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day 54

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
10800 propriety n.适当,得体 the quality of being suitable or fitting r1
10801 legacy n.遗产 handed down from an ancestor r0
10802 discretionary adj.自主决定的 one's own discretion r3
10803 hasty adj.轻率的 superficial; excessive or careless speed r2
10804 assertive adj.自信的 self-assured r3
10805 snub vt.轻视,不理睬 contempt or neglect r2
10806 self-defeating adj.适得其反的,自我拆台的 causing more problems r1
10807 strand vt.遗弃,使置于困境 leave in a unfavorable place r0
10808 shrug vt.轻视,忽略 dismiss r2
10809 shirk v.逃避,规避 keep away from r1
10810 repatriate vt.遣返 return to the country r0
10811 ascetic adj./n.自制的(人) self-denial r3
10812 goldbrick v.逃避工作和责任 shirk responsibilities r1
10813 disdain vt.轻视,鄙视 scorn r2
10814 cloak v.遮掩,隐藏 conceal truly identity r0
10815 self-abasement n.自卑,自谦 humiliation r3
10816 truant adj./n./vi.逃避责任(的);逃避责任者 shirking responsibility; shirks duty r1
10817 misdemeanour n.轻罪 crime less serious r2
10818 spontaneous adj.自发的,不经思索的 without appearent thought r3
10819 hew vi.遵守 confirm; hold to something firmly r0
10820 scorn vt.轻蔑,鄙视,不屑 reject,contemptible r2
10821 automatic adj.自发的,情不自禁的 spontaneously or unconsciously r3
10822 shun vt.避开,避免 keep away r0
10823 limpid adj.透明清澈的 transparent clearness r1
10824 sanctuary n.避难所 protection r0
10825 pejorative adj.轻蔑的,贬低的 disparaging r2
10826 grandiose adj.自命不凡的,浮夸的 grandeur r3
10827 translucent adj.透明的 permitting passage of light; transparent r1
10828 smug adj.自大的,自鸣得意的 opinion of oneself r3
10829 peripheral adj.辅助性的 available to supply r2
10830 frowsy adj.邋遢的 slovenly r0
10831 verbatim adv.逐字地,一字不差地 exact words r1
10832 slovenly adj.邋遢的,不整洁的 lacking neatness r0
10833 swagger vi.自夸,吹嘘 boast r3
10834 dwindle vi.逐渐减少 gradually less r1
10835 accessory adj.辅助的,附属的 secondary, supplementary r2
10836 taper v.逐渐减少,减弱 diminish gradually r1
10837 sloppy adj.邋遢的,不整洁的;adj.混乱的 1. lacking neatness; 2. lacking in order r0
10838 narcissistic adj.自恋的 undue fascination with oneself r3
10839 éclat n.辉煌成就 success r2
10840 refulgent adj.辉煌的,灿烂的 shining radiantly r2
10841 self-absorbed adj.自恋的,自私的 absorbed in one's own r3
10842 accrete v.逐渐增长 grow gradually r1
10843 iniquity n.邪恶,不公正 immorality injustice r0
10844 accumulate vi.逐渐增长 increase gradually r1
10845 abstain v.自我克制,主动戒绝 refrain by one's own choice r3
10846 travail n./v.辛苦劳动 arduous r2
10847 wicked adj.邪恶的 morally bad r0
10848 evanescent adj.逐渐消失的,短暂的 vanish r1
10849 complacency n.自满,无忧患意识 a feeling of self-satisfaction r3
10850 wrest v.辛苦地获得 gain with difficulty r2
10851 mockery n.鄙视,嘲弄;n.以嘲笑为目的的模仿 1. ridicule; 2. derisive,imitation r0
10852 quota n.配额,限额 poroportional r0
10853 demotic adj.通俗的,大众化的 common r1
10854 pungent adj.辛辣的,讽刺的 use of wit to cause hurt feelings r2
10855 complacent adj.自满的,自鸣得意的 excessive or unjustified satisfaction r3
10856 apprise v.通知,告知 inform r1
10857 requite vt.酬谢,报答;vt.报仇 1. make repayment; 2. punish in kind r0
10858 vicissitude n.自然变化,变迁兴衰 natural change r3
10859 resign vt.辞职,放弃(职位) give up office r2
10860 sweltering adj.酷热的 hot r0
10861 florid adj.辞藻华丽的,花哨的 full of fancy expressions r2
10862 deposit n.自然积累,沉积,矿藏;vt.存钱 1. accumulation; 2. put in account r3
10863 notch vt.通过努力获得 obtain r1
10864 abuse v.辱骂,抨击;v.不正当或不合理使用 1. condemn or villify; 2. wrong or improper use r2
10865 traumatic adj.造成创伤的,痛苦的 cause psychological damage r1
10866 fervid adj.酷热的;adj.热情的 1. high temperature; 2. great passion r0
10867 self-perpetuating adj.自续的,能使自身永久存在的 continuing without ant external intervention; r3
10868 infamous adj.臭名昭著的 bad reputation r3
10869 torrid adj.酷热的;adj.热情的,情感深厚的 1. intensely hot; 2. great depth of feeling r0
10870 ethos n.道德准则 code of good conduct r1
10871 opprobrious adj.辱骂的;adj.臭名昭著的,令人鄙视的 1. reproach; 2. infamous r2
10872 stench n.臭气,恶臭 foul odor r3
10873 rehash v.重复,老调重弹 present again r0
10874 ethics n.道德规范 rules governing conduct r1
10875 perimeter n.边界,界限 the outer limit r2
10876 fringe n.边缘 border r2
10877 repetitious adj.重复的,反复的 repeated many times r0
10878 depravity n.道德败坏 immoral, harmful, offensive r1
10879 commitment n.致力,投入;n.承诺,表态 1. a state of being obligated; 2. the act of revealing one's view of r3
10880 brim n.边缘,边界;vi.充满 1. outer margin; 2. full often to overflowing r2
10881 legacy n.遗产 handed down from an ancestor r1
10882 reconstitute vt.重建,(尤其是通过加水)使复原 restore by adding water r0
10883 nautical adj.航海的 water r3
10884 prowl v.巡游以猎取食物;徘徊 roam through r2
10885 strand vt.遗弃,使置于困境 leave in a unfavorable place r1
10886 reiterate v.重申 state again r0
10887 formidable adj.艰难的 requiring effort r3
10888 felony n.重罪 grave crimes r0
10889 repatriate vt.遣返 return to the country r1
10890 flamboyant adj.艳丽夺目的,炫耀的,充满装饰的 strikingly elaborate r3
10891 peripatetic adj.巡游的,四处游历的 walking from place to place r2
10892 itinerant adj.巡游的,巡回的 traveling from place to place r2
10893 cloak v.遮掩,隐藏 conceal truly identity r1
10894 magnitude n.重要,重大 greatness in significance r0
10895 meretricious adj.艳俗的,俗气的 vulgar r3
10896 culminate v.达到高潮 triumphant conclusion r2
10897 virtuoso n.艺术鉴赏家,专家;adj.经验丰富的,技艺精湛的 1. masterly skill; 2. exceptional knowledge r3
10898 watershed n.重要关头,分水岭 turning point r0
10899 hew vi.遵守 confirm; hold to something firmly r1
10900 migratory adj.迁移的 moving from one region to another r2
10901 scrimp v.节俭 avoid wastes r3
10902 full-bodied adj.重要的 importance r0
10903 shun vt.避开,避免 keep away r1
10904 husband vt.节俭,勤俭持家 use economically r3
10905 pregnant adj.重要的,意味深长的 full of meaning r0
10906 sanctuary n.避难所 protection r1
10907 circuitous adj.迂回的,不直接的 not being forthright r2
10908 sparing adj.节俭的,节约的 marked by careful restraint r3
10909 frowsy adj.邋遢的 slovenly r1
10910 relapse vi.重蹈覆辙,再犯 fall back r0
10911 dispatch n.迅速;vt.发送,派遣 1. promptness; 2. one place to another r2
10912 balloon v.迅速增加 increase r2
10913 slovenly adj.邋遢的,不整洁的 lacking neatness r1
10914 feral adj.野生的 not domesticated r0
10915 frugal adj.节约的 economy r3
10916 barbarous adj.野蛮的 mercilessly harsh r0
10917 sloppy adj.邋遢的,不整洁的;adj.混乱的 1. lacking neatness; 2. lacking in order r1
10918 redolent adj.芳香的 fragrance r3
10919 burgeon vi.迅速成长扩大,蓬勃发展 grow rapidly r2
10920 fleet adj.迅速的 with great speed r2
10921 wan adj.苍白的,病态的 poor health r3
10922 iniquity n.邪恶,不公正 immorality injustice r1
10923 pecuniary adj.金钱上的 money r0
10924 indurate adj.铁石心肠的,冷酷无情的;vt.使变硬 1. a lack of sympathy; 2. physically firm r0
10925 wicked adj.邪恶的 morally bad r1
10926 maudlin adj.过于感伤的 tearfully sentimental r2
10927 drudgery n.苦工;单调、卑贱或无趣的工作 tedious work r3
10928 mockery n.鄙视,嘲弄;n.以嘲笑为目的的模仿 1. ridicule; 2. derisive,imitation r1
10929 byzantine adj.错综复杂的 complicated or secretive r0
10930 mawkish adj.过于感伤的 sentimental r2
10931 prowess n.英勇,勇敢 courage r3
10932 gallant adj.英勇的 brave; chivalrous r3
10933 garish adj.过于鲜艳的,过于张扬的 strident color r2
10934 hallucination n.错觉 false idea r0
10935 quota n.配额,限额 poroportional r1
10936 requite vt.酬谢,报答;vt.报仇 1. make repayment; 2. punish in kind r1
10937 exploit n.英雄行为;vt.最大程度地利用 1. notable act ; 2. employ r3
10938 delusion n.错觉,妄想 false r0
10939 inquisitive adj.过分好奇的 inordinately r2
10940 flourish vi.茂盛;繁荣 achieve success r3
10941 misapprehension n.错误的理解、判断 a failure to understand r0
10942 sweltering adj.酷热的 hot r1
10943 prudish adj.过分守礼的 prudery r2
10944 quash vt.镇压,阻止 put a stop to r0
10945 vacuous adj.茫然的,愚蠢的 lack of intelligence r3
10946 prude n.过分正经的人:一个过分关心自己是否得体、谦逊或正确的人 greatly concerned with seemly behavior and morality r2
10947 fervid adj.酷热的;adj.热情的 1. high temperature; 2. great passion r1
10948 outrageous adj.过分的,难以容忍的;adj.极坏的,极可怕的 1. exceeding the limits; 2. bad or horrible r2
10949 toy vi.草率或不认真地对待 handle thoughtlessly r3
10950 torrid adj.酷热的;adj.热情的,情感深厚的 1. intensely hot; 2. great depth of feeling r1
10951 repress vt.镇压;vt.阻止(正常的表达、活动或发展等) 1. put down by force; 2. prevent expression r0
10952 rehash v.重复,老调重弹 present again r1
10953 rash adj.草率的,仓促的 lack caution r3
10954 unflappable adj.镇定的,从容不迫的 not easily upset r0
10955 finicky adj.过分讲究的,挑剔的 extremely meticulous r2
10956 blunder n.过失;v.犯错误 1. an error; 2. make a mistake r2
10957 repetitious adj.重复的,反复的 repeated many times r1
10958 ludicrous adj.荒唐的,可笑的 meriting derisive laughter r3
10959 diatribe n.长篇抨击性演讲 long scolding r0
10960 reconstitute vt.重建,(尤其是通过加水)使复原 restore by adding water r1
10961 exorbitant adj.过度的 exceeding the customary or appropriate limits r2
10962 preposterous adj.荒谬的,不符合常理的 contrary to common sense r3
10963 tirade n.长篇抨击性演讲 angry, of censorious or denunciatory r0
10964 undue adj.过度的,过多的 going beyond a normal r2
10965 acquire vt.获取,获得 get as one's own r3
10966 glisten vi.闪光 shine; sparkling r0
10967 reiterate v.重申 state again r1
10968 procure v.获得,取得 get possession of r3
10969 gleam v.闪光 light r0
10970 parsimonious n.过度节俭的,吝啬的 stinginess r2
10971 felony n.重罪 grave crimes r1
10972 atrophy vi.萎缩,衰退 waste away r3
10973 hedge v.闪烁其词 avoid definite answer r0
10974 rapacious adj.过度贪婪的 covetous r2
10975 magnitude n.重要,重大 greatness in significance r1
10976 scintillate vi.闪耀 sparks r0
10977 watershed n.重要关头,分水岭 turning point r1
10978 moth-eaten adj.过时的 passed its time r2
10979 illustrious adj.著名的,杰出的 very distinguished r3
10980 idle adj.闲置的,未使用的;adj.懒散的;v.懒散度日,无所事事 1. not turned to use; 2. lazy; 3. pass without working r0
10981 defy vt.蔑视 confront with resistance r3
10982 full-bodied adj.重要的 importance r1
10983 dated adj.过时的 passed its time of use r2
10984 prate v.闲聊,空谈 talk idly r0
10985 archaic adj.过时的,久远的 no current r2
10986 pregnant adj.重要的,意味深长的 full of meaning r1
10987 contempt n.蔑视,鄙视 unworthy of one's concern or respect r3
10988 saunter vi.闲逛,漫步 by foot r0
10989 outmoded adj.过时的,废弃的 no longer usable r2
10990 affectation n.虚伪,做作 not natural; not genuinely felt r3
10991 relapse vi.重蹈覆辙,再犯 fall back r1
10992 feral adj.野生的 not domesticated r1
10993 obsolete adj.过时的,被淘汰的 no longer useful r2
10994 meander vi.闲逛,漫步 aimlessly and idly r0
10995 hypocritical adj.虚伪的 not being what one appears to be r3
10996 fusty adj.过时的;adj.腐臭的 1. old-fashioned; 2. stale odors r2
10997 pretense n.虚假,伪装;n.自大,优越感 1. the act of pretending; 2. an exaggerated sense of one's importance r3
10998 allude vi.间接提到 indirectly r0
10999 barbarous adj.野蛮的 mercilessly harsh r1