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day 51

Word Paraphrase (w/ POS) Paraphrase (English) rpt
10200 veneer vt.粉饰(不好的东西) conceal defect r3
10201 vigilant adj.警醒的,警惕的 alertly watchful r2
10202 expiate vt.赎罪,纠正 extinguish the guilt r0
10203 meager adj.贫乏的 deficient r1
10204 ploy n.计策,手段 a clever often underhanded means r2
10205 patronize vt.赞助;vt.以高人一等的态度对待 provide aid r0
10206 needy adj.贫困的 impoverished r1
10207 varnish vt.粉饰(令人不悦的东西) conceal unpleasant r3
10208 accede v.赞成 approval or conscent r0
10209 sterile adj.贫瘠的;adj.无菌的 1. not productive; 2. free from bacteria r1
10210 crass adj.粗俗的,愚钝的 crude and unrefined r3
10211 ingratiating adj.讨人喜欢的;adj.逢迎的,意在奉承的 1. winning favor; 2. gain favor r2
10212 salutation n.赞扬 praise r0
10213 retentive adj.记性好的 having the ability to retain knowledge or information r2
10214 penury n.贫穷;n.吝啬,节俭 1. extreme dearth; 2. extreme frigality r1
10215 vulgar adj.粗俗的,无教养的 crude r3
10216 indigent adj.贫穷的 lacking money r1
10217 commend vt.赞扬 praise r0
10218 stratify vt.讲…分成各种等级 devide into classes r2
10219 uncouth adj.粗俗的,没有品味的 lacking in refinement r3
10220 slipshod adj.粗心的,随意的 indifference to exactness,precision,and accuracy r3
10221 impecunious adj.贫穷的 no money r1
10222 exalt vt.赞扬 praise r0
10223 ceremonious adj.讲究礼节的,庄重的 careful attention to set forms r2
10224 coarse adj.粗糙的,表面不平整的;adj.粗俗的 1. not smooth; 2. lacking refinement r3
10225 debase v.贬低,贬损 lower standing r1
10226 hymn n.赞歌,赞美诗 song of praise r0
10227 license n.许可,认可;n.自由 1. the approval; 2. the right to move freely r2
10228 disparage vt.贬低,轻蔑地说 lower, disrespectful r1
10229 scads n.许多,大量 large number r2
10230 extol vt.赞美;吹捧 praise r0
10231 insolent adj.粗野的,无礼的 rude r3
10232 chorale n.赞美诗;n.合唱班,合唱团 1. hymn or psalm in church; 2. group of singers r0
10233 detract vt.贬低,降低价值;vt.使分心 1. diminish; 2. draw attention r1
10234 lampoon n.讽刺 harsh satire r2
10235 boorish adj.粗鲁无礼的 impolite r3
10236 encomium n.赞颂之词 praise r0
10237 satirize vt.讽刺 ridicule r2
10238 depreciate vt.贬低…的价值 lower value r1
10239 churlish adj.粗鲁无礼的 showing impolite manners r3
10240 panegyric n.赞颂之词,颂文 eulogistic r0
10241 sarcasm n.讽刺,轻蔑 ironic r2
10242 distain vt.贬损,伤害(某人的)名誉 lose honor, respect reputation r1
10243 loutish adj.粗鲁的 awkward,stupid,and boorish r3
10244 smuggling n.走私,私运 importation or exportation contrary to the law r0
10245 affix vt.粘合 attach physically r3
10246 hoard v.贮藏,秘藏 keep hidden r1
10247 knack n.诀窍,聪明的做法 clever r2
10248 evict vt.赶出,逐出 expel r0
10249 patrician n.贵族,名门望族;adj.贵族的,地位高的 1. a man of high birth; 2. of high birth r1
10250 cement n./v.粘合,粘合剂 a uniting or binding force r3
10251 document v.证实 show truth by evidence r2
10252 viscous adj.粘稠的,粘的 viscid r3
10253 incipient adj.起初的,初现的 beginning to come into being r0
10254 substantiate vt.证实 support with proof r2
10255 embargo n.贸易禁止令 prohibition on commerce r1
10256 heckle vt.起哄,使难堪 harass r0
10257 robust adj.精力充沛的;强壮的,健康的 full of strength r3
10258 attest vt.证实,为…作证 give evidence r2
10259 lug vt.费力搬运 laboriously r1
10260 onset n.起始,开始 the beginning point r0
10261 onerous adj.费时间花心思的 required much time,effort r1
10262 vigorous adj.精力旺盛的 active strength r3
10263 justify vt.证明…的合理性,为…辩解 prove to be just r2
10264 emollient adj.起缓和作用的 less intense r0
10265 grueling adj.费时间花心思的 requiring r1
10266 primp v.精心打扮 adorn r3
10267 testimony n.证词,声明 authentication r2
10268 indict vt.起诉,控告 accuse r0
10269 assess v.评估(重要性、尺寸、价值等);v.征收费用(如罚款) 1. determine value; 2. charge penalty r2
10270 shrewd adj.精明的,机敏的 cleverness or judgement r3
10271 bribe v.贿赂,收买 give money to a person to influence his conduct r1
10272 sophisticated adj.精明的,老于世故的;adj.复杂的 1. worldly knowledge or refinement; 2. complex r3
10273 discern v.识别,辨别差异 perceive; detect r2
10274 preternatural adj.超乎寻常的 surpassing the usual r0
10275 gamble v.赌博,孤注一掷 bet r1
10276 surpass v.超越,强于 become better r0
10277 canny adj.精明的,聪明的 careful and shrewd r3
10278 atone v.赎罪,弥补 amend r1
10279 denigrate vt.诋毁,污蔑 scornfully r2
10280 expiate vt.赎罪,纠正 extinguish the guilt r1
10281 veracious adj.诚实的,说实话的 telling the truth r2
10282 transcend vt.超越,超过极限 beyond the limits r0
10283 spent adj.精疲力竭的;adj.用废的 1. drained of energy; 2. no longer useful r3
10284 patronize vt.赞助;vt.以高人一等的态度对待 provide aid r1
10285 loquacious adj.话多的 excessive talk r2
10286 strut vi.趾高气扬地走 walk pompous r0
10287 distraught adj.精神狂乱的,极疯狂的 agitated r3
10288 accede v.赞成 approval or conscent r1
10289 expansive adj.话多的,健谈的 readiness to talk r2
10290 lurch vi.蹒跚 swaying r0
10291 wilt v.精神萎靡,憔悴 feel fatigue and exhaustion r3
10292 teeter vi.蹒跚,不稳定地行走;vi.犹豫不决 1. unsteadily; 2. uncertainty r0
10293 delirium n.精神错乱;极度兴奋,发狂 mental disturbance r3
10294 subterfuge n.诡计 deception to conceal r2
10295 salutation n.赞扬 praise r1
10296 commend vt.赞扬 praise r1
10297 ruse n.诡计 subterfuge r2
10298 pithy adj.精练的,简洁的 forceful and brief r3
10299 dodder vi.蹒跚,颤巍巍地行进 progress unsteadily r0
10300 exalt vt.赞扬 praise r1
10301 falter vi.蹒跚;vi.犹豫,踌躇 1. walk unsteadily; 2. unsteady in purpose or action r0
10302 exquisite adj.精致精巧的 appeal to a refined taste r3
10303 machination n.诡计 a crafty action r2
10304 culpable adj.该受谴责的,有罪的 deserving blame r2
10305 hymn n.赞歌,赞美诗 song of praise r1
10306 careen vi.蹒跚而行,不稳地行走 lurch or swerve r0
10307 jitters n.紧张,不安 panic; nervouness r3
10308 elaborate adj.详细的,复杂的;vt.详细阐述 1. complexity; 2. in detail r2
10309 exigent adj.紧急的 immediate r3
10310 extol vt.赞美;吹捧 praise r1
10311 dodge v.躲避 avoid r0
10312 clasp n./v.紧握 the act of holding r3
10313 circumvent v.躲避,不遵从 avoid having to comply with r0
10314 chorale n.赞美诗;n.合唱班,合唱团 1. hymn or psalm in church; 2. group of singers r1
10315 particularize vt.详述 give details r2
10316 encomium n.赞颂之词 praise r1
10317 misrepresent vi.误传,篡改 give misleading representation r2
10318 parry vt.躲避(问题) evade r0
10319 taut adj.紧绷的 not loose r3
10320 elude vt.躲闪,躲避;vt.使无法理解,使困惑 1. avoid adroitly; 2. escape the perception r0
10321 panegyric n.赞颂之词,颂文 eulogistic r1
10322 errant adj.误入歧途的,犯错误的 straying from standards r2
10323 cleave vi.紧贴,坚持;vt.分隔,割裂,劈开 1. adhere; 2. divide r3
10324 misconstrue vi.误解,曲解 mistake r2
10325 smuggling n.走私,私运 importation or exportation contrary to the law r1
10326 recumbent adj.躺着的 lying down r0
10327 cling vi.紧贴;支持 adhere r3
10328 consign vt.转交,转移(给他人) control of another r0
10329 ensue vi.紧随其后 afterward r3
10330 entice vt.诱使 tempt r2
10331 evict vt.赶出,逐出 expel r1
10332 palmy adj.繁荣的 prosperity r3
10333 mesh v.诱捕 catch r2
10334 incipient adj.起初的,初现的 beginning to come into being r1
10335 tortuous adj.转弯抹角的 indirect r0
10336 heckle vt.起哄,使难堪 harass r1
10337 cozen v.诱骗 mislead by fraud r2
10338 distract vt.转移(注意力),使分心 draw direct different r0
10339 taxing adj.繁重的,费力的 requiring much time, effort r3
10340 entrap vt.诱骗 lure r2
10341 onset n.起始,开始 the beginning point r1
10342 tangle v.纠缠,使…纠结 seize as if in snare r3
10343 paraphrase v.转述,意译,改写 in different words r0
10344 sensation n.轰动事件 intense interest r0
10345 snarl v.纠缠,纠结 twist r3
10346 inveigle vt.诱骗 win over by coaxing r2
10347 emollient adj.起缓和作用的 less intense r1
10348 credulous adj.轻信的,易受骗的 gullible r0
10349 indict vt.起诉,控告 accuse r1
10350 nudge vt.说服某人做某事 persuade r2
10351 rubicund adj.红润的,健康的 healthy rosiness r3
10352 ethereal adj.轻巧精致的;adj.非物质的,精神(上)的 1. delicate ; 2. spiritual r0
10353 preternatural adj.超乎寻常的 surpassing the usual r1
10354 dandy n.纨绔子弟,爱打扮的人 appearance r3
10355 scurrilous adj.说粗话的 vulgar r2
10356 mumble v.说话含糊 utter confused r2
10357 inkling n.轻微暗示,小提示 slight indication r0
10358 surpass v.超越,强于 become better r1
10359 martinet n.纪律严明之人 strict r3
10360 singe vt.轻微烧焦 burn superficially r0
10361 transcend vt.超越,超过极限 beyond the limits r1
10362 petition n.请愿,正式的申请;申请书;v.(尤指正式地)请求 1. a solumn request; 2. make a request r2
10363 pristine adj.纯净的,质朴的,未被文明腐蚀的 remaining in a pure state r3
10364 wrangle n.纷争,争端;vi.争吵 1. differing opinions; 2. quarrel r3
10365 strut vi.趾高气扬地走 walk pompous r1
10366 jaunty adj.轻快的,活泼的 sprightly r0
10367 conjure vt.请求,恳求;vt.在脑海中浮现,想起 1. entreat earnestly; 2. form a mental picture r2
10368 aspersion n.诽谤,中伤 harm reputation r2
10369 lurch vi.蹒跚 swaying r1
10370 encompass vt.组成,包含 include r3
10371 downplay vt.轻描淡写,不予重视 minimize significance r0
10372 teeter vi.蹒跚,不稳定地行走;vi.犹豫不决 1. unsteadily; 2. uncertainty r1
10373 compose v.组成,构成;v.使镇定 1. constitute; 2. calm r3
10374 besmirch v.诽谤,玷污 detract from the honor r2
10375 glide v.轻松地行动,轻松地通过 smoothly, continuously, effortlessly r0
10376 spoof n.轻松幽默的模仿,小恶搞 exaggerates for comic effect r0
10377 petty adj.细微的,不重要的 of small importance r3
10378 vilify vt.诽谤,辱骂 utter slanderous statements r2
10379 dodder vi.蹒跚,颤巍巍地行进 progress unsteadily r1
10380 frivolous adj.轻浮的;adj.不重要的 1. unbecoming levity; 2. little importance r0
10381 trifling adj.细微的,不重要的 lacking in significance r3
10382 calumniate v.诽谤,造谣,中伤 utter false statements r2
10383 falter vi.蹒跚;vi.犹豫,踌躇 1. walk unsteadily; 2. unsteady in purpose or action r1
10384 intercessor n.调停者 mediates r2
10385 nuance n.细微的差异 subtle distinction r3
10386 jest n.轻浮的态度,戏谑 frivolous r0
10387 careen vi.蹒跚而行,不稳地行走 lurch or swerve r1
10388 align v.调准,校准 adjust r2
10389 dodge v.躲避 avoid r1
10390 peruse v.细读 examine with great care r3
10391 levity n.轻浮的态度,戏谑 frivolity r0
10392 circumvent v.躲避,不遵从 avoid having to comply with r1
10393 lank adj.细长瘦弱的;adj.不僵硬的,柔软松弛的 1. long and lean; 2. not stiff; limp r3
10394 flippancy n.轻率,无礼 unbecoming levity r0
10395 flirt vi.调情 behave amorously r2
10396 finale n.终场,结局 closing part r3
10397 giddy adj.轻率不严肃的 lacking in seriousness r0
10398 coquette v.调情,不认真对待 flirt r2
10399 parry vt.躲避(问题) evade r1