12939 |
resplendent |
adj.华丽辉煌的 |
brilliantly |
r4 |
12940 |
bargain |
n.协议;v.讨价还价 |
1. an agreement; 2. negotiate |
r4 |
12941 |
mangy |
adj.卑劣的 |
contemptible |
r4 |
12942 |
menial |
adj.卑贱的,低下的 |
showing submissiveness |
r4 |
12943 |
mean |
adj.卑贱的;adj.吝啬的 |
1. ignoble; 2. sharing little |
r4 |
12944 |
grovel |
vi.卑躬屈膝 |
draw back; fearful submission |
r4 |
12945 |
turpitude |
n.卑鄙 |
baseness |
r4 |
12946 |
dreary |
adj.单调乏味的 |
nothing cheer |
r4 |
12947 |
monochromatic |
adj.单调无聊的 |
lacking variety |
r4 |
12948 |
prosaic |
adj.单调的,常见的 |
being in the normal course of events |
r4 |
12949 |
drab |
adj.单调的,无聊的 |
dullness and monotony |
r4 |
12950 |
savant |
n.博学之士,学者 |
learning |
r4 |
12951 |
erudite |
adj.博学的 |
learned |
r4 |
12952 |
philanthropic |
adj.博爱的,为他人着想的 |
showing a concern for the welfare of others |
r4 |
12953 |
preponderant |
adj.占优势的,更重要的 |
having superior importance |
r4 |
12954 |
jeopardy |
n.危险 |
risk of danger |
r4 |
12955 |
perilous |
adj.危险的 |
involving potential loss |
r4 |
12956 |
precarious |
adj.危险的,不稳定的;adj.可疑的,不明确的 |
1. lacking in security; 2. cause to happen |
r4 |
12957 |
ad-lib |
adj.即兴的 |
without previous preparation |
r4 |
12958 |
offhand |
adj.即兴的,没有准备的 |
without premeditation |
r4 |
12959 |
improvise |
v.即兴而作 |
perform with little or no preparation |
r4 |
12960 |
extemporize |
v.即兴表现 |
perform without prior preparation |
r4 |
12961 |
impending |
adj.即将发生的 |
soon to take place |
r4 |
12962 |
moribund |
adj.即将过时的 |
obsolete |
r4 |
12963 |
impromptu |
n.即席的表演;adj.即席的,即兴的 |
1. done extemporaneously; 2. without previous preparation |
r4 |
12964 |
voluminous |
adj.卷数多的,大量的,庞大的 |
great number |
r4 |
12965 |
adversity |
n.厄运,逆境 |
difficulty |
r4 |
12966 |
chokehold |
n.压制 |
a force that stops something from growing |
r4 |
12967 |
squelch |
vt.压制,镇压(运动) |
stop by force |
r4 |
12968 |
quell |
vt.压制;vt.使平静,使安静 |
1. suppress; 2. pacify |
r4 |
12969 |
compress |
v.压缩(体积) |
reduce in size or volumn |
r4 |
12970 |
jaded |
adj.厌倦的,没兴趣没热情的 |
having patience exhausted |
r4 |
12971 |
loathe |
vt.厌恶 |
dislike |
r4 |
12972 |
detest |
v.厌恶 |
dislike |
r4 |
12973 |
antipathy |
n.厌恶,反感 |
aversion; dislike |
r4 |
12974 |
brassy |
adj.厚脸皮的,不知羞耻的 |
displaying rude boldness |
r4 |
12975 |
effrontery |
n.厚颜无耻,放肆大胆 |
disregard courtesy |
r4 |
12976 |
prototype |
n.原型 |
an original model |
r4 |
12977 |
primitive |
adj.原始的 |
belonging to an early level |
r4 |
12978 |
primordial |
adj.原始的,最初的 |
happening first |
r4 |
12979 |
dehydrate |
vt.去除水分,使干燥;v.使失去活力 |
1. remove water; 2. deprive of vitality |
r4 |
12980 |
squat |
adj.又矮又胖的 |
broad in build and short in stature |
r4 |
12981 |
amicable |
adj.友善的 |
friendly |
r4 |
12982 |
comity |
n.友好,社会和谐 |
social harmony |
r4 |
12983 |
amity |
n.友好关系,亲善和睦 |
friendship |
r4 |
12984 |
camaraderie |
n.友情 |
a spirit of friendly fellowship |
r4 |
12985 |
misanthropic |
adj.反人类的 |
deep distrust of human |
r4 |
12986 |
cynic |
n.反人类的喷子 |
selfishness |
r4 |
12987 |
ruminate |
v.反复思考 |
go over in the mind |
r4 |
12988 |
caprice |
n.反复无常,善变 |
change one's mind impulsively |
r4 |
12989 |
whimsical |
adj.反复无常的 |
sudden illogical changes |
r4 |
12990 |
reactionary |
adj.反对变革的,极保守的 |
opposition to progress |
r4 |
12991 |
averse |
adj.反对的 |
dislike |
r4 |
12992 |
responsive |
adj.反应的;敏感的 |
quick to respond |
r4 |
12993 |
alacrity |
n.反应迅速,乐意,欣然 |
promptness, readiness |
r4 |
12994 |
anarchist |
n.反抗权威的人 |
rebel against any authority |
r4 |
12995 |
counterproductive |
adj.反效果的,阻碍预期目标的 |
not producing desired goal |
r4 |
12996 |
reflect |
vt.反映,显露;vi.思考 |
1. make manifest; 2. think seriously |
r4 |
12997 |
disprove |
vt.反驳,证明为假 |
prove to be false |
r4 |
12998 |
babble |
v.发出含糊无意义的嘟囔声,胡乱说 |
utter meaningless |
r4 |
12999 |
germinate |
vi.发芽;vi.出现 |
1. begin to grow; 2. come into being |
r4 |