800 |
copious |
adj.丰富的,大量的 |
abundant |
r0 |
801 |
lopsided |
adj.不平衡的,不协调的 |
lacking in balance |
r2 |
802 |
duplicitous |
adj.两面派的,奸诈的 |
cheating |
r1 |
803 |
rife |
adj.丰富的,普遍的 |
great numbers |
r0 |
804 |
plump |
adj.丰满的;v.鼎力支持,赞不绝口 |
1. well-rounded; 2. give full support |
r0 |
805 |
asymmetrical |
adj.不平衡的,不对称的 |
no balance |
r2 |
806 |
excoriate |
vt.严厉批评 |
criticize harshly |
r1 |
807 |
collude |
v.串通,共谋(做坏事) |
act together secretly |
r0 |
808 |
pan |
vt./n.严厉批评 |
harsh criticism |
r1 |
809 |
restless |
adj.不平静的 |
lack of quiet |
r2 |
810 |
mishap |
n.不幸之事 |
unfortunate |
r2 |
811 |
provisional |
adj.临时的 |
temporary |
r0 |
812 |
belabor |
v.严厉批评;v.喋喋不休 |
1. criticize; 2. explain excessively |
r1 |
813 |
depressed |
adj.不开心的,情绪不高的,消沉的 |
unhappiness |
r2 |
814 |
incumbent |
adj.义不容辞的,必须的 |
imposed as obligation |
r0 |
815 |
lambaste |
vt.严厉斥责 |
scold sharply |
r1 |
816 |
perfidy |
n.不忠,背信弃义 |
disloyal |
r2 |
817 |
lament |
v.为…哀悼,表达痛苦或遗憾 |
express sorrow |
r0 |
818 |
harsh |
adj.严厉的 |
exacting |
r1 |
819 |
impenitent |
adj.不悔悟的 |
not regretful |
r2 |
820 |
dour |
adj.严厉的 |
harsh |
r1 |
821 |
vindicate |
vt.为…平反,为…辩护,使无罪;vt.证明,证实 |
1. free from blame; 2. give evidence |
r0 |
822 |
frigid |
adj.严寒的;adj.冷漠的 |
1. cold; 2. lacking warmth |
r1 |
823 |
domicile |
vt.为…提供住处 |
provide domicile |
r0 |
824 |
umbrage |
n.不悦,生气 |
being affended |
r2 |
825 |
buttress |
vt.为…提供支撑的证据或者信息 |
provide evidence or information for |
r0 |
826 |
ordeal |
n.严峻的考验 |
a severe trial |
r1 |
827 |
reluctant |
adj.不情愿的,反感的 |
showing unwillingness |
r2 |
828 |
grandstand |
vi.为了给人留下印象而表演,哗众取宠 |
impress |
r0 |
829 |
stringent |
adj.严格的 |
marked by rigor |
r1 |
830 |
loath |
adj.不情愿的,讨厌的 |
reluctant |
r2 |
831 |
solicitous |
adj.为他人操心的,体谅他人的 |
happiness of others |
r0 |
832 |
exacting |
adj.严格的,苛求的;adj.费时间花心思的 |
1. rigorous; 2. repuiring effort |
r1 |
833 |
infelicitous |
adj.不愉快的,不幸的;adj.不适当的,不合时宜的 |
1. unfortune; 2. not appropriate |
r2 |
834 |
halfhearted |
adj.不感兴趣的,不热情的 |
lacking heart |
r2 |
835 |
diocesan |
adj.主教管辖区的 |
diocese |
r0 |
836 |
sober |
adj.严肃的;adj.节制的 |
1. seriousness; 2. restraint |
r1 |
837 |
indifferent |
adj.不感兴趣的,冷漠的 |
lack of interst |
r2 |
838 |
cardinal |
adj.主要的,非常重要的 |
paramount |
r0 |
839 |
earnest |
adj.严肃认真的 |
serious, grave |
r1 |
840 |
lassitude |
n.乏力,没精打采 |
diminished energy |
r0 |
841 |
coy |
adj.不愿与人交往的,内向的 |
tending to avoid people |
r2 |
842 |
rebuff |
vt.严词拒绝 |
reject |
r1 |
843 |
unflagging |
adj.不懈的,不知疲倦的 |
not declining in strength |
r2 |
844 |
crux |
n.中心,关键点 |
crirical point |
r1 |
845 |
obliging |
adj.乐于助人的 |
do favors |
r0 |
846 |
askew |
adj./adv.不成直线的(地),歪的(地) |
awry |
r2 |
847 |
abeyance |
n.中止,搁置 |
inactivity |
r1 |
848 |
embrace |
vt.乐于接受 |
willingly, eagerly |
r0 |
849 |
impious |
adj.不敬神的 |
lacking reverence |
r2 |
850 |
intermediary |
n.中间人 |
bring about an agreement |
r1 |
851 |
rosy |
adj.乐观的 |
inspire hope |
r0 |
852 |
sanguine |
adj.乐观的,确信的 |
free from doubt |
r0 |
853 |
annoy |
vt.不断烦扰 |
disturb by repeated acts |
r2 |
854 |
interim |
n.中间过渡时期,间隔;adj.暂时的 |
1. time between event; 2. for the time being |
r1 |
855 |
pedant |
n.书呆子,墨守成规之人 |
one to sticks to formal rules |
r0 |
856 |
profusion |
n.丰富,大量 |
abundance |
r1 |
857 |
harry |
vt.不断烦扰,骚扰 |
distress; harass |
r2 |
858 |
tinker |
v.乱修,乱调整 |
thoughtlessly |
r0 |
859 |
badger |
vt.不断纠缠或骚扰 |
harass persistently |
r2 |
860 |
copious |
adj.丰富的,大量的 |
abundant |
r1 |
861 |
scrawl |
vt.乱涂,潦草地写 |
carelessly |
r0 |
862 |
daft |
adj.不明智的 |
lack of good sense or judgement |
r2 |
863 |
rife |
adj.丰富的,普遍的 |
great numbers |
r1 |
864 |
imprudent |
adj.不明智的 |
lacking good judgement |
r2 |
865 |
plump |
adj.丰满的;v.鼎力支持,赞不绝口 |
1. well-rounded; 2. give full support |
r1 |
866 |
row |
n.争吵,争执 |
expression of differing opinions |
r0 |
867 |
collude |
v.串通,共谋(做坏事) |
act together secretly |
r1 |
868 |
half-baked |
adj.不明智的 |
lack of good sense or judgment |
r2 |
869 |
argument |
n.争吵,争论;n.(逻辑上的)论证 |
1. expression of differing opinions; 2. from a premise to a conclusion |
r0 |
870 |
fracas |
n.争吵,吵闹 |
physical dispute; noisy fight |
r0 |
871 |
immune |
adj.不易被感染的,有免疫力的;adj.不受影响的 |
1. having resistence to infection; 2. not affected by influence |
r2 |
872 |
provisional |
adj.临时的 |
temporary |
r1 |
873 |
incumbent |
adj.义不容辞的,必须的 |
imposed as obligation |
r1 |
874 |
polemic |
n.争执 |
a controversial argument |
r0 |
875 |
anomalous |
adj.不普通的,不平常的 |
out of ordinary |
r2 |
876 |
lament |
v.为…哀悼,表达痛苦或遗憾 |
express sorrow |
r1 |
877 |
expostulate |
vi.争论,辩驳 |
reason for dissuasion |
r0 |
878 |
insubordinate |
adj.不服从权威的 |
not submissive |
r2 |
879 |
blueprint |
v.事先计划 |
work out in advance |
r0 |
880 |
contumacious |
adj.不服从的,倔强的 |
disobedient |
r2 |
881 |
vindicate |
vt.为…平反,为…辩护,使无罪;vt.证明,证实 |
1. free from blame; 2. give evidence |
r1 |
882 |
domicile |
vt.为…提供住处 |
provide domicile |
r1 |
883 |
balky |
adj.不服管束的,倔强的 |
refusing |
r2 |
884 |
concrete |
adj.事实性的,明确的 |
in fact |
r0 |
885 |
buttress |
vt.为…提供支撑的证据或者信息 |
provide evidence or information for |
r1 |
886 |
tactless |
adj.不机智的,笨拙的 |
inconsiderate or indiscreet |
r2 |
887 |
complementary |
adj.互补的 |
supplying each other's |
r0 |
888 |
iridescent |
adj.五颜六色的 |
lustrous colors |
r0 |
889 |
imperishable |
adj.不朽的,永恒的 |
enduring forever |
r2 |
890 |
grandstand |
vi.为了给人留下印象而表演,哗众取宠 |
impress |
r1 |
891 |
shipshape |
adj.井然有序的 |
order |
r0 |
892 |
solicitous |
adj.为他人操心的,体谅他人的 |
happiness of others |
r1 |
893 |
pathological |
adj.不正常的,病态的 |
markedly abnormal |
r2 |
894 |
methodical |
adj.井然有序的,有条理的 |
systematic order |
r0 |
895 |
diocesan |
adj.主教管辖区的 |
diocese |
r1 |
896 |
malcontent |
n.不满分子;adj.不满的 |
1. opposition; 2. dissatisfied |
r2 |
897 |
surrender |
vt.交出,放弃,投降 |
give over to |
r0 |
898 |
cardinal |
adj.主要的,非常重要的 |
paramount |
r1 |
899 |
disaffected |
adj.不满的,叛逆的 |
discontented, rebellious |
r2 |
900 |
backfire |
vi.产生相反的结果,事与愿违 |
reverse |
r0 |
901 |
lassitude |
n.乏力,没精打采 |
diminished energy |
r1 |
902 |
incommensurate |
adj.不相称的 |
too large or too small |
r2 |
903 |
revel |
v.享乐,陶醉 |
take intense pleasure |
r0 |
904 |
disingenuous |
adj.不真诚的,假惺惺的 |
not truly honest |
r2 |
905 |
obliging |
adj.乐于助人的 |
do favors |
r1 |
906 |
embrace |
vt.乐于接受 |
willingly, eagerly |
r1 |
907 |
hedonism |
n.享乐主义 |
doctrine pleasure |
r0 |
908 |
oblivious |
adj.不知道的,不知情的 |
lacking awarness;not informed |
r2 |
909 |
groove |
v.享受,极其满意,过得快活 |
take pleasure in |
r0 |
910 |
rosy |
adj.乐观的 |
inspire hope |
r1 |
911 |
unwitting |
adj.不知道的,未觉察的 |
unaware |
r2 |
912 |
ambiguous |
adj.不确定的 |
doubtful, uncertain |
r2 |
913 |
sanguine |
adj.乐观的,确信的 |
free from doubt |
r1 |
914 |
profane |
v.亵渎 |
treat with abuse |
r0 |
915 |
desecrate |
vt.亵渎,玷污 |
treat shamefully |
r0 |
916 |
pedant |
n.书呆子,墨守成规之人 |
one to sticks to formal rules |
r1 |
917 |
rickety |
adj.不稳的 |
lacking stability |
r2 |
918 |
sacrilege |
n.亵渎圣物 |
profanation |
r0 |
919 |
tinker |
v.乱修,乱调整 |
thoughtlessly |
r1 |
920 |
imprecise |
adj.不精确的 |
not precise |
r2 |
921 |
anthropogenic |
adj.人为的 |
influence of human beings |
r0 |
922 |
scrawl |
vt.乱涂,潦草地写 |
carelessly |
r1 |
923 |
flaccid |
adj.不结实的,松弛的 |
lacking firmness |
r2 |
924 |
callow |
adj.不老练的,不成熟的 |
lacking in adult experience |
r2 |
925 |
row |
n.争吵,争执 |
expression of differing opinions |
r1 |
926 |
demography |
n.人口统计学 |
changes in human populations |
r0 |
927 |
beneficent |
adj.仁慈的,好慈善的;adj.(对个人或社会)有益的 |
1. charitable; 2. contributing to social well-being |
r0 |
928 |
argument |
n.争吵,争论;n.(逻辑上的)论证 |
1. expression of differing opinions; 2. from a premise to a conclusion |
r1 |
929 |
reckless |
adj.不考虑后果的,大胆鲁莽的 |
careless |
r2 |
930 |
irradicable |
adj.不能根除的 |
impossible destroy |
r2 |
931 |
xenophobe |
n.仇视(或畏惧)外国人(或外国事物)者 |
fearful of what is foreign |
r0 |
932 |
fracas |
n.争吵,吵闹 |
physical dispute; noisy fight |
r1 |
933 |
polemic |
n.争执 |
a controversial argument |
r1 |
934 |
compulsive |
adj.不能自拔的 |
caused by an irrisistible urge |
r2 |
935 |
precipitation |
n.仓促;n.沉积物,尤指降水 |
1. disorderly speed; 2. a deposit |
r0 |
936 |
mannered |
adj.不自然的,做作的 |
artificial |
r2 |
937 |
expostulate |
vi.争论,辩驳 |
reason for dissuasion |
r1 |
938 |
dissect |
vt.仔细分析 |
examine, analyze minute |
r0 |
939 |
blueprint |
v.事先计划 |
work out in advance |
r1 |
940 |
contrived |
adj.不自然的,刻意的 |
lacking spontaneous quality |
r2 |
941 |
scrutinize |
vt.仔细检查 |
observe,great care |
r0 |
942 |
malaise |
n.不舒服 |
bodily discomfort |
r2 |
943 |
concrete |
adj.事实性的,明确的 |
in fact |
r1 |
944 |
canvass |
v.仔细检查,详尽讨论;v.游说,去(一个地区)的各处或找到(个人)来拉选票或订单 |
1. examine carefully; 2. solicit votes or orders |
r0 |
945 |
pore |
v.仔细浏览,仔细研究 |
read or study attentively |
r0 |
946 |
complementary |
adj.互补的 |
supplying each other's |
r1 |
947 |
arrhythmic |
adj.不规律的 |
lacking regularity |
r2 |
948 |
iridescent |
adj.五颜六色的 |
lustrous colors |
r1 |
949 |
implicit |
adj.不言而喻的,心照不宣的 |
capable of being understood through unexpressed |
r2 |
950 |
minute |
adj.仔细的,谨小慎微的;adj.小的,不重要的 |
1. carefully scrutiny; 2. of small important |
r0 |
951 |
delegate |
n.代理人,代表;vt.移交(权力、任务等) |
1. representative for another; 2. possession or safekeeping of another |
r0 |
952 |
shipshape |
adj.井然有序的 |
order |
r1 |
953 |
axiomatic |
adj.不言自明的 |
self-evident |
r2 |
954 |
mute |
adj.不说话的,缄默的 |
refraining from speech |
r2 |
955 |
vicarious |
adj.代理的,取代的 |
substitute for another |
r0 |
956 |
methodical |
adj.井然有序的,有条理的 |
systematic order |
r1 |
957 |
surrender |
vt.交出,放弃,投降 |
give over to |
r1 |
958 |
epitomize |
vt.代表,体现,是…的典型范例 |
represent |
r0 |
959 |
scant |
adj.不足的,缺乏的 |
scarcely |
r2 |
960 |
cogent |
adj.令人信服的;adj.相关的 |
1. convincing; 2. pertinent |
r0 |
961 |
deign |
vi.(不情愿地)屈尊,俯就 |
condescend reluctantly |
r3 |
962 |
disjointed |
adj.不连贯的 |
not connected |
r2 |
963 |
backfire |
vi.产生相反的结果,事与愿违 |
reverse |
r1 |
964 |
overlap |
v.(与…)部分重叠 |
same area |
r3 |
965 |
nominal |
adj.不重要的 |
unimportant |
r2 |
966 |
revel |
v.享乐,陶醉 |
take intense pleasure |
r1 |
967 |
repugnant |
adj.令人厌恶的 |
arousing aversion |
r0 |
968 |
bore |
n.令人厌烦的人或事物;vt.使厌倦,使厌烦 |
1. causes boredom; 2. make weary |
r0 |
969 |
inconsequential |
adj.不重要的 |
no significance |
r2 |
970 |
upbraid |
vt.(严厉地)谴责,责骂 |
reproach severely |
r3 |
971 |
hedonism |
n.享乐主义 |
doctrine pleasure |
r1 |
972 |
grisly |
adj.令人反感的,令人恐惧的 |
repugnance |
r0 |
973 |
marginal |
adj.不重要的 |
not of central importance |
r2 |
974 |
asperity |
n.(举止、性情)粗暴;n.(环境)艰苦 |
1. roughness; 2. rigor, severity |
r3 |
975 |
groove |
v.享受,极其满意,过得快活 |
take pleasure in |
r1 |
976 |
ribald |
adj.(举止、言语)下流粗俗的 |
vulgar |
r3 |
977 |
profane |
v.亵渎 |
treat with abuse |
r1 |
978 |
astounding |
adj.令人吃惊的,出乎意料的 |
amazement |
r0 |
979 |
slight |
adj.不重要的;vt.轻蔑,看不起;vt.忽略,疏忽 |
1. deficient in weight; 2. treat with disdain; 3.fail to give proper attention |
r2 |
980 |
heartrending |
adj.令人心碎的 |
sorrow, distress |
r0 |
981 |
gawky |
adj.(举止)笨拙的 |
inability to move in a graceful manner |
r3 |
982 |
nonentity |
n.不重要的人 |
little consequence |
r2 |
983 |
desecrate |
vt.亵渎,玷污 |
treat shamefully |
r1 |
984 |
sacrilege |
n.亵渎圣物 |
profanation |
r1 |
985 |
chord |
v.与…和谐一致;符合 |
agree |
r2 |
986 |
inert |
adj.(人)懒惰缺乏活力的;(物品)惰性的 |
sluggish; deficient |
r3 |
987 |
marvel |
n.令人惊奇的食物;v.(因为壮观、美丽等而)表示惊讶 |
1. surprise,admiration,or wonder; 2. feel amazement |
r0 |
988 |
antagonize |
vt.与…敌对,反对;vt.激怒 |
1. opposition; 2. incur hostility |
r2 |
989 |
disinter |
vt.(从墓地里)掘出 |
take out |
r3 |
990 |
anthropogenic |
adj.人为的 |
influence of human beings |
r1 |
991 |
savory |
adj.令人愉悦的 |
pleasure or contentment |
r0 |
992 |
vile |
adj.丑陋的;adj.(道德上)可鄙的,卑鄙的 |
1. unpleasant to look at; 2. morally despicable |
r2 |
993 |
demography |
n.人口统计学 |
changes in human populations |
r1 |
994 |
salvage |
vt.(从灾难中)抢救 |
save from loss |
r3 |
995 |
agreeable |
adj.令人愉悦的;adj.相一致的 |
1. pleasing to the mind or senses; 2. in harmony |
r0 |
996 |
poignant |
adj.令人感伤的 |
causing a strong feeling of sadness |
r0 |
997 |
dictate |
vt.(仗着地位、权力)下令 |
request |
r3 |
998 |
terminology |
n.专业术语 |
special terms or expressions |
r2 |
999 |
beneficent |
adj.仁慈的,好慈善的;adj.(对个人或社会)有益的 |
1. charitable; 2. contributing to social well-being |
r1 |